If any here can swing buying this, check out the Corvette for 2025

It's only roughly $70k if you buy the stripped down model. I guess closer to $90k fully loaded. And I would think many people would could afford a Corvette would buy one that wasn't fully loaded. But if you buy the electric one expect to pay well over $100k
I heard owners tossing around a cost around $200,000. Is it sold stripped down? They never mentioned electric in the discussion I posted a video of.
I heard owners tossing around a cost around $200,000. Is it sold stripped down? They never mentioned electric in the discussion I posted a video of.
I probably would have been more accurate if I had said the cheapest instead of stripped down. As for pricing, it all depends on where you look it seems. And the electric I think is likely a hybrid rather than all electric. Not sure about that.

But I did find where an all electric model is being added in 2025 and its pricing is closer to what you have been seeing.

I probably would have been more accurate if I had said the cheapest instead of stripped down. As for pricing, it all depends on where you look it seems. And the electric I think is likely a hybrid rather than all electric. Not sure about that.

But I did find where an all electric model is being added in 2025 and its pricing is closer to what you have been seeing.

You know, I am old so give me the sound of the old high power engines and I am good. Electric has problems. Not merely Corvettes, any of them.
Electric is so impractical out here in the wide open spaces and long distances between towns that you almost never see an electric car here.
Even regular cars with normal batteries reach points where you wish you owned something better. The modern electric auto is normally smaller, weighs way too much due to batteries and in very cold weather you can get into one and find it won't start. And charging one. Real problems. Fremont, CA my town for many years had a COSTCO store than maybe 10 years back put in charging systems for maybe a dozen electrics. When I shopped, I kept noticing no takers being charged most of the time. The store now is a Walmart and it has no chargers at all. And the Newest larger COSTCO also has none when I left Fremont in 2019.
Let's see if they now have them.

Costco Fremont
43621 Pacific Commons Blvd.
Fremont, California 94538

Site ID: 94538_3 Thomas Bros. Maps Page and Grid™: 773-C3

Charging facilities at this site:
1 - Small paddle
1 - Avcon
Nominal supply voltage for this site: 208V

Drag the map with your mouse, or double-click to center.
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^^ Oh Lord….they just had to turn this into a Trump thing somehow.

You people are nuts.
If you can afford a vet you ain’t worried about the ticket. And how fast do you really need to go? It’s for looks. For people who have disposable income.

Even if I had $1 million I would not buy a n expensive car. I’d buy dirt.
Electric is so impractical out here in the wide open spaces and long distances between towns that you almost never see an electric car here.

It’s my experience people who live in bfe never go anywhere too far from home. In towns like you describe.

Name the city. How far is the nearest city? I bet a battery car can handle it.

mMy brother drives his battery Jeep 3.5 hours up north mi. Me thinks you’re just negative green technology?

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