Washington Post Purge Proves Media is a Leftist Cartel


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Washington Post Purge Proves Media is a Leftist Cartel

Who really owns the paper?

23 Jun 2024 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos decided that his pet paper, The Washington Post, needed a change of management and brought in vets from the UK’s Telegraph. The Post’s wokes and some around the media decided that wouldn’t fly and began running hit pieces on the two men. The specific allegations matter less than the fact that the only real issue here was political fidelity. The sense was that Will Lewis and Rob Winnett while not actual conservatives were not proper leftists and might have a different agenda than wokeness.
So hit piece followed hit piece. And after paying $250 million, Bezos finds he doesn’t really own his paper. It’s the property of a leftist media cartel that gets to veto staffing decisions. Will Bezos wake up? I doubt it. While he never struck me as all that ideological, he also strikes me as one of those bland billionaires who move with the culture and never really question whatever woke insanity comes down the pipeline.

They have the inescapable problems of all mortals, but even those can be borne with greater comfort. They feel no impulse to improve the lives of their communities to live with hope and dignity. Their culture is curated to reinforce only selfish vanity and self aggrandizment.
Objective morality is contextual. Objective morality can only offer you general moral principles to be aware of, but you have to use your own mind to apply those principles to the hierarchy of your rational values.
No one can judge for you or choose for you, but you, what is the hierarchy of your rational values. Objective morality can only show you what is a rational value and what is not, but it cannot decide for you the hierarchy of your rational values given your specific circumstances.
In order to fight unwaveringly and consistently for freedom, liberty, your life, and your private property, you have to have an explicit philosophical understanding and conviction of why and what you’re fighting for. You have to be absolutely convinced that your fight for Laissez-Faire Capitalism is right, moral, and a life-or-death battle. Nothing less will do.
The MSM isn’t leftist, but it is progressive and liberal. There is a difference.

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