Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

We've been bribing them for centuries to like us, fought wars to make them like us...

What does Trump have to do with it?

Several European countries would love for the U.S. to take their bases out of their borders.......BUT, there's billions to be made by private US conglomerates in having those bases there....so we spend billions in places that don't even want us there.

You right wingers want all-out isolationism...then DO IT !!!..

Fine with me.....

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)
Exhibit B.

(Psst, who was in office when Hitler was doing his march across Europe?
Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said.
I so remember a PM you sent me bragging about being non partisan while you show just the opposite every time you post.
I so love watching you kick your own ass.
Well done!
YOu might want to follow the thread back, and note that "Exhibit B"

Fine with me.....

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)

Has everything to do with it.

But, keep up your partisan rants and attacks...

and keep proving you don't have a clue
Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...
Trump was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.

Oh yeah? Whose on first?
President Trump’s comments, according to two anonymous sources, have riled the virtue signalers, who live in their self-righteous bubbles of delusion.
In the presence of Senators Durbin, Graham and others, President Trump allegedly said, “Why do we want all these people from Africa here? They’re shithole countries … We should have more people from Norway.”

The Real Sh@#hole: Media Bias And Fake News

Oh on Monday Veitas is going to blow this lying media, leftist bastards out of the water when they release another new video too.
Most loons can't piece together how this SHIT HOLE incident was a distraction from what TWITTER said about it's users " SHITTY PEOPLE" no different than Mark Z owner of facebook who called his users DUMB MOTHER F................S......................... you leftist can't connect the dots to shit!!

" remember twitter " SHADOW BANNED" James O'Keefe"..................
TWITER wants to " BAN THE WAY WE TALK" ............
What a filthy, fucking liar - as I expect from a friend of Kathy Griffin's and gay (the stupidest white people I've ever seen). Haiti is so 3rd-world it makes other 3rd-world countries look good. But a liberal's fecal existence is based on wallowing in pure lies to sustain a fantasy world which does not remotely exist. There doesn't exist a demographic in which I've caught more people in more lies about every subject than liberal self-loathing Americans. Every detail of a liberal's existence is based on lies. They LOVE the concept of a fantasy-world lie.

That's not really liberals. I think you're describing Progressives and leftists.

The Liberal viewpoint is not what you're talking about.

I know, that's what I mean. But these leftists have hijacked the train-wreck-through-a-Mardi-Gras-parade Democratic Party under Obama. That's what the D. party is currently about. Classic JFK liberals (which I was most of my life) generally don't exist anymore.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
Yes, Liberals, Some Countries Are Shitholes
Notice how the anti-Trump media is more concerned about defending the “honor” of shithole countries than defending the rights of American citizens:

But you TARD have to turn it , twist it, deny it, and use whatever excuse you can in order to make yourselves feel better beings you support and voted for the very losers who dream this bs up. Your all just like them Clinton, Obama, Soros, Antifa.......... same minds, same bull shitters.....................lie , cheat, steal , that's the Democratic way.
NO NO NO. All people, countries, societies and civilizations are equal. It says so someplace!

Oh dam it that's right Clinton and Obama told us now I remember .
Anderson Cooper: Haitians have 'fought back against more injustice than our president ever has'

"Like all countries, Haiti is a collection of people - rich and poor, well-educated and not, good and bad

Well dam Anderson, going to Hait is a lot like going to Britain...I've never been to either......I've seen pictures......unless those pics were fake news.......I don't think it's the same...
Trump was born on third base and claims he hit a triple.
Obama stuck out, said he hit a home run, but racists wouldn't let him have it.
What a filthy, fucking liar - as I expect from a friend of Kathy Griffin's and gay (the stupidest white people I've ever seen). Haiti is so 3rd-world it makes other 3rd-world countries look good. But a liberal's fecal existence is based on wallowing in pure lies to sustain a fantasy world which does not remotely exist. There doesn't exist a demographic in which I've caught more people in more lies about every subject than liberal self-loathing Americans. Every detail of a liberal's existence is based on lies. They LOVE the concept of a fantasy-world lie.

That's not really liberals. I think you're describing Progressives and leftists.

The Liberal viewpoint is not what you're talking about.

I know, that's what I mean. But these leftists have hijacked the train-wreck-through-a-Mardi-Gras-parade Democratic Party under Obama. That's what the D. party is currently about. Classic JFK liberals (which I was most of my life) generally don't exist anymore.

They do, and are still out there, but the Democratic party has been hijacked by America-hating leftists. I'm glad you realize that. :)
having pissed off the entire continent of Africa, Central America, Europe, and most of the far East, soon the only "welcoming" place for the orange, racist, buffoon may be to the arms of his handler, Putin.

....and if this thread is not political enough for the right wing moderators, just check out the political statements made about Trump from the world (and, U.S.) press/media,

We do NOT have a State Department or U.N representation.....what we DO have is "departments of apologists" for this moron-in-chief.

He already bailed on going to England because he knows that he is not welcome...and they are our strongest ally.
I always have to laugh when people like the hawk stumps for the Uber rich while not even being close to their tax bracket.

1%ers: thank you for carrying our water.

I laugh when you toil in poverty bitching about the 1% and not learning how they do it........you guys are dumb
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Countries by GDP (PPP) per capita (US dollars) in 2015, by the International Monetary Fund[

Can anyone name one Third World nation that isn't a total shit hole? Thought not.
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Countries by GDP (PPP) per capita (US dollars) in 2015, by the International Monetary Fund[

Can anyone name one Third World nation that isn't a total shit hole? Thought not.
United States? Obama almost turned this nation into one. Thank God and the intelligent US voter who woke up and voted out 4 more years of the mother fucking faggot's crooked vagina candidate.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House, a Democratic aide briefed on Thursday's meeting told NBC News.

Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post, which said the nations referred to by Trump also included El Salvador.

The U.N. human rights office said the comments, if confirmed, were "shocking and shameful" and "racist," while Haiti's foreign minister summoned the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Robin Diallo for clarification.

Two sources briefed on the conversation say that during the portion of the conversation about Haiti — which came at the top of the exchange that led to the “shithole” comment — the president questioned why Haitians should be given specific consideration.

“Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” he said, according to sources. Someone else in the room responded: “Because if you do, it will be obvious why.”

The White House issued a statement that did not deny the remarks, however Trump tweeted an apparent denial early Friday: "The language used by me at the ... meeting was tough, but this was not the language used."

It came as senators huddled in the Oval Office with the president to discuss a path forward on an immigration deal. Trump questioned why the United States would want people from nations such as Haiti while he was being briefed on changes to the visa lottery system.

According to the aide, when the group came to discussing immigration from Africa, Trump asked why America would want immigrants from "all these shithole countries" and that the U.S. should have more people coming in from places like Norway.

A source familiar with the meeting told NBC News the president was particularly frustrated during discussions about the visa lottery system — a program Trump has railed against repeatedly in recent months. Another White House source explained the language Trump used as his way of trying to emphasize his support for a merit-based immigration system.

Later Thursday, railed against Democrats over ongoing talks on an immigration deal. "The Democrats seem intent on having people and drugs pour into our country from the Southern Border, risking thousands of lives in the process. It is my duty to protect the lives and safety of all Americans. We must build a Great Wall, think Merit and end Lottery & Chain. USA!" he wrote.

Botswana's government on Friday said Trump had been "reprehensible and racist," and said it has summoned the U.S. ambassador to clarify whether the nation is regarded as, to use Trump's word, a "shithole" country.

U.N. human rights office spokesman Robert Colville told reporters that the remarks could "potentially damage and disrupt the lives of many people."

The "shocking and shameful" remark "legitimizes the targeting of people based on who they are," he said, adding: "I'm sorry, but there's no other word one can use but racist."

Haiti Ambassador to the U.S. Paul G. Altidor called Trump's comments “regrettable” and based on “clichés and stereotypes rather than actual fact.”

The ambassador underscored the indelicate timing of the comment, pointing out that Friday is the eighth anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which is estimated to have killed well over 200,000 people.

Altidor said that since the reports of Trump's remarks, he had been “bombarded by emails from the American public apologizing” and said he knew Trump's comments were “not the views of the American public.”

The African Union said it was "alarmed" by Trump's statement. "Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice," spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said, adding that it was “particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity."

In Lagos, Nigeria, IT worker Mayowa Okuwade said: “I think every African country should just learn from this and probably just stay in their country and work with their resources … I am very much sure things will get better."

Others quickly decided to own Trump's language or throw it back in his face. "Good morning from the greatest most beautiful 'shithole country' in the world!!!" South African Broadcasting Corporation anchor Leanne Manas tweeted.

Republican Rep. Mia Love of Utah — the daughter of Haitian immigrants — released a statement saying Trump's comments were "unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation's values" and demanding an apology from the president.

And Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said in a tweet that the reported remark "ignores the contributions thousands of Haitians have made to our #SoFla community and nation. Language like that shouldn't be heard in locker rooms and it shouldn't be heard in the White House".

It’s not the first time reports have surfaced of Trump speaking unfavorably about immigrants, and Haitians in particular. The New York Times reported in December that Trump said Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS," during a summer 2017 meeting about immigration.

According to the Times, Trump also targeted Nigerian immigrants during that meeting, complaining that once they came the United States they would never "go back to their huts." The White House vigorously denied the claims in the story at the time.

... Now News ...
Trump was right. Diversity sucks. We need to stop importing welfare queens from shithole countries.
Agree, but he cannot give his political opponents such an easy pitch to hit out of the ballpark.

Now, they have what they wanted. They can chant racism racism racism and the world will be justified.

Regardless of right or wrong, it is about perception. We know the left wing hypocrites will pretend that they dont think the same thing about Haiti. They obviously did not give one shit about what the clinton foundation did to Haiti. They are worthless piles and we know it.

However, this is NOT about that. Trump gives his enemies too much amo and he is a political moron.

Trump is going to be attacked from the assholes on the Left no matter what he does. They are scumbags like that.

I like him telling the politically incorrect truth. We need more of that.

Political correctness has done a lot of damage to this country and we need somebody like him with the courage to call it like it is.

Good for Trump. He was right. Piss on the pink pussy hat snowflake Moon Bats that don't like it.
Sorry, but you are wrong here. Again, the left are losers, mainly because they are hypocrites about EVERYTHING.

Somehow what Trump (allegedly) said, is faaaar more offensive than what their clinton kuuuunt and criminal husband did.

That reported by msnbc of all things. Haiti was scammed and left high and dry. Like I said, the left really dont give a shit they did, but only about what Trump said. It is the epitome of hypocrisy and they are barely worth addressing.

However, Trump CANNOT give his opponents constant ammunition. He does. He is a political fool. Now, they have what they want and the world is going nuts.

Sorry, he is a fool to say it like that.

I understand the point you are making. However, as we have seen on numerous occasions, if Trump doesn't give the Libtards "ammunition" then they will just make up their own like we constantly see with fake news.

We are never going to win over these Moon Bat jackasses. They are hell bent on turning this country into a socialist shithole and no amount of reasoning is going to persuade them.

They will do their mindless hate Trump bullshit no matter what he says. At least in this case he was telling the truth. We do not need to be importing more worthless third world welfare queens from shithole countries. Kudos for him for doing and saying the right thing.

Piss on any of these Moon Bats that don't like it. They don't like anything that will make this country great again. Importing those assholes from the shithole countries has made this country worse off. All they do is come over here, get on welfare, commit crimes and vote Democrat. Despicable. It is about time somebody with courage had the balls to say it.

Let us assume for a moment that what he said was true, which in question at this point.

The best part about most of their accusations is they were fake. Proven fake. That is amo they have given us. In other words, nearly all of the things they have accused him of has been equivalent to shooting blanks. Each time they have been caught, it gives Trump more credibility.

However, when they have a live round, it gives them credibility and ALL of their false claims tend to be washed away.

He has to know the vipers are all around him. None of them are in any way concerned about what is GOOD for the country.

All of them wake up every day hoping this will be the day they bring Trump (American free market) down.

Trump......should know that and if he does not, then he is a fool.

So there are big mouths in the meetings that Trump has. What else is new?

Trump just needs to be Trump and that includes trying to stop all these shitheads from flooding in and ruining our country.

The Moon Bats are not going to vote for him no matter what, even if he kissed the ass of the Browns and Blacks.

Trump supporters understand what he is doing and will continue to support him.

There may be some confused people around but then there are always are.

If someone allows the Liberal news media to influence the way they think about Trump with anti Trump hate talk then piss on them. They are probably too stupid to be allowed to vote in the first place.

Who cares what hate the Liberal news media spews against Trump? They have been pissed at Trump ever since he beat Crooked Hillary.

Trump needs to stand fast and not allow the Democrats to use it as leverage to not secure the border and stop the flood of third world assholes from coming in from shithole countries.

I think he is up to it. Piss on the Liberals for using racism as leverage and trying to derail real immigration reform and border security. they are the scum of this country.

Africa sucks. It sucks because it is a shithole continent full of assholes. The same for other places like Haiti. We sure as hell don't need those dickheads coming here. Good for Trump for having the courage to voice the truth.
List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia

Countries by GDP (PPP) per capita (US dollars) in 2015, by the International Monetary Fund[

Can anyone name one Third World nation that isn't a total shit hole? Thought not.
United States? Obama almost turned this nation into one. Thank God and the intelligent US voter who woke up and voted out 4 more years of the mother fucking faggot's crooked vagina candidate.

You are a nearly Third World nation? :confused-84:
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.

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