Washington Post Openly Encouraging Government Employees To Commit Sabotage


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Defend the Constitution from all enemies......foreign and domestic.......

  1. 1.
    deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.
    synonyms: vandalize, wreck, damage, destroy, cripple, impair, incapacitate

We've already seen one sabotage attempt by the acting Attorney General, and it turned her into a leftist rock star. I expect to see many more in the weeks and month to come from both sides of the isle.

January 31, 2017
Sabotage: Washington Post prods government workers to derail Trump’s presidency
By Ed Lasky
The Washington Post’s leftward tilt is accelerating under Jeff Bezos. The mainstream media cannot handle the fact that Donald Trump was elected president and have been on their own campaign to derail his presidency.

The Post’s latest action is particularly egregious. At the end of a column decrying Myron Ebell, who is overseeing Trump’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) transition, and his plans to shrink the agency, Joe Davidsonwrites:

With all of the controversy surrounding Trump’s executive ordersuspending immigration from certain Muslim majority countries, we’d like to get your thoughts on these questions: Under what circumstances, if any, do you feel federal employees should disregard an administration’s policies? If you are a federal employee, would you ever consider disregarding an administration policy? Send your replies to [email protected] with “disregarding policy” in the subject line.

I have been a regular reader of the Washington Post for many years. I never saw such a solicitation when President Obama was president. Seemingly, the Washington Post is encouraging federal employees to look deep into their hearts and take steps to frustrate and derail Trump’s policies.

Elections have consequences, we have been taught (or so we heard when Obama won election to the presidency). Voters decided across the nation that the liberal agenda was not something they favored (at all levels of government). The Post may think nullification is a fine policy when Republicans control Congress and the White House, but to be prodding and suggesting that federal employees act to further this view is disgraceful.

Is the Post advocating sabotage against President Trump’s administration from within the executive branch?

Blog: Sabotage: Washington Post prods government workers to derail Trump’s presidency
Congress can pass a law and strip all federal workers of civil service protections, and then the purge can begin!!!

Drain the swamp!!!
Blog: Sally Yates, superstar

January 31, 2017
Sally Yates, superstar
By Thomas Lifson
Don’t worry about Sally Yates missing her next paycheck after being fired as acting attorney general. She is on her way to stardom in the Blue Bubble.

[It was a fully justified firing, and you can read elsewhere an excellent analysison why, and the political lesson the Trump administration must learn. My purpose here is to is to comment on the obvious show-biz nature of the incident.]

It is very clear to me that Ms. Yates knew she would be fired, so we have to consider her goals in provoking the only possible response to insubordination. The charitable way to describe it is “taking a stand” against the evils of Trump. The slightly demented way of charitably putting it is that she would be a “martyr” to the cause (the cause being stopping The Next Hitler in the fevered imaginations of progressives driven insane by their electoral repudiation of last November).

Either way, she becomes a hero of the left, and the recipient of a lucrative advance on a book. She’ll work on the book during her lecture circuit travels. She should be able to get at least ten grand per gig, maybe more, because her “bravery” can inspire leftists. I don’t know her speaking style, so maybe she needs a little training. Chuck Schumer knows a terrific drama coach.

[Update: Richard Baehr adds: She will be booked on every network’s Sunday news show and get a love-in with Rachel Maddow. Chuck Schumer will call her the type of bipartisan Supreme Court pick he could endorse.]


Deep within the hearts of progressives of a certain age lies the memory of the Saturday Night Massacre, when Richard M. Nixon fired the independent counsel investigating him, Archibald Cox, and his attorney general and deputy A.G., Elliott Richardson and William Ruckelshaus, both resigned. To the aging lefties, this was a moment of martyrdom (Cox) and heroism (Richardson and Ruckelshaus). Even better, the martyr and heroes of the struggle were vindicated when Nixon resigned. In their minds, it was supreme triumph of virtue. Theirvirtue, too, because they cared.

That’s their narrative, and they’re sticking to it.

So Sally Yates is about to get love-bombed by the members of the Trump-hater cult.

It was a good career move.

Yes.....this is part of the reason why so many folks are doing this

Cold hard cash.

Blog: Sally Yates, superstar

January 31, 2017
Sally Yates, superstar
By Thomas Lifson
Don’t worry about Sally Yates missing her next paycheck after being fired as acting attorney general. She is on her way to stardom in the Blue Bubble.

[It was a fully justified firing, and you can read elsewhere an excellent analysison why, and the political lesson the Trump administration must learn. My purpose here is to is to comment on the obvious show-biz nature of the incident.]

It is very clear to me that Ms. Yates knew she would be fired, so we have to consider her goals in provoking the only possible response to insubordination. The charitable way to describe it is “taking a stand” against the evils of Trump. The slightly demented way of charitably putting it is that she would be a “martyr” to the cause (the cause being stopping The Next Hitler in the fevered imaginations of progressives driven insane by their electoral repudiation of last November).

Either way, she becomes a hero of the left, and the recipient of a lucrative advance on a book. She’ll work on the book during her lecture circuit travels. She should be able to get at least ten grand per gig, maybe more, because her “bravery” can inspire leftists. I don’t know her speaking style, so maybe she needs a little training. Chuck Schumer knows a terrific drama coach.

[Update: Richard Baehr adds: She will be booked on every network’s Sunday news show and get a love-in with Rachel Maddow. Chuck Schumer will call her the type of bipartisan Supreme Court pick he could endorse.]


Deep within the hearts of progressives of a certain age lies the memory of the Saturday Night Massacre, when Richard M. Nixon fired the independent counsel investigating him, Archibald Cox, and his attorney general and deputy A.G., Elliott Richardson and William Ruckelshaus, both resigned. To the aging lefties, this was a moment of martyrdom (Cox) and heroism (Richardson and Ruckelshaus). Even better, the martyr and heroes of the struggle were vindicated when Nixon resigned. In their minds, it was supreme triumph of virtue. Theirvirtue, too, because they cared.

That’s their narrative, and they’re sticking to it.

So Sally Yates is about to get love-bombed by the members of the Trump-hater cult.

It was a good career move.

Yes.....this is part of the reason why so many folks are doing this

Cold hard cash.

She looks like a lesbian giraffe.

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