Was the Batman Shooter Muslim?


Jul 20, 2012
"Was the Batman Shooter Muslim?"

[ UPDATE July 22 - Reports are beginning to implicate James Holmes' real name is Mohammad Alam and that his father is Turkish, though Colorado TV Channel 9 initially reported his country of origin as Iran. Channel 9 removed the page detailing these items. The Obama administration fosters suppression of rightful links between Islam and violence. When Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim Psychiatrist Ph.D. allowed into the US Army and given a rank of Major, gunned down 43 unarmed young people on the Ft. Hood base in 2009, for 3 days the media would not admit he screamed Alahu Akbar or that he was a Muslim. If Mohammad Alam aka James Holmes, is a Muslim and the tweets indicating he shouted Alahu Akbar are confirmed, don't count on Main Stream Media to report it.

If James Holmes was the joker, whose hair is green, why did he dye his hair red?
Did you know Mohammad DYED HIS HAIR RED?

1.) I saw his red hair and inquired. The prophet responded: It turned red from aromatic dye. Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 4.747
2.) In the container of the Prophet's hair I saw they were red. Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 7.784
3.) I went to Um Salama and she brought out some of the dyed hair of the Prophet and as Um Salama had shown, it was red. Sahih Al-Bukhari HadithHadith 7.785

Taqiya is the deception of infidels about Jihad, wherein Muslims conceal Jihadist plans to outsiders but wink to each other in clandestine ways, such as red hair, or having a Muslim name such as Barack Hussein Obama. ]

Here is my original post:

"Was the Batman Shooter Muslim?"

That's what I asked my roommate when I heard the story of the man murdering an innocent crowd of people. My roommate replied: "I see you've done your research about Islam."

Indeed. For 7 years I have studied Islam, long before the United States had its first Muslim President: http://ImamObama.com

Would you like to know Islam's Most Dangerous Secret?

Let's say the Batman shooter was a Muslim and asked himself, "Are Murder and indiscriminate Terror Right for Me?"

Here is THE DANGEROUS PART: In Islam, the Muslim must now ask the most deadly and corrupting question the earth has ever known: "WHAT WOULD MOHAMMAD DO?"

The reason "What Would Mohammad Do?" is the most dangerous question on earth is twofold:

1.) Muslims fervently believe Mohammad is the highest standard for human behavior and are obliged to imitate him.

2.) Mohammad was one of the most violent, vicious, rapacious, vengeful, warring, vindictive and brutal men in history, responsible for more deaths than Mao, Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot combined.

In fact, many historians maintain Islam is responsible for the deaths of 270 Million Hindus, Christians, Jews and Infidels

But why are Muslims so proud to yell Alahu Akbar when they kill, as if it's their god's Will? To answer that, let's Quickly Survey What Mohammad Did:


And What Mohammad Commanded:


If you read the quotes from the Q'uran above, you know that Mohammad said that killing Jews, Christians and Infidels in the name of Allah, guarantees entrance into Muslim heaven, where rivers of liquor and 72 Virgins await each Muslim Jihadi or Mujahideen. Becoming a Mujahideen makes you a superhero in Islam. And Mujahideens must kill infidels.

Muslims believe this because when you are force fed something (such as Mohammad's example) from cradle to grave, you are going to believe it. Islamic children don't stand a chance against this savage barbaric inculcation during their impressionable years where reading the Q'uran (or Koran) is how they fill their days and nights.

Mohammad commands the Imams and Mullahs (Teachers of Islam) to KILL ANYONE who questions Islam, Mohammad, Sharia or even skips Friday prayer meetings. The penalty for BLASPHEMY (disagreeing with Mohommad) is the same as the penalty for anyone wishing to leave Islam (called Apostasy). That penalty is DEATH. Mohammad burned whole families alive for missing mandatory mosque meetings and even crucified camel thieves, after burning out their eyes first.


Does the relationship of Islam to War, Rape, Forced Child Brides, Forced religion, Killing Dissidents and global violence begin to make sense now?

Be Sure of this: http://IslamMeansWAR.com Because http://IslamisWAR.com

33 of the world's current 34 wars involve Islam. And for just this week, June 13 to July 7, 2012, Muslims have carried out 888 Jihad attacks killing 268 innocent infidels and critically wounding 575.

Since 9/11 of 2001, there have been 19,258 DEADLY Jihad attacks.

With this kind of consistent global bloodshed resulting from following the example of Mohammad in the Q'uran ( Qu'ran / Koran), the best term would not be Islamophobia but IslamoREALISM.

Islam will continue to be the most enduring source of War and violence all over the world wherever Islam gains a sufficient base to agitate and terrorize on threat of complete riot, unless we:

http://BantheQuran.com and while we're at it http://BanIslamNow.com

Because, in the United States, by Constitutional and other Laws:
http://IslamisUnlawful.com and http://IslamisIllegal.com

And if you feel like saying Jesus is the same as Mohammad, then I would ask you to stop:

http://BlamingJesus.com and consider http://WhatChristDid.com

After all, who can argue with cold hard numbers and science?

No country has ever come to Islam except at the point of a sword. For 13 years (beginning in 610 A.D.) Mohammad asked the people of Mecca nicely: Give up your Judaism, Christianity and join my new religion. He was very pushy and people hated him for it. So they kicked him out of Mecca. After a decade of preaching, Mohammad gained only 72 followers, mostly relatives and other illiterates. (Muslims believe the Koran is a miracle precisely because Mohammad claimed to be illiterate.)

Enraged at the Christians and Jews' refusal to kneel to his new religion (600 years after Jesus and 2000 years after Judaism), Mohammad gathered an army in Medina, came back to Mecca, and put to death anyone who disagreed with him, especially the artists and poets, including a young girl who wrote a poem mocking him.

Armed with his new preaching method (THE SWORD), Muslims grabbed their conversion sticks and swept through the middle east, Turkey, Africa, India and Pakistan killing
80 million Hindus
120 million Africans
60 million Christians
10 Million Buddhists

In this fashion, Islam has come to rule 55 countries. In mosques, Muslims are taught to use political jihad, media jihad, legal jihad, financial jihad, threat of riot, terrorism and polygamy breeding to take over Sweden, France, England and ultimately America.

Are you tired of being told that Islam is a "Religion of Peace," when every day you can watch dozens of videos and read myriad sad stories of:
Muslim men killing their sisters, wives and daughters for family "honor";
Muslims rioting over some slight offense;
Muslims murdering Christian and Jews because they aren't "believers";
Muslims burning schools for girls;
Muslims stoning teenage rape victims to death for "adultery" or dating a Westerner;
Muslims mutilating the genitals of little girls;
all in the name of Allah, because the Qur'an and Shari'a law tells them so?

Is Islam about Peace? The popular liberal lefty message is that Islam is one of the world's great and peaceful religions, a kindly pillar of civilization. The alternative message is that Islam is a brutal, backward, woman abusing, violent, intellectually narrow ideology out to annihilate civilization.

If you believe the former - you are complicit in an ocean of bloodshed! But if you've opened your eyes and know when someone flies a plane into an office building or guns down an innocent crowd, the best question to ask is, "Was he a Muslim?" Then you are ready to JOIN THE CRUSADE AGAINST the greatest force of barbarism on earth today.

Jihad Works Both Ways

How you can help?

Step 1.) Learn about Islam here:
Son of Hamas - Former Muslim (Excellent!!)
(Three things you probably didn't know about Islam)
http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/ Subscribe by email and get daily headlines of Islamic horrors

Step 2.) POST EVERYWHERE people traffic in numbers. Here is a page of carefully crafted Posts that Fit in a Youtube Box:

Step 3.) And always put something Enlightening in your Signature, whether in work emails, or posts. Like this:

Please End the Animal Holocaust raging all over the World.
http://TheZoo.com ††† http://TheAngel.com ††† http://ManonTrial.com




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††† ISLAM is a VIRAL MEME "Authorizing" Muslims to KILL Infidels †††

The Q'uran authorizes every Muslim to become an executioner of any infidel whenever he pleases: this is called Jihad and in Islam, killing infidels is the only way to guarantee immediate entry into a lusty paradise of constant sex with 72 virgins.

Mohammad's life and commands ARE A MEME that CONTINUALLY incite murder, violence, insurrection, sedition, treason, civil unrest and war all over the world.

††† Mohammad's Sunnah, meaning his biography and sayings in the Hadith, command all Muslims to support & employ treason, treachery, violence, sedition, deception & sabotage to subvert and replace all governments with Islamic Theocracy


BANISLAMNOW.COM ††† IslamisUnlawful.com
~Religious Prejudice is Wrong~
Unless one religion is full of grace & truth, the other barbarism & murder:

1.) Judao-Christianity is the largest provider of Health Care, Charity, Education & Science in the World - John 8 frees women
2.) Islam RUINS COUNTRIES & incites war, institutionalized religious murder & terrorism in imitation of its illiterate founder Mohammad who stoned women.

All murder & violence stands in great contradiction to Jesus' teaching & example but great similitude to Mohammad's ghastly bloody legacy.

And let's never forget God's promise richly kept: All nations will be blessed through the Jews. When Israel is surrounded by enemies, I'M RIGHT THERE FIGHTING AT YOUR SIDE ISRAEL!!!!! YHVH will NEVER FORGET THE APPLE OF HIS EYE!!!!


There is Only One Known Anodyne to Every Evil: Jesus Christ ~ Islam Means War
It is true that islam is an enemy of peace. It is not true that the ideology has anything to do with the Aurora shootings.

It is more likely the fault of equality where the insane are not to be judged as insane, it might damage their self-esteem.
~Religious Prejudice is Wrong~
Unless one religion is full of grace & truth, the other barbarism & murder:

1.) Judao-Christianity is the largest provider of Health Care, Charity, Education & Science in the World - John 8 frees women
2.) Islam RUINS COUNTRIES & incites war, institutionalized religious murder & terrorism in imitation of its illiterate founder Mohammad who stoned women.

All murder & violence stands in great contradiction to Jesus' teaching & example but great similitude to Mohammad's ghastly bloody legacy.

And let's never forget God's promise richly kept: All nations will be blessed through the Jews. When Israel is surrounded by enemies, I'M RIGHT THERE FIGHTING AT YOUR SIDE ISRAEL!!!!! YHVH will NEVER FORGET THE APPLE OF HIS EYE!!!!

(Snipped for bullshit)

You're really not very smart are you?

Now, fuck off and join Stormfront.
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
I think you guys are missing one very serious point....When you start banning religions because you don't agree with them, is when you start losing your right to take part in any religion you choose..

I'm not a Muslim, i'm a Southern Baptist, but I will not vote nor will I support any measure to ban any religion. The moment we do that, we become our own enemies
  • Thanks
Reactions: Jos
I think you guys are missing one very serious point....When you start banning religions because you don't agree with them, is when you start losing your right to take part in any religion you choose..

I'm not a Muslim, i'm a Southern Baptist, but I will not vote nor will I support any measure to ban any religion. The moment we do that, we become our own enemies

Other than a rather delusional OP, who exactly are these 'you guys' that you refer to? Do you struggle with basic comprehension?

"Beat your wife" - Q'uran Surah 4
"Crush the Heads of Infidels and Split there skulls" -Ishaq:578
"Kill every Jew in the country." - Bukhari:V1B1N6
"Assassinate those 4 women" -Tabari VIII:181
"Dig a trench to catch the blood and cut off their heads" Tabari VIII:40
"Kill polytheists wherever you find them" -Qur'an 2:191
"We threw Ashraf's head at Mohammad's feet and he smiled" -Ishaq:368/Tabari VIII:97


http://TheReligioinofPeace.com http://ProphetofDoom.com Truth Will Catch Up with Everyone
Hugh, I see you just want to post your hate and not discuss what you believe.

Interesting tactic.
I think you guys are missing one very serious point....When you start banning religions because you don't agree with them, is when you start losing your right to take part in any religion you choose.. Reeligions are NOT ABOVE THE LAW

I'm not a Muslim, i'm a Southern Baptist, but I will not vote nor will I support any measure to ban any religion. The moment we do that, we become our own enemies

Other than a rather delusional OP, who exactly are these 'you guys' that you refer to? Do you struggle with basic comprehension?

You are pretending, for reasons unknown to me, that it's impossible for a group of men to get together and plot violence under a subterfuge of religion. The KKK did it and the Mafia, Mob and many crime organizations seek political power under the aegis of some benevolent cloak. Religion will certainly do.

Most people fall for your silly ploy, because they think - Oh...all religions are good and teach people to behave as Jesus did. If that were true, then your extremely ignorant mixing all religions into one homogenous batch of ignorance would make sense.


Here is a list of things Mohammad did to A SINGLE GROUP OF MEN:
1.) Burned their eyes with a hot iron.
2.) Plucked out their eyes with a spike
3.) Amputated their right hand & left foot
4.) Held the NAKED MEN on scalding black desert rocks

Prophet of Doom - Islamic Quotes - Fighting
What Would Muhammad Do?


Prophet of Doom - Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words ~~ Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time
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More likely INSANE than Muslin.

Why bring that up? There is no evidence at this time to suggest that, it is just as crazy to bring it up and his actions were. Let's wait the the facts are know and quit suggesting stupid ideas just to start a controversy.
Hugh, I see you just want to post your hate and not discuss what you believe.

Interesting tactic.

Isn't the Nature of Justice to Condemn that which KILLS? Islam, demonstrably, globally, habitually and EVERY DAY - kills. How many more girls must have their noses and clitorises cut off, or acid thrown in their faces, or heads chopped off, or be lashed to death - 10,000 each year in Pakistan alone, and be beaten, because the Qu'ran says to BEAT YOUR WIVES.

Just watch this woman being stoned at:

Are You Fighting for the Truth or Coasting in Life?

HOW MUCH MORE BEFORE YOU CAN STAND UP LIKE A MAN and take the unpopular but true view that ISLAM IS NOT A KIND PEACEFUL RELIGION BUT A TOTALITARIAN intolerant theocracy bent on subjugating the world?

If you have a substantive point - we are all glad to hear it. What is it...friend?

Please End the Animal Holocaust raging all over the World.
Please Find out How You Can Help End the Animal Holocaust ††† There is Only One Known Anodyne to Every Evil: Jesus Christ ††† Mankind On Trial - For Ubiquitous Cruelty and Destruction of Man, Animal and Earth
~Religious Prejudice is Wrong~
Unless one religion is full of grace & truth, the other barbarism & murder:

1.) Judao-Christianity is the largest provider of Health Care, Charity, Education & Science in the World - John 8 frees women
2.) Islam RUINS COUNTRIES & incites war, institutionalized religious murder & terrorism in imitation of its illiterate founder Mohammad who stoned women.

All murder & violence stands in great contradiction to Jesus' teaching & example but great similitude to Mohammad's ghastly bloody legacy.

And let's never forget God's promise richly kept: All nations will be blessed through the Jews. When Israel is surrounded by enemies, I'M RIGHT THERE FIGHTING AT YOUR SIDE ISRAEL!!!!! YHVH will NEVER FORGET THE APPLE OF HIS EYE!!!!

(Snipped for bullshit)

You're really not very smart are you?

Now, fuck off and join Stormfront.

and name calling. Not one substantive rebuttal. And let me guess - you voted against Proposition 8, are an activist for the pro death abortion movement, and smoke reefer for medicinal purposes, eh? When will liberals learn that personal umbrage and cursing are not acceptable rebuttals to - well - anything at all, much less a sound case that Islam ruins person, country and culture. And Christ Enlightens person, country and culture.

Please End the Animal Holocaust raging all over the World.
Please Find out How You Can Help End the Animal Holocaust ††† There is Only One Known Anodyne to Every Evil: Jesus Christ ††† Mankind On Trial - For Ubiquitous Cruelty and Destruction of Man, Animal and Earth
Christianity is the religion with the biggest body count.

Bar none.

When it comes to killing people..Christians are the best at it.
Christianity is the religion with the biggest body count.

Bar none.

When it comes to killing people..Christians are the best at it.

there's not a single act of violence. Bill Maher says it well: "Jesus lays on that non-violent hippy stuff pretty thick. Becoming a Christian and perpetrating violence is like Joining GreenPeace & Hating whales."

For millennia, Jesus' critics have been humiliated with one question: Provide the names of ANYONE Jesus killed.You can quietly leave the room now or get impertinent. Either way, no sin is found in Christ :)

Jesus Brought the Enlightenment and Ended Barbarity

But let's say someone wanted to make use of the enfranchised power of Jesus and call themself a Christian, but kept on murdering, oh, say, THE JEWS. You know, God's chosen people. Would that mean Jesus was to blame?

Let's have my personal friend, Bill Maher, answer this one for us. He begins by saying, "New rule: if you’re a Christian who supports killing your enemies and torture, you have to come up with a new name for yourself."

Bill Maher Helps Jesus by Proving Hitler & Murderers Not Christian, 2011


Let me explain. Capping thine enemy is not exactly what Jesus would do. It’s what Suge Knight would do.

Martin Luther King gets to call himself a Christian because he actually practiced loving his enemies.

But if you rejoice in revenge, torture and war – hey, that’s why they call it the weekend – you cannot say you’re a follower of the guy who explicitly said, “love your enemies” and “do good to those who hate you.” The next line isn’t “and if that doesn’t work, send a titanium fanged dog to rip his nuts off.”

Jesus lays on that hippie stuff pretty thick. He has lines like, “do not repay evil with evil,” and “do not take revenge on someone who wrongs you.” Really. It’s in that book you hold up when you scream at gay people.

And not to put too fine a point on it, but nonviolence was kind of Jesus’ trademark. Kind of his big thing. To not follow that part of it is like joining Greenpeace and hating whales. There’s interpreting, and then there’s just ignoring.

You’re supposed to look at that figure of Christ on the cross and think, “how could a man suffer like that and forgive?”

If you go to a baptism and hold the baby under until he starts talking, you’re missing the message.

To which I say, “hallelujah,” because my favorite new government program is surprising violent religious muslim zealots in the middle of the night and shooting them in the face. Sorry Head Start, you’re number 2 now.

But I can say that because I’m a non-Christian. Just like most Christians.

Christians, I know, I’m sorry, I know you hate this and you want to square this circle, but you can’t.

I’m not even judging you, I’m just saying logically if you ignore every single thing Jesus commanded you to do, you’re not a Christian – you’re just auditing.

You’re not Christ’s followers, you’re just fans.

And if you believe the Earth was given to you to kick ass on while gloating, you’re not really a Christian – you’re a Texan.

††† Whoever fails to credit Jesus sins. Whoever maintains Jesus begets evil is eternally condemned.†††
Jesus Brought the Enlightenment and Ended Barbarity

Please End the Animal Holocaust raging all over the World.
Please Find out How You Can Help End the Animal Holocaust ††† There is Only One Known Anodyne to Every Evil: Jesus Christ ††† Mankind On Trial - For Ubiquitous Cruelty and Destruction of Man, Animal and Earth
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"Beat your wife" - Q'uran Surah 4
"Crush the Heads of Infidels and Split there skulls" -Ishaq:578
"Kill every Jew in the country." - Bukhari:V1B1N6
"Assassinate those 4 women" -Tabari VIII:181
"Dig a trench to catch the blood and cut off their heads" Tabari VIII:40
"Kill polytheists wherever you find them" -Qur'an 2:191
"We threw Ashraf's head at Mohammad's feet and he smiled" -Ishaq:368/Tabari VIII:97


http://TheReligioinofPeace.com http://ProphetofDoom.com Truth Will Catch Up with Everyone
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=91BGxd7ygac]Talmud Truth - Child Abuse & Incest - YouTube[/ame]

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