Was the Pentagon and CIA Behind the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The first cases of an unknown respiratory sickness were registered as early as October - Doctor Li Wenliang started to inform colleagues via the internal hospital message system at the end of November and went public end of December, at the same time that Chinese scientists conducted gene sequencing of the virus, which WHO announced on 9th of January.
The initial publicly recognized outbreak of the virus, (hundreds of residents rushing to the hospitals) residents centered around the fish-market stall section in Wuhan not around the lab, started on 11th of January.

As far as conspiracy theories can spin endless - there is also a scenario which could suggest both versions - an authorized or unauthorized lab experiment in Wuhan with no leak, and an independent outbreak in Wuhan via the animal-human chain. To me the lab-leak is a purposely instituted "speculation", well placed in regards to the planed Congressional hearing on China and China's Ukraine proposal.
One day we will see.
China’s Government was deliberately silencing Doctors by arresting them when they were sounding the Alarms in early December about a possible Pandemic spreading in that region of China, so any reports by China’s Government shouldn't be taken as the truth and why?

As I started about the Doctors and the fact CNN last year or the year before reported China’s Government lied about the number of Deaths from Covid!
Yes, I know, it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but we have a bona fide whistle blower making that claim.

View attachment 761802
Amazon product ASIN B09T545W1H
Apparently, a former employee of EcoHealth Alliance, has written and published a tell all book, blowing the whistle off an alleged government, intel. agency agenda, to roll out the pandemic, and associated therapeutics with said agenda.

Claims made in the article are as follows, with footnotes;

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Here is some of the rebuttal from EcoHealth in the article.

View attachment 761806

I don't usual start threads from the places I go, that media is too heavy for folks here. It is a wealth of information, from a source, usually way on the left. Completely out in the open, and alert to what is going on.


This article links to Dr. Meryl Nass here; ‘There’s No Law’: Physician Experienced in Investigating Biological Warfare Challenges Medical Board’s Misinformation Allegation
It is an Epoch Times paywall, you can get the same info here, she is interviewed several times with info about her court case in this thread;
We’re At the Pivot Point

BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris​

Obama funded the illegal research through a Pentagon front called Eco Health and put Fauci in charge of it.
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The first cases of an unknown respiratory sickness were registered as early as October - Doctor Li Wenliang started to inform colleagues via the internal hospital message system at the end of November and went public end of December, at the same time that Chinese scientists conducted gene sequencing of the virus, which WHO announced on 9th of January.
The initial publicly recognized outbreak of the virus, (hundreds of residents rushing to the hospitals) residents centered around the fish-market stall section in Wuhan not around the lab, started on 11th of January.

As far as conspiracy theories can spin endless - there is also a scenario which could suggest both versions - an authorized or unauthorized lab experiment in Wuhan with no leak, and an independent outbreak in Wuhan via the animal-human chain. To me the lab-leak is a purposely instituted "speculation", well placed in regards to the planed Congressional hearing on China and China's Ukraine proposal.
One day we will see.
LOL so Fauci in charge of The Wuhan Flu Bioweapon is a prophet? He predicted the Trump Administration would be attacked by the very Bioweapon he was in charge of developing a full two years before it happened.
China’s Government was deliberately silencing Doctors by arresting them when they were sounding the Alarms in early December about a possible Pandemic spreading in that region of China, so any reports by China’s Government shouldn't be taken as the truth and why?

As I started about the Doctors and the fact CNN last year or the year before reported China’s Government lied about the number of Deaths from Covid!
Where did CNN or Fox News etc. get their information from? they had own doctors working there? or in the crematoriums? Chinese local top-authorities told them so?
None of it - all the news was and is based on chats, live-streaming videos showing e.g. body bags. and "a person who did not want to be named said....:

So far I haven't seen a single (so called leaked) official Chinese government document - provided by the Western-Media that would support any of their stories - how come? so difficult to get? no connections from the Western Media to CIA/FBI, NSA etc, etc.? From those US intel agencies, no intercepted and protocol phone calls? or internet/hacker retrieved protocols?
Absolutely nothing from China - just gossip. The US intel community must be living in the stone-age.

Or this Hong-Kong Dr. Li Meng Yan - who never had stepped a foot into Wuhan - not to mention the lab - but lamented/cried I know everything and the CPC want's me dead. - ridiculous
Western media stating that due to lock-down's people died of starvation, yeah sure.
Every counry has it's own particular ways of registering death due to Covid - also Germany. China's registration criteria are known - they report figures exactly onto those criteria.

You state: silencing doctors and arresting them - okay sources please (like original Chinese police protocols - those supposedly arrested must have them) and which Doctors exactly. - thanks.
Anderson said it was lab made

Fauci is a wretched liar and needs to be held to account.

"Recently released e-mails show that Dr. Anthony Fauci knew key facts about the origins of COVID-19 in January 2020. But at that critical time, when the country was first learning about the virus, Dr. Fauci chose not to share the facts with Americans. Instead, he acted to conceal them.

On January 31, 2020, at 10:32 p.m., Dr. Fauci received an email from British researcher, Dr. Kristian Andersen. Dr. Andersen has received millions of dollars in grants from the NIH. In the email, he warned Dr. Fauci:

One has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features look engineered . . . Eddie [Holmes], Bob [Garry], Mike [Ferguson] and myself all find the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory."
Goes even deeper....into ukraine and our biolabs. Uh huh, and why are we so interested in sending hundreds of billions into that cesspit? Are we protecting something? Do we not want something to be found out?

According to an online publication[1] and other information, at least 20 Ukrainian soldiers have died and 200 are still hospitalised after the accidental leak of the ‘California flu’ virus from an American laboratory near Kharkov in eastern Ukraine.
Where did CNN or Fox News etc. get their information from? they had own doctors working there? or in the crematoriums? Chinese local top-authorities told them so?
None of it - all the news was and is based on chats, live-streaming videos showing e.g. body bags. and "a person who did not want to be named said....:

So far I haven't seen a single (so called leaked) official Chinese government document - provided by the Western-Media that would support any of their stories - how come? so difficult to get? no connections from the Western Media to CIA/FBI, NSA etc, etc.? From those US intel agencies, no intercepted and protocol phone calls? or internet/hacker retrieved protocols?
Absolutely nothing from China - just gossip. The US intel community must be living in the stone-age.

Or this Hong-Kong Dr. Li Meng Yan - who never had stepped a foot into Wuhan - not to mention the lab - but lamented/cried I know everything and the CPC want's me dead. - ridiculous
Western media stating that due to lock-down's people died of starvation, yeah sure.
Every counry has it's own particular ways of registering death due to Covid - also Germany. China's registration criteria are known - they report figures exactly onto those criteria.

You state: silencing doctors and arresting them - okay sources please (like original Chinese police protocols - those supposedly arrested must have them) and which Doctors exactly. - thanks.
China is an evil Godless, Oppressive, Communist regime. The Great Red Dragon is the Great Serpent. An Evil Blasphemous and Satanic Country.
Oh, he's legitimate, not as a scientist, not as a knowledgeable person, but as a person making lots of MONEY from the right wing circus.

From your own link;

". . . I earned degrees in psychology (BA), security technologies and geographic information systems (MS), and a doctorate in environmental health science in an emerging infectious disease specialty track (PhD) at the University of Minnesota. After graduation, I continued my education at MIT in complex systems modeling and analysis. This is how I learned to use qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze complex problems. . . . "

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but it seems to me, he is perfectly qualified to be a knowledgeable person with expertise in this field to me.
I'm still not sure why Trump didn't have Fauxi and Daszak arrested and treated as bioterrorists

Because he was part of it.

Agreed. Again, I cannot stress, how much information is in this article.

". . . Dr. Fauci subsequently outsourced the Gain-of-Function research to China’s Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving U.S. government funding. The moratorium on Gain-of-Function research was lifted by the Trump administration in December 2017, and Dr. Fauci sent $3.7 million from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to the Wuhan Institute of Virology to restart the coronavirus bat project. . . . "

Dr. Fauci Backed Controversial Wuhan Lab with U.S. Dollars for Risky Coronavirus Research​

". . . Nevertheless, in 2014, under pressure from the Obama administration, the National of Institutes of Health instituted a moratorium on the work, suspending 21 studies.

Three years later, though—in December 2017—the NIH ended the moratorium and the second phase of the NIAID project, which included the gain-of-function research, began. The NIH established a framework for determining how the research would go forward: scientists have to get approval from a panel of experts, who would decide whether the risks were justified.

The reviews were indeed conducted—but in secret, for which the NIH has drawn criticism. In early 2019, after a reporter for Science magazine discovered that the NIH had approved two influenza research projects that used gain of function methods, scientists who oppose this kind of research excoriated the NIH in an editorial in the Washington Post.

"We have serious doubts about whether these experiments should be conducted at all," wrote Tom Inglesby of Johns Hopkins University and Marc Lipsitch of Harvard. "[W]ith deliberations kept behind closed doors, none of us will have the opportunity to understand how the government arrived at these decisions or to judge the rigor and integrity of that process."
I think that they were just incompetent and let it leak out of the lab, is all. That's why they still rely heavily on espionage and big corporations for their technology. That doesn't preclude them working on bio-warfare with other agencies, of course, but I seriously doubt they released it on purpose. It got out via an employee and/or the prison there where they experiment on prisoners, mostly Christians they've arrested.
I am very willing to entertain this POV, but after what they did to Dr. Meryl Nass and other, very well educated doctors and scientists on this controversy, and the way big tech and government colluded to silence any debate on how to treat the disease?

Personally, IMO? I have to concluded, no, this was a planned psychological operation. Though I do not have any hard core evidence what the objectives were.

Was it to manipulate political elections world wide? Was it to help create global anxiety and chaos, which would help transition the world from a free market into a technocracy? I can't say what the plan was.

By inducing planned chaos, but purposely silencing highly trained doctors and scientists, forcing them into courts world wide to defend their professional lives, this, should ring alarm bells for everyone. It is something that has not happened in modern history, expect for in totalitarian societies like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and Red China. That isn't how science really works.

What has become of liberty and free speech, should alarm all right thinking people everywhere, IMO.
Personally, IMO? I have to concluded, no, this was a planned psychological operation. Though I do not have any hard core evidence what the objectives were.

They infected a lot of their own people, and of course nobody can contol these viruses once they get out and start spreading. Acording to conspiracy theorists nothing works and we're all going to die from any vaccinations n stuff.
Those 4-star generals know full well. Anyone knows anything about the Deep State key officials' net worth? Any secret offshore accounts? Money-laundering? Yeah, it's top secret or national security. lol.

Actually, I don't want to know anything about that evil Deep State. Their covert or false flag operations. Their secret projects. Their propaganda machines( mass/social media ). Now I don't give a damn about those Deep State monsters. No one can change their true colors! lol. :)

Exclusive: The Pentagon’s Massive Accounting Fraud Exposed | The Nation – https://archive.ph/iNkk8
From your own link;

". . . I earned degrees in psychology (BA), security technologies and geographic information systems (MS), and a doctorate in environmental health science in an emerging infectious disease specialty track (PhD) at the University of Minnesota. After graduation, I continued my education at MIT in complex systems modeling and analysis. This is how I learned to use qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze complex problems. . . . "

You are perfectly entitled to your opinion, but it seems to me, he is perfectly qualified to be a knowledgeable person with expertise in this field to me.

Yes, I had to type this out from listening to a video. What's your point?
Just because someone is knowledgeable, doesn't mean they don't have an ax to grind.

If you watch that video, you'll see a guy angry that the US government went into his house and took something that he thought belonged to him. But clearly didn't.

That might be one of the reasons why he decided to go out and make some retirement money.
Anderson said it was lab made
He never stated that - can't you read your own pasted article?

He stated; some of the features (potentially) look engineered

Some 5%,10% 20%? - since he didn't state most - it's certain that it must have been less then 50% of the features.
Features, how many features are there? 2, 20, 1000? a million?
look - is not "are certainly" look means "could be"

Obviously virology isn't as simple as 'grabbing a beer from your fridge" - tens of thousands of scientist have been and still are analyzing the gene sequencing of the virus
The vast majority tends towards the animal-human chain - but can't out-rule a man-made lab experiment
Far less tend towards the man made lab experiment - but can't out-rule the animal human chain

The Who simply publicizes the opinion of both parties.

The entire matter is still an obvious speculation on behalf of all scientist working on this issue. Speculations are the essential daily nutrition requirements for conspiracy theorists.
Politicians are and always have made use of conspiracy theories - they primarily bring them into existence - so that they can stay "flexible" on their response and responsibility.

Clearly both scientist parties can't out-rule the opposite - but the majority tends towards the animal-human chain speculation - see, there is actually an answer.
Obviously you and others don't like the answer - because it simply doesn't fit your narratives.

What kind of experiments were conducted in the Wuhan lab, by whom and their actual status - is a topic on it's own.
Reverse-engineering (or better; reverse manipulating) a gene sequencing of the virus found in humans - towards a wishful lab experiment - show's clearly as to were this unfounded speculation is supposed to go.

However to proof and establish a link in the Wuhan virus - towards e.g. the "California flue" virus in Ukraine - would make much better sense on the Chinese part - who knows what they actually do know? See now you got another conspiracy theorie.
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I'm still not sure why Trump didn't have Fauxi and Daszak arrested and treated as bioterrorists
I think he was very lucky not to be assassinated by these evil people. If he is the '24 nominee, I will vote for him because he EARNED the right to run. I think we'll see the same kind of chaos and disputed results but even if the vote was accepted as fair and he won, he still won't be able to govern effectively.
Our system was always based on a willingness to compromise and now that this is gone, so is America. After '24, I will never vote again at the Federal level. It makes no difference and it lends credibility to those who rule over us. I think we all should be getting more plugged in at the state level because what little impact it is possible to achieve, will be done there.
Yes, I know, it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but we have a bona fide whistle blower making that claim.

View attachment 761802
Amazon product ASIN B09T545W1H
Apparently, a former employee of EcoHealth Alliance, has written and published a tell all book, blowing the whistle off an alleged government, intel. agency agenda, to roll out the pandemic, and associated therapeutics with said agenda.

Claims made in the article are as follows, with footnotes;

View attachment 761803

View attachment 761804
View attachment 761805

Here is some of the rebuttal from EcoHealth in the article.

View attachment 761806

I don't usual start threads from the places I go, that media is too heavy for folks here. It is a wealth of information, from a source, usually way on the left. Completely out in the open, and alert to what is going on.


This article links to Dr. Meryl Nass here; ‘There’s No Law’: Physician Experienced in Investigating Biological Warfare Challenges Medical Board’s Misinformation Allegation
It is an Epoch Times paywall, you can get the same info here, she is interviewed several times with info about her court case in this thread;
We’re At the Pivot Point

BOMBSHELL docs reveal Covid-19 COVER-UP goes straight to the top | Redacted with Clayton Morris​

Chris Wray knew that NYC was euthanizing homeless and blaming Covid.

All the SAME TEAM....

He never stated that - can't you read your own pasted article?

He stated; some of the features (potentially) look engineered

Some 5%,10% 20%? - since he didn't state most - it's certain that it must have been less then 50% of the features.
Features, how many features are there? 2, 20, 1000? a million?
look - is not "are certainly" look means "could be"

Obviously virology isn't as simple as 'grabbing a beer from your fridge" - tens of thousands of scientist have been and still are analyzing the gene sequencing of the virus
The vast majority tends towards the animal-human chain - but can't out-rule a man-made lab experiment
Far less tend towards the man made lab experiment - but can't out-rule the animal human chain

The Who simply publicizes the opinion of both parties.

The entire matter is still an obvious speculation on behalf of all scientist working on this issue. Speculations are the essential daily nutrition requirements for conspiracy theorists.
Politicians are and always have made use of conspiracy theories - they primarily bring them into existence - so that they can stay "flexible" on their response and responsibility.

Clearly both scientist parties can't out-rule the opposite - but the majority tends towards the animal-human chain speculation - see, there is actually an answer.
Obviously you and others don't like the answer - because it simply doesn't fit your narratives.

What kind of experiments were conducted in the Wuhan lab, by whom and their actual status - is a topic on it's own.
Reverse-engineering (or better; reverse manipulating) a gene sequencing of the virus found in humans - towards a wishful lab experiment - show's clearly as to were this unfounded speculation is supposed to go.

However to proof and establish a link in the Wuhan virus - towards e.g. the "California flue" virus in Ukraine - would make much better sense on the Chinese part - who knows what they actually do know? See now you got another conspiracy theorie.

If it doesn't occur naturally, it was engineered. That's exactly what he said. Meaning, it was man made. The labs were working on gain of function. Thats not conspiracy man.
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If it doesn't occur naturally, it was engineered. That's exactly what he said. Meaning, it was man made.
No you are simply interpreting something into a narrative that suits you.

Look at the time line when he first stated this and when he retracted it (the last part you already ignore) whitewashing it with - he must have been paid off by Fauci.

At the time he made his first statement, he and thousands of other virologists had never come across such features which the gene sequencing of the virus had shown.
So he simply stated; that some of the features (potentially) look engineered - in other words: I am not familiar with the characteristics of some of these features - could be engineered.
In the following month until today, thousands of labs received huge funding's - the primary concern was to stop the virus from spreading (didn't work out in the USA at all) and to develop a vaccine. One to two month later the worlds scientists had already made huge progress - so he simply - based on new available research - retracted his earlier stated "speculation".

Now due to political issues these 'speculations" are deliberately brought back to live, and potential China-basher's and Conspiracy addict's are picking it up.
No you are simply interpreting something into a narrative that suits you.

Look at the time line when he first stated this and when he retracted it (the last part you already ignore) whitewashing it with - he must have been paid off by Fauci.

At the time he made his first statement, he and thousands of other virologists had never come across such features which the gene sequencing of the virus had shown.
So he simply stated; that some of the features (potentially) look engineered - in other words: I am not familiar with the characteristics of some of these features - could be engineered.
In the following month until today, thousands of labs received huge funding's - the primary concern was to stop the virus from spreading (didn't work out in the USA at all) and to develop a vaccine. One to two month later the worlds scientists had already made huge progress - so he simply - based on new available research - retracted his earlier stated "speculation".

Now due to political issues these 'speculations" are deliberately brought back to live, and potential China-basher's and Conspiracy addict's are picking it up.

Im not interested in a narrative. You got the wrong person. Fauci continued to lie throughout the entire ordeal. There's proof everywhere from his emails, press conferences, dealings with the cdc, masks, etc and the list goes on and on and on.

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