Washington Post: Democrats Playing Politics Over Vegas Shooting....


Diamond Member
May 19, 2012
Opinion | Who’s playing politics now?

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if, in his Monday statement on the Las Vegas shooting, President Trump had praised the police who ran toward the gunfire and saved so many lives, and then said: “And for all those who have been taking a knee to protest the police, shame on you. On Sunday, you slander them, but then on Monday, you need them. The police deserve our respect every day.”

Heads would have exploded — and rightly so. His critics would have pointed out that workers still had not removed all the bodies from the crime scene, and yet he was already injecting politics into this tragedy. The president’s job is to unite the country, they would have said, not divide us.

Of course, Trump did not say anything of the sort. His statement Monday was moving and appropriate. The great irony is that it was Democrats — those constantly outraged by Trump responding inappropriately to crises and dividing the country — who responded to the Las Vegas shooting like partisan hacks.

They argue that there should still be talks on gun control, but that it's inappropriate while there are still bodies being cleared from the massacre. It's pretty bad when The Washington Post is shitting on Hillary Clinton and praising Trump for their responses.
If not now - WHEN? Specify a date. Same ole NaziCon bullshit.
The Psychocrats are trying to exploit the Las Vegas tragedy to impose a gun ban on law abiding citizens. Marxist, Fascist, Terrorist and Criminals love it when people are unarmed and defenseless.
Remember what the Dirty Democrat Rahm Emanuel said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste"
And Republicans play politics over tons of other shit.

Republicans are a bunch of blood sucking assholes.

Democrats are 100% right to want stronger back ground checks as one can go to a goddamn gun show in vegas and buy as many guns as they please. That is fucked.
Politicians are experts at exploiting tragedies to push their own personal agendas
And Republicans play politics over tons of other shit.

Republicans are a bunch of blood sucking assholes.

Democrats are 100% right to want stronger back ground checks as one can go to a goddamn gun show in vegas and buy as many guns as they please. That is fucked.
It happened in a gun free zone, you stupid shit. How much More laws do you need?
It's time to:

1. Pass universal background checks.

2. Ban high-capacity magazines.

3. Ban bump stocks.
From cons it is the same lament every single time their worldview results in a slaughter of innocent people. "We can't talk about it now". And then six months from now. "There's no reason to blah blah blah."

They can't be honest and just say "we Republicans don't care if someone kills a thousand people in a mall, we like being able to take our AR-15 to the range with the bump stock and pretend we're Rambo. The Constitution says we have a god given right to that.

And apparently they believe life and liberty are just fill words in the Declaration of Independence. Odd how the founders put those two things first.
Opinion | Who’s playing politics now?

Imagine for a moment what would have happened if, in his Monday statement on the Las Vegas shooting, President Trump had praised the police who ran toward the gunfire and saved so many lives, and then said: “And for all those who have been taking a knee to protest the police, shame on you. On Sunday, you slander them, but then on Monday, you need them. The police deserve our respect every day.”

Heads would have exploded — and rightly so. His critics would have pointed out that workers still had not removed all the bodies from the crime scene, and yet he was already injecting politics into this tragedy. The president’s job is to unite the country, they would have said, not divide us.

Of course, Trump did not say anything of the sort. His statement Monday was moving and appropriate. The great irony is that it was Democrats — those constantly outraged by Trump responding inappropriately to crises and dividing the country — who responded to the Las Vegas shooting like partisan hacks.

They argue that there should still be talks on gun control, but that it's inappropriate while there are still bodies being cleared from the massacre. It's pretty bad when The Washington Post is shitting on Hillary Clinton and praising Trump for their responses.
They doesn't have any feelings for life. They are just using the opportunity to push their political agenda that they are being paid to push. The main thing that everyone should be focusing on, it is to get them locked up.

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