Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.

Turns out it was Fake News, he didn’t say it. Most of us didn’t have a problem with it because number one, it’s factual, and it was in a private meeting.

Some say he said it, others say he didn't. The man does have a history of making somewhat unfortunate remarks that could be taken as racist or sexist or otherwise dumbshit stupid for a US President to be saying. I like the job he's doing, most of his policies are good ones but Jesus, the guy has very little discretion at times.
The people that make the money in the first place?

or inherited it.....or cheated others out of.......or bribed the treasury to gibe it to them.....Should I go on, nitwit?

If they “cheated” or stole money from others, that would be a crime. Persecute the crime. What does that have to do with tax?

Another great glimpse into the mind of a liberal....”people who make money must be stealing it from someone else or they just don’t deserve it!” Another insane Marxist.
You know, up until yesterday when Trump made his "shithole" comment, I NEVER saw the word "shit" or "shithole" anywhere on the news. If they were reporting someone saying stuff like this, they would use ****hole or **** instead.

Now? All the news agencies that are reporting it are actually spelling it out as well as saying it unbleeped, even during morning and afternoon broadcasts.

Yep.............Trump sure is making America great again. Now your kids can learn new and interesting words on the news.
please explain, w/o lying, how it's trumps fault the media isn't editing what it says on air.

to be every so clear; W/O LYING

Because it's what the president actually said. And, apparently the media thinks that if Trump can say it, so can they, because they are reporting his exact words.
armies of pissed off blacks to flood the US

Maybe those "armies of pissed off blacks" will not recognize you if you walk around incognito, perhaps wearing your best Sunday garbs???

The people that make the money in the first place?

or inherited it.....or cheated others out of.......or bribed the treasury to gibe it to them.....Should I go on, nitwit?

If they “cheated” or stole money from others, that would be a crime. Persecute the crime. What does that have to do with tax?

Another great glimpse into the mind of a liberal....”people who make money must be stealing it from someone else or they just don’t deserve it!” Another insane Marxist.
Mueller is in the process of gathering volumes of evidence so he can persecute the racist POS'S crimes.
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.

Turns out it was Fake News, he didn’t say it. Most of us didn’t have a problem with it because number one, it’s factual, and it was in a private meeting.

Some say he said it, others say he didn't. The man does have a history of making somewhat unfortunate remarks that could be taken as racist or sexist or otherwise dumbshit stupid for a US President to be saying. I like the job he's doing, most of his policies are good ones but Jesus, the guy has very little discretion at times.

It’s a private meeting. He can curse all he wants. You don’t think the Hussein ever cussed? We all know Hillary goes off the rails behind the scenes.
The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.
straight talk offends leftists.

It's not like he told the leaders of those shitholes anything they didn't already know and profit from

Straight talk does not need to be offensive to other countries.
since when do we care?

are these shitholes going to stop talking our money?

I care. IMHO such language ought to be considered beneath the office. I wouldn't impeach the guy for it, but dayum.
The tards at CNN were liberally using the word SHIThole, all the while condemning Trump for using it. They truly are sick people.
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.
straight talk offends leftists.

It's not like he told the leaders of those shitholes anything they didn't already know and profit from

Straight talk does not need to be offensive to other countries.
since when do we care?

are these shitholes going to stop talking our money?

I care. IMHO such language ought to be considered beneath the office. I wouldn't impeach the guy for it, but dayum.
you shouldn't care at all what other countries think.

we are not in high school trying to be one of the cool kids.
I always have to laugh when people like the hawk stumps for the Uber rich while not even being close to their tax bracket.

1%ers: thank you for carrying our water.

I laugh when you toil in poverty bitching about the 1% and not learning how they do it........you guys are dumb
I toil in poverty?
I could buy and sell you 10 times over.
It's a fact written in stone that the GOP has propped up the very rich and shit on the poor and middle class for 40 years. Trump, being a republican politician, follows that pattern.
Perhaps it's a good reason why they would like to, and NO, not all humans. Just those who pass our strict immigration requirements as always apply.
Then you agree with Trump. Did you vote for him?
No, I don't agree with Trump that those people should be sent home. They are not illegal. I think you're confused.
We were discussing immigration. You agree with Trump and those horrible right-wingers that only those who qualify should be able to emigrate to America, according to its immigration policies.

And no one has ever said to deport legal aliens. You sound exactly like Trump. You two agree completely.
I thought we were talking about rescinding the temporary status of the immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and Nigeria (there are others coming up later in the year) who were allowed to stay here due to disasters of some kind. Trump is rescinding those stays. They are not here illegally. They have been allowed to work. His comments bitching about "why" we are allowing people from these shithole countries to come here is a pretty clear indication he would prefer they not, and that they go home.
You have a poor understanding of what is real. You fail to follow a simple conversation you are involved in. You seem very scatter-brained and difficult to follow a simple train of thought without blasting off in different directions.

Question stunningly NOT answered. You said you've spent time there, made a lot of friends there. You don't plan to forget how hungry they are. So, do you call them a "shithole" and want to deny them a chance to immigrate here?

I thought we were talking about rescinding the temporary status of the immigrants from El Salvador, Haiti and Nigeria (there are others coming up later in the year) who were allowed to stay here due to disasters of some kind. Trump is rescinding those stays. They are not here illegally. They have been allowed to work. His comments bitching about "why" we are allowing people from these shithole countries to come here is a pretty clear indication he would prefer they not, and that they go home.

What exactly ARE you talking about.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. You don't want to attempt an answer, fine.
The tards at CNN were liberally using the word SHIThole, all the while condemning Trump for using it. They truly are sick people.
The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
yeah I know, but they had one revolution, you would think they would do another and get a real govt in place
if not, it's just gonna be a shithole forever
I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
View attachment 171237

In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
View attachment 171238
So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?

A Shit-Hole.

And the fault is their own.

Haiti got its Independence at about the same time as the United States....but in Haiti, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Thus, the Mud Cakes.

That's really funny.
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.

Turns out it was Fake News, he didn’t say it. Most of us didn’t have a problem with it because number one, it’s factual, and it was in a private meeting.

Some say he said it, others say he didn't. The man does have a history of making somewhat unfortunate remarks that could be taken as racist or sexist or otherwise dumbshit stupid for a US President to be saying. I like the job he's doing, most of his policies are good ones but Jesus, the guy has very little discretion at times.

It’s a private meeting. He can curse all he wants. You don’t think the Hussein ever cussed? We all know Hillary goes off the rails behind the scenes.

Not when democrats are in the room. I don't excuse Obama or Clinton (either one) or anyone else either, but the fact that someone else does it does not mitigate the POTUS saying stuff like that in an official meeting. If he did say it.

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