Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

having pissed off the entire continent of Africa, Central America, Europe, and most of the far East, soon the only "welcoming" place for the orange, racist, buffoon may be to the arms of his handler, Putin.

....and if this thread is not political enough for the right wing moderators, just check out the political statements made about Trump from the world (and, U.S.) press/media,

We do NOT have a State Department or U.N representation.....what we DO have is "departments of apologists" for this moron-in-chief.
This racist POS prez has managed to unite the entire world and the USA AGAINST him in only one year. That's very hard to do.
having pissed off the entire continent of Africa, Central America, Europe, and most of the far East, soon the only "welcoming" place for the orange, racist, buffoon may be to the arms of his handler, Putin.

....and if this thread is not political enough for the right wing moderators, just check out the political statements made about Trump from the world (and, U.S.) press/media,

We do NOT have a State Department or U.N representation.....what we DO have is "departments of apologists" for this moron-in-chief.
And our wonderful MSM and the haters gladly made it happen.

Your ass hurt prevents you from seeing past tomorrow.
Africa is the shittiest of the shitholes. Most self-respecting Africans got on the boat and came here a long time ago.
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Countries by GDP (PPP) per capita (US dollars) in 2015, by the International Monetary Fund[
it always surprises me to see countries that are literally shitholes that touch countries that are on par with the US.

How do you not look around and go; "hey, it doesn't suck there, lets copy them."

it's rough living south of the equator.
Will they stop taking our money?

I don't know.....maybe we can label that money, our "bribery" for them to put up with such a fuck head like Trump???..............What do you think???...........LOL

That’s pretty much the liberal mentality, “pay other countries so they will like us”.

I think we should keep our own money and spend it on our own country, or let the taxpayers keep their own money. Why do we care what other countries “think” about us anyway?
We know what you want to do with " our money." Keep giving it to the very people that don't need it.

The people that make the money in the first place?
Wrong you elitist POS. The middle class doesnt " make money?"
We've been bribing them for centuries to like us, fought wars to make them like us...

What does Trump have to do with it?

Several European countries would love for the U.S. to take their bases out of their borders.......BUT, there's billions to be made by private US conglomerates in having those bases there....so we spend billions in places that don't even want us there.

You right wingers want all-out isolationism...then DO IT !!!..

Fine with me.....

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)
Exhibit B.

(Psst, who was in office when Hitler was doing his march across Europe?
I always have to laugh when people like the hawk stumps for the Uber rich while not even being close to their tax bracket.

1%ers: thank you for carrying our water.
What a filthy, fucking liar - as I expect from a friend of Kathy Griffin's and gay (the stupidest white people I've ever seen). Haiti is so 3rd-world it makes other 3rd-world countries look good. But a liberal's fecal existence is based on wallowing in pure lies to sustain a fantasy world which does not remotely exist. There doesn't exist a demographic in which I've caught more people in more lies about every subject than liberal self-loathing Americans. Every detail of a liberal's existence is based on lies. They LOVE the concept of a fantasy-world lie.

That's not really liberals. I think you're describing Progressives and leftists.

The Liberal viewpoint is not what you're talking about.
Trump is right. Africa has a billion people and they are all illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden trash who want to come here and go on welfare. Of course obama and hillary and pelosi say "Great - we're the welfare party so let them come".

Unless you have a PHD in physics or engineering or IT, we don't want you.
Oh and don't forget that Slavery of Blacks continue in Africa.....Nothing to see here, move along......
Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...
Trump has never even sniffed injustice. He's a son of the 1% who never served a day. He doesn't even pay taxes.
so you're gonna now say trump has never paid taxes?

give up that credibility easy, do you?
Yes, Liberals, Some Countries Are Shitholes
Notice how the anti-Trump media is more concerned about defending the “honor” of shithole countries than defending the rights of American citizens:

But you TARD have to turn it , twist it, deny it, and use whatever excuse you can in order to make yourselves feel better beings you support and voted for the very losers who dream this bs up. Your all just like them Clinton, Obama, Soros, Antifa.......... same minds, same bull shitters.....................lie , cheat, steal , that's the Democratic way.
We've been bribing them for centuries to like us, fought wars to make them like us...

What does Trump have to do with it?

Several European countries would love for the U.S. to take their bases out of their borders.......BUT, there's billions to be made by private US conglomerates in having those bases there....so we spend billions in places that don't even want us there.

You right wingers want all-out isolationism...then DO IT !!!..

Fine with me.....

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)
Exhibit B.

(Psst, who was in office when Hitler was doing his march across Europe?
Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said.
I so remember a PM you sent me bragging about being non partisan while you show just the opposite every time you post.
I so love watching you kick your own ass.
Well done!
having pissed off the entire continent of Africa, Central America, Europe, and most of the far East, soon the only "welcoming" place for the orange, racist, buffoon may be to the arms of his handler, Putin.

....and if this thread is not political enough for the right wing moderators, just check out the political statements made about Trump from the world (and, U.S.) press/media,

We do NOT have a State Department or U.N representation.....what we DO have is "departments of apologists" for this moron-in-chief.
Oh nooooo, I guess we can stop defending them and giving them money.........some people don't have the balls for one comment....that apparently wasn't even made
Maybe we can stop ruining regions, starting wars and stealing resources :)
What injustice has Fat Donnie ever faced?

That cheeseburgers have too many calories?
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

The people in Haiti have been exploited a lot. You do realize that Haiti is only 1/2 of that island, correct? The other half prospers. There are white-ish folks on that island. Mostly they're pretty brown-ish, though.
Trump canceled his trip to the U.K.because he's afraid of people being mean to him.
This is what his cult calls " a strong leader."
Yes, Liberals, Some Countries Are Shitholes
Notice how the anti-Trump media is more concerned about defending the “honor” of shithole countries than defending the rights of American citizens:

But you TARD have to turn it , twist it, deny it, and use whatever excuse you can in order to make yourselves feel better beings you support and voted for the very losers who dream this bs up. Your all just like them Clinton, Obama, Soros, Antifa.......... same minds, same bull shitters.....................lie , cheat, steal , that's the Democratic way.
NO NO NO. All people, countries, societies and civilizations are equal. It says so someplace!
Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.

you know it is YOU who are arguing that Haiti is a shit hole because it is primarily black people , right? I mean that actually is true, but odd that liberals are making the argument.

The so called President made that argument. He doesn’t want “those people” from “those places” allowed entry into the U.S. He wants people from whiter nations.


He's not the "so called President" he is THE President, so grow up with that nonsense

Second, no he did not say he wanted more white people , he said he wanted more people from non shit hole countries. Which actually you know makes fucking sense. You too dumb to understand that bringing in more poor people only harms the poor people who are already here? Has nothing to do with skin color.

Bovine feces. If this were some isolated incident, it could be blown off...this wasn’t. It comes on the heels of his “huts and AIDS” comment from June. The so called President is a racist.

Oh , I'm sure that you thought to yourself "hmm was this worth getting upset over or not" before getting upset over it

Haiti and most of Africa are shit holes. any large American city with a large black population is a shit hole. You do the math.

Pointing out facts isn't racist. I bet you could ship $100B in US cash to Haiti and leave it to them and if you went back in 10 years Haiti would still be a shit hole.
What the fuck? You live in barn in Arkansas gomer? LOL

any large American city with a large black population is a shit hole. You do the math
Trump canceled his trip to the U.K.because he's afraid of people being mean to him.
This is what his cult calls " a strong leader."
More than mean, they'd be. And he didn't get an invite from Prince Harry, and the Queen won't meet with him. And she touched Michelle.

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