washington dc warns of milita gathering


"according to a law enforcement document" obtained by Yahoo News.

Now who would leak this and for what purpose?
We have a lot of paranoid schizo's in DC. They are afraid of their own shadows.
People have a right to go to OUR Capital and celebrate OUR Independence Day.
If DC don't like it maybe they can take a vacation off a cliff somewhere.
They are just trying to discourage Americans from having a day of Indepence Celebrations.

Look at this BS:
The report, dated July 1 and produced by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, says that FBI reporting indicates that suspected violent extremists may be planning to attend a large public gathering for the July 4 holiday on Capitol Hill.

DUH... People always gather at the Capital for the 4th of July!
The only violent extremists are the ones sitting in the halls of congress.


"according to a law enforcement document" obtained by Yahoo News.

Now who would leak this and for what purpose?
We have a lot of paranoid schizo's in DC. They are afraid of their own shadows.
People have a right to go to OUR Capital and celebrate OUR Independence Day.
If DC don't like it maybe they can take a vacation off a cliff somewhere.
They are just trying to discourage Americans from having a day of Indepence Celebrations.

Look at this BS:
The report, dated July 1 and produced by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, says that FBI reporting indicates that suspected violent extremists may be planning to attend a large public gathering for the July 4 holiday on Capitol Hill.

DUH... People always gather at the Capital for the 4th of July!
The only violent extremists are the ones sitting in the halls of congress.

they just want to keep people feeling sorry for them.
Every day they come up with "reports" or some other such nonsense about this kind of shit.

It's like after 9/11 we spent years hearing about all these supposed terrorist plots that never came to be anything.

They make a claim and it dissapears like a fart in the wind until they do it all over again a few days later and eventually they will stop making the reports once people grow tired of it and it no longer causes them fear.
Every day they come up with "reports" or some other such nonsense about this kind of shit.

It's like after 9/11 we spent years hearing about all these supposed terrorist plots that never came to be anything.

They make a claim and it dissapears like a fart in the wind until they do it all over again a few days later and eventually they will stop making the reports once people grow tired of it and it no longer causes them fear.
It is their mantra. Everything is a stage and they yell loud. Schumer was doing his Broadway Show act on the Arizona voting decision yesterday. January 6 protest is a prime example of this. They wouldn't do it if it did not work. And it has. For many years.
Every day they come up with "reports" or some other such nonsense about this kind of shit.

It's like after 9/11 we spent years hearing about all these supposed terrorist plots that never came to be anything.

They make a claim and it dissapears like a fart in the wind until they do it all over again a few days later and eventually they will stop making the reports once people grow tired of it and it no longer causes them fear.
Problem is that 9-11 was real and the so-called insurrection was not.
Every day they come up with "reports" or some other such nonsense about this kind of shit.

It's like after 9/11 we spent years hearing about all these supposed terrorist plots that never came to be anything.

They make a claim and it dissapears like a fart in the wind until they do it all over again a few days later and eventually they will stop making the reports once people grow tired of it and it no longer causes them fear.
Problem is that 9-11 was real and the so-called insurrection was not.
Tell that to the injured Capitol Police and why were all those republican Congressmen running with their tails between their legs if it wasn't real. They were scared of something.
The 4th generally attracts those types of people. Or at least of that mindset.
i believe under the Patriot Act allows the Intelligence community to spy on citizens that they believes that are a threat to this country.

i believe under the Patriot Act allows the Intelligence community to spy on citizens that they believes that are a threat to this country.
Then they need to spy on every democrat.
They have already labeled the Democrat party as domestic terrorists years ago. And once they are added to their list. they never take them off. But the last sections of people that weren't on the list, were the ones who approved of the Patriot Act, the conservative party and the mental and physical challenges.

But now they are adding the conservative party to the list with the approval of the democrats.

And see how they play one another to get their approval without them having to choose who to put on the list.

But now they cannot be convicted of spying on the people, especially when the people are having sex in front of their T.V. set.


everytime there is a gathering in washington dc they put these reports out. its getting to be a joke.
When wasn't DC a joke in our lifetimes? Be specific
everytime i turn around some new report come out and some one taking over the capitol and it never happens.

"according to a law enforcement document" obtained by Yahoo News.

Now who would leak this and for what purpose?
We have a lot of paranoid schizo's in DC. They are afraid of their own shadows.
People have a right to go to OUR Capital and celebrate OUR Independence Day.
If DC don't like it maybe they can take a vacation off a cliff somewhere.
They are just trying to discourage Americans from having a day of Indepence Celebrations.

Look at this BS:
The report, dated July 1 and produced by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, says that FBI reporting indicates that suspected violent extremists may be planning to attend a large public gathering for the July 4 holiday on Capitol Hill.

DUH... People always gather at the Capital for the 4th of July!
The only violent extremists are the ones sitting in the halls of congress.

The way things are going today if you go to a large 4th of July celebration you will likely be considered a white supremacist because there were no blacks involved in writing the Declaration of Independence.

Some fool will tell you that the only reason the colonists rebelled against England was to preserve slavery. He will point out that you shouldn’t be celebrating Independence Day but expressing your shame for being white.
It would be great if some actual patriots did what needs to be done before the USA is Brazil North.
I have a hunch that the only massive crowds gathering are going to be today in Florida.
Trump is having a Rally in Sarasota, FL.

The Capital has been taken over by liars and thieves.
What does DC have that Florida doesn't?
YouTube took down RSBN so they can't have a live feed on it.
If any are interested you can watch it on Rumble.
I don't know what time it begins but RSBN is live all day.


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