Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

President Trump has denied claims he called Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries.”

Watch: Trump Says the ‘shithole countries’ Statement is Fake News!

But tards hear what they want to hear when they are easily manipulated. Once you tell tards something they take it they run with no matter how stupid they look it doesn't matter to them. They're right that's all that matters.
Firstly it's not that Trump saying racist shit is unprecedented. Secondly initially the White House didn't deny it. Neither is there anyone at the meeting except Trump denying it. A meeting that included REPUBLICANS. Thirdly you are quoting ALEX JONES. The same guy that reported on Pizzagate as you guys like too call it, a story that wasn't only false but one that resulted in a shooting. So what you have is a denial by someone who has a history of this kind of behavior.Reported by a source that is dubious in the extreme. A denial that flies in the face of the lack of denial by his own party. YOU THINK WE LOOK RETARDED?
The truth is that I don't think your retarded, just completely dishonest.

easily manipulated only use ALEX JONES as their denial point. You are all the same and as long as CLINTON, OBAMA, and SNOPES , Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, tells you it ain't so then it's not so . You leftist are so , so easily lead by the nose it's pathetic. Know what's even funnier they all have something to do with the CIA LMFAO. Most of your IQ levels can't reach the understand of " Psychological warfare being used on USEFUL idiots" .

I gave 3 other reasons why Trumps denial is completely bonkers. So when you say I only use Jones as denial point, you're making my point of your level of honesty.

No you make my point because those of you who use that are dumber than a box of rocks and once again easily manipulated by paid off controlled media .. They keep you sheep in their coral ...

and this goes right over the heads of lower iq weak minds...........

Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.
He's an old racist. But that's not new, nor is it really the story. Trump was set to sign a DACA deal till the hardliners set into him. How did Goodlete and Cotton get to the meeting? Miller - Session's old boss? Did he call them? At any rate, Trump had to back down to satisfy his base. And connecting DACA to "shit hole countries" is what his base wants.

Didn't Trump once receive an award from the NAACP? Yeah he wasn't a racist until he decided to run for POTUS as a Republican.... Imagine that.0
No he didn't. It Took About Five Seconds To Debunk Trump Campaign Lie That He Won Award For Helping African Americans

and you might google Central Park 5.

Oh, excuse me , it wasn't an award from the NAACP

FACT CHECK: Donald Trump Received an Ellis Island Award in 1986
President Trump has denied claims he called Haiti, El Salvador and African nations “shithole countries.”

Watch: Trump Says the ‘shithole countries’ Statement is Fake News!

But tards hear what they want to hear when they are easily manipulated. Once you tell tards something they take it they run with no matter how stupid they look it doesn't matter to them. They're right that's all that matters.
Firstly it's not that Trump saying racist shit is unprecedented. Secondly initially the White House didn't deny it. Neither is there anyone at the meeting except Trump denying it. A meeting that included REPUBLICANS. Thirdly you are quoting ALEX JONES. The same guy that reported on Pizzagate as you guys like too call it, a story that wasn't only false but one that resulted in a shooting. So what you have is a denial by someone who has a history of this kind of behavior.Reported by a source that is dubious in the extreme. A denial that flies in the face of the lack of denial by his own party. YOU THINK WE LOOK RETARDED?
The truth is that I don't think your retarded, just completely dishonest.

easily manipulated only use ALEX JONES as their denial point. You are all the same and as long as CLINTON, OBAMA, and SNOPES , Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper, tells you it ain't so then it's not so . You leftist are so , so easily lead by the nose it's pathetic. Know what's even funnier they all have something to do with the CIA LMFAO. Most of your IQ levels can't reach the understand of " Psychological warfare being used on USEFUL idiots" .

I gave 3 other reasons why Trumps denial is completely bonkers. So when you say I only use Jones as denial point, you're making my point of your level of honesty.

Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...
Trump has never even sniffed injustice. He's a son of the 1% who never served a day. He doesn't even pay taxes.
Yeah, he does. Confirmed by Maddow .
Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...
Trump has never even sniffed injustice. He's a son of the 1% who never served a day. He doesn't even pay taxes.
Trump was whining that we shouldn't allow immigrants from black countries.

All caught up now?

No, he was whining that we shouldn't let people in from third world shit holes. You guys are the ones who made it racial.

All caught up now?
Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people. You can't because he didn't and it's all in your head. Africa is almost an entire continent of third world poverty. With few exceptions, there is nothing endearing about that place nor Haiti. Those countries have been the recipients of international aid for decades to no avail. When people think of the third world, what is the first place that comes to mind?


Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.
Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...
Trump has never even sniffed injustice. He's a son of the 1% who never served a day. He doesn't even pay taxes.

He does pay taxes.....ask Rachel Maddow
And let me guess no white person faces injustice?????? We all go to a secret location and get our white privilege card and get anything we want........
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame
No, he was whining that we shouldn't let people in from third world shit holes. You guys are the ones who made it racial.

All caught up now?
Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people. You can't because he didn't and it's all in your head. Africa is almost an entire continent of third world poverty. With few exceptions, there is nothing endearing about that place nor Haiti. Those countries have been the recipients of international aid for decades to no avail. When people think of the third world, what is the first place that comes to mind?


Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.

you know it is YOU who are arguing that Haiti is a shit hole because it is primarily black people , right? I mean that actually is true, but odd that liberals are making the argument.
You liberals care sooo much more about the opinions of other countries who already hate us anyway (like the Zeropean coward-filth of my race), it shows your disloyalty to this one. Especially since you have a sniveling tantrum over telling the truth you're too cowardly to look at: the 3rd world, by definition IS a shithole. Where did you people get your infantile fantasy world in which 3rd-world dregs of humanity are these saint-like, innocent, child-like, magical pixies? The 3rd world is soaked in mindless animal barbarism who don't have the brains or values to create a civilized society.
Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...

No, he's a rich, priveleged queer. Next question?

Not too many Muslims in Haiti.

Anderson went there for a queer vacation.
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I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?

A Shit-Hole.

And the fault is their own.

Haiti got its Independence at about the same time as the United States....but in Haiti, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Thus, the Mud Cakes.

No, he was whining that we shouldn't let people in from third world shit holes. You guys are the ones who made it racial.

All caught up now?
Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people. You can't because he didn't and it's all in your head. Africa is almost an entire continent of third world poverty. With few exceptions, there is nothing endearing about that place nor Haiti. Those countries have been the recipients of international aid for decades to no avail. When people think of the third world, what is the first place that comes to mind?


Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.
I don't think we'd get many takers from Norway. Even in winter. LOL
Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people. You can't because he didn't and it's all in your head. Africa is almost an entire continent of third world poverty. With few exceptions, there is nothing endearing about that place nor Haiti. Those countries have been the recipients of international aid for decades to no avail. When people think of the third world, what is the first place that comes to mind?


Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.

you know it is YOU who are arguing that Haiti is a shit hole because it is primarily black people , right? I mean that actually is true, but odd that liberals are making the argument.

The so called President made that argument. He doesn’t want “those people” from “those places” allowed entry into the U.S. He wants people from whiter nations.
"OMG OMG OMG! Trump called a shithole, a shithole! How dare he!"
Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people. You can't because he didn't and it's all in your head. Africa is almost an entire continent of third world poverty. With few exceptions, there is nothing endearing about that place nor Haiti. Those countries have been the recipients of international aid for decades to no avail. When people think of the third world, what is the first place that comes to mind?


Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.

you know it is YOU who are arguing that Haiti is a shit hole because it is primarily black people , right? I mean that actually is true, but odd that liberals are making the argument.

The so called President made that argument. He doesn’t want “those people” from “those places” allowed entry into the U.S. He wants people from whiter nations.


He's not the "so called President" he is THE President, so grow up with that nonsense

Second, no he did not say he wanted more white people , he said he wanted more people from non shit hole countries. Which actually you know makes fucking sense. You too dumb to understand that bringing in more poor people only harms the poor people who are already here? Has nothing to do with skin color.

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