Was the Fed created by democrats or Republicans?

Was the Fed created by democrats or Republicans?

  • democrats

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's the Fed?

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
I just told you how it works, Toddster.

It's a revolving circle of IOUs.

And you know that. Quit playing dumb.

When the Fed opens up its ''checkbook'' it's writing a check which is drawn on an account that has nothing in it. Here the Fed is committing Fraud.

To repeat. Empty suit politicians say ''hey, vote for me because I'll make sure that the government provides you with more free stuff than my opponent say's he will.''

The politicians then vote for the country to spend more than its income.

This is called ''deficit spending.''

The Treasury then issues IOU bonds. Which are the nation's debt.

The banks then buys those IOU bonds with ''currency''...which is not money. It's a claim check on an IOU. Again, ''money'' has to be a store of value and a defined unit of account, unlike your Federal Reserve Note which, again, is just a claim check on an IOU.

The Federal Reserve then writes IOU checks and hands them to the banks in exchange for the Treasury's IOU Bonds. These ''checks' are drawn on an account that has nothing in it.

Thus more ''currency'' is created.

Again, what is hapening here is that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury are just swapping IOUs using the banks as middle men and ''currency'' (more, IOUs) magically comes into existence out of thin air.

This process repeats over and over and over and over and over again, enriching the banks and indebting the public by raising the national debt.

The end result is that there is a build-up of bond at the Federal Reserve and 'currency' at the Treasury.

This process is where all paper ''currency'' comes from.

The Federal Reserve and the government incorrectly call it ''base money'' because they (like you, Toddster) don't know the difference between ''money'' and ''currency.''

It's correctly called ''base currency'' because it is not ''money.'' It is ''currency.''

As usual, you're clearly not interested in functional discussion. At least when it comes to this particular topic of debate anyway. And I get it. I understand your reasoning. Your livelihood depends on the people being ignorant to the function. Open market operations is what you do, right?

I just told you how it works, Toddster.

It's a revolving circle of IOUs.

That's awful!!

But what does the Fed do with the currency they get?

They don't need it to buy bonds, they have a magic checking account.

Let's us some real numbers.

The Fed buys $100,000,000 in one year T-Bills and in one year, the US Treasury
pays off the $100,000,000 of debt and gives the Fed $104,000,000.

What does the Fed do with the $104,000,000?
The Fed buys $100,000,000 in one year T-Bills

Buys them with what, Toddster?

Until you resolve that in an intellectually honest manner, the rest of your so-called ''real numbers'' are only an extention of the fraud.

So.. buys $100,000,000 in one year T-Bills with what?
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I just told you how it works, Toddster.

It's a revolving circle of IOUs.

That's awful!!

But what does the Fed do with the currency they get?

They don't need it to buy bonds, they have a magic checking account.

Let's us some real numbers.

The Fed buys $100,000,000 in one year T-Bills and in one year, the US Treasury
pays off the $100,000,000 of debt and gives the Fed $104,000,000.

What does the Fed do with the $104,000,000?
Weird post. Looks like Todd is addressing himself.
Weird post. Looks like Todd is addressing himself.

When it comes to this one topic, Toddster has a historical tendency to completely ignore the direct relevance of any opposing dialogue. He tries to reframe the discussion in a way that he feels that he can control the terms of controversy so as to avoid having to accept, or eve nacknowledge, the validity of the facts.

Toddster is a trustee in central economic planning.

He usually gets away with spinning the topic away from relevance when out in the wild just because people don't wanna be spun around in senseless circles. And to be honest, a lot of people (the majority of the American electorate, in fact) don't really understand how the Fed and open market operations and all of that actually works. Which is in his favor.

I, for one, don't hate him, though. I actually agree with him a great deal in other areas of discussion.

Agreed on the 17th, by the way. That's something else, though...to an extent. It is actually germane to the topic.
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The fake checking account you like to whine about.


Thank You!

So. As I said, it's a shell game. They're just trading IOUs back and forth wit hthe intent to spring more ''currency'' into existence. It's a revolving circle of claim checks on IOUs created out of thin air. That's all they're doing.

31 trillion now...and climbing...
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Thank You!

So. As I said, it's a shell game. They're just trading IOUs back and forth wit hthe intent to spring more ''currency'' into existence. It's a revolving circle of claim checks on IOUs created out of thin air. That's all they're doing.

31 trillion now...and climbing...

Yup. Shell game.

What does the Fed do with the $104,000,000?
There are no such things as ''real numbers'' in this shell game. There's no store of value, there's no defined unit of account and the inflation of the currency supply only diminished any purchasing power.

But it certainly isn't irony that a century of central banking coincides with a century of warfare. Inflationism makes war so much easier to wage and is the primary means of financing it.
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Thank You!

So. As I said. They're just trading IOUs back and forth to spring more ''currency'' into existence. It's a revolving circle of claim checks on IOUs created out of thin air. That's all they're doing.

31 trillion now...and climbing...
And even the $31 Trillion is an understatement because of what it fails to include. Our actual national debt is probably six to seven times more than that $31 trillion cited dues to unfunded mandates.

See: $222 Trillion: True Size Of US National Debt, Including Unfunded Liabilities - Freedom Outpost
I am no expert by any stretch of the imagination on this topic. However, I suspect that the Fed started off as a notion of promptly addressing immediate fiscal and monetary problems in our economy upon the belief that Congress itself is too slow and cumbersome to be reactive fast enough.

I believe this is the same underlying concern that allowed for the war powers act. (That is, since Congress is slow and cumbersome and some military actions urgently require responses before Congress can even meet, Congress delegates part of their exclusive war powers to the Executive on a “temporary” basis.)

Note: I’m not defending either of those things, here. I just assume the rationale is similar.
Was the Fed created by democrats or Republicans?

Why was it created?
Woodrow Wilson (D) was President and Congress was controlled by Democrats when the Fed was created in 2013. Admittedly the Democrats of 2013 were a much MUCH different animal than those of today, nowhere near as radical or destructive, but that era did escalate the push for bigger and more powerful government and sowed the seeds of the NWO.
Woodrow Wilson (D) was President and Congress was controlled by Democrats when the Fed was created in 2013. Admittedly the Democrats of 2013 were a much MUCH different animal than those of today, nowhere near as radical or destructive, but that era did escalate the push for bigger and more powerful government and sowed the seeds of the NWO.
There was a bank run in 1907/08 that supposedly was the precipitating stressor on the Financial System that caused the Fascists to create the US Federal Reserve. We could never have had the FDR Great Depression without the Fed

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