Was the Fed created by democrats or Republicans?

Was the Fed created by democrats or Republicans?

  • democrats

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Republicans

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What's the Fed?

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
There was a bank run in 1907/08 that supposedly was the precipitating stressor on the Financial System that caused the Fascists to create the US Federal Reserve. We could never have had the FDR Great Depression without the Fed
Most historians would agree with that. The Fed was created to prevent recession but those running the fed were either ignorant in how the economy works or negligent in their duties and their actions and inactions were a driving force behind the Great Depression.

You would think a competent government would have withdrawn some or most of the fed's authority because of that, but no, it is still with us with almost unlimited power and little or no government oversight.

Whenever you take any critical component out of the hands of the people/elected representatives of the people, it almost never goes well.
Most historians would agree with that. The Fed was created to prevent recession but those running the fed were either ignorant in how the economy works or negligent in their duties and their actions and inactions were a driving force behind the Great Depression.

You would think a competent government would have withdrawn some or most of the fed's authority because of that, but no, it is still with us with almost unlimited power and little or no government oversight.

Whenever you take any critical component out of the hands of the people/elected representatives of the people, it almost never goes well.

Most historians would agree with that. The Fed was created to prevent recession

Where did you get that idea? Before the Fed, there were booms and busts. And without
a source of liquidity, the busts were longer and deeper than they could have been.

No one ever said a central bank would prevent recessions.
Most historians would agree with that. The Fed was created to prevent recession

Where did you get that idea? Before the Fed, there were booms and busts. And without
a source of liquidity, the busts were longer and deeper than they could have been.

No one ever said a central bank would prevent recessions.
The busts ended in 2 years or less, even in 1919/20, much better than where we are now
Most historians would agree with that. The Fed was created to prevent recession

Where did you get that idea? Before the Fed, there were booms and busts. And without
a source of liquidity, the busts were longer and deeper than they could have been.

No one ever said a central bank would prevent recessions.

Wasn't it Nixon that took us off the Gold Standard? In any event, this further aggravated the financial mess that led us to where we are now.
Actually it was FDR who started the concept, LBJ exacerbated it, and Nixon put the final nail in the coffin. I think all were probably well intended but ill advised. Nixon especially promised it would stabilize the dollar, but the dollar is worth 17 cents now of what it would buy back then.

I am no Keynesian but Keynes was absolutely right when he wrote:
“There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose.”

That is why President Trump was so adamant that China be made accountable for its deliberate manipulation of U.S. currency, something even some economists don't understand. The current administration not only ignores that, but encourages it and I can't see that the Fed has ever addressed it.

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