Was Obama a member of the socialist "New Party? You decide.

The Paperboy

Times Square
Aug 26, 2008
The 'New Party' was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America.

Web pages that had been scrubbed from the New Party's website were archived by the non-profit Internet Archive Organization.

The deleted web page that identifies Obama as a member and the status of his race for the Illinois Senate is here

There is also a recognition by the "Progressive Populist" magazine in November 1996 that Obama was indeed an acknowledged member of the Socialist Party. Link here

Is this a scam? Is it true? I don't know. Anyone with firsthand knowledge of this should step forward.
The 'New Party' was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America.

Web pages that had been scrubbed from the New Party's website were archived by the non-profit Internet Archive Organization.

The deleted web page that identifies Obama as a member and the status of his race for the Illinois Senate is here

There is also a recognition by the "Progressive Populist" magazine in November 1996 that Obama was indeed an acknowledged member of the Socialist Party. Link here

Is this a scam? Is it true? I don't know. Anyone with firsthand knowledge of this should step forward.

A better question is: Does it matter?

Who is more 'socialist', the candidate who studied socialism or the president who touts free enterprise while rushing bills through congress, nationalizing a few banks and one big-ass insurance company?

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“ 1. From the nineteenth century onwards, Capitalism has developed immense productive forces. It has done so at the cost of excluding the great majority of citizens from influence over production. It put the rights of ownership before the rights of Man. It created a new class of wage-earners without property or social rights. It sharpened the struggle between the classes.
Although the world contains resources, which could be made to provide a decent life for everyone, Capitalism has been incapable of satisfying the elementary needs of the world’s population. It proved unable to function without devastating crises and mass unemployment. It produced social insecurity and glaring contrasts between rich and poor. It resorted to imperialist expansion and colonial exploitation, thus making conflicts, between nations and races, more bitter. In some countries, powerful capitalist groups helped the barbarism of the past to raise its head again in the form of Fascism and Nazism.
— The Frankfurt Declaration 1951[35
Does McCain rape small children? You decide.

Its like push polling, but for the internet.
Yeah.. like this is believable .. not like Palin being a seccessionist member and Ron old Reagan attending Comunist Party meetings in Hollywood in between B movie shoots...
The 'New Party' was a political party established by the Democratic Socialists of America.

Web pages that had been scrubbed from the New Party's website were archived by the non-profit Internet Archive Organization.

The deleted web page that identifies Obama as a member and the status of his race for the Illinois Senate is here

There is also a recognition by the "Progressive Populist" magazine in November 1996 that Obama was indeed an acknowledged member of the Socialist Party. Link here

Is this a scam? Is it true? I don't know. Anyone with firsthand knowledge of this should step forward.

Having the support of Soros is evidence enough.
From Newsbusters:

Will MSM Report on Obama Membership in Socialist New Party?

The mainstream media thought that the membership of Todd Palin, who is not a candidate for any office, in the Alaska Independence Party important enough to report in such outlets as the Los Angeles Times, MSNBC, and the New York Times, among others. So now that Barack Obama's membership in the far left New Party has been unearthed, will they report his membership in that Socialist organization?

Proof of Obama's membership in the New Party was discovered by the Politically Drunk On Power blog:

Link here
I think the American people already know Obama and McCain support socialism considering they both touted the necessity of and voted for the bailout bill.
Socialism is for the rich, capitalism is for the working people.
This is one more piece of the puzzle.

Rev. Wright wasn't enough for you? Phleger? How about al-Mansour who said white people deserve and want to have their ears and noses cut off, and that Muslims shouldn't worry, "because God wants you to do it," and helped get Obama into Harvard Law. How about the work and connections he had with ACORN? Not enough?

Obama actively sought and received the stamp of approval of a Marxist third party that operated briefly in Chicago between 1992 and 1998. The group was called the "New Party."

"J. Brown of Politically Drunk on Power has dug up multiple documentary sources (with hyperlinks) proving that Barack Obama was a member of the New Party, despite alleged attempts to cover up his tracks by scrubbing evidence. He or she deserves tremendous praise for doing this detective work." _The American Thinker, October 9, 2008

Isn't this is enough to convince you that this is not the man for the job?
During his first campaign for the Illinois state senate in 1995-96, Barack Obama was a member of, and was endorsed by, the far-left New Party. Obama’s New Party ties give the lie to his claim to be a post-partisan, post-ideological pragmatist. Particularly in Chicago, the New Party functioned as the electoral arm of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).

Full story here
Who gives a fuck? And change your picture at the bottom of your posts, it takes up too much room....then again, you're a "it's all about me" conservative. No consideration for others.
Who gives a fuck? And change your picture at the bottom of your posts, it takes up too much room....then again, you're a "it's all about me" conservative. No consideration for others.

I'm thinking that maybe you're a Red Sox fan. :D
I'm thinking that maybe you're a Red Sox fan. :D

I think maybe your a moron ho is in love with his own thinking(which is why you spend all day starting thread after thread about Obama or how Grandpa is catching him) I'm gonna go off on a limb here and say you'd win "most annoying poster" on this board in a landslide

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