Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)

Does that also include our gas stations, Saudi Arabia and Iraq???


Want to try again, in English?
Give us some examples of how you go after the Trump cult to prove you're " nonpartisan. " lol

Give us some example of you being sane.

(oops, that wont' happen)

I'm impartial in my duties as a mod.

I could care less if, or how, Trump is removed from office.

as long as he takes Pence with him.

Dont' mistake my not wanting to hang him from the nearest lamppost, for liking him.

I'm not nearly as partisan as you....

I doubt many are.
The people that make the money in the first place?

or inherited it.....or cheated others out of.......or bribed the treasury to gibe it to them.....Should I go on, nitwit?

If they “cheated” or stole money from others, that would be a crime. Persecute the crime. What does that have to do with tax?

Another great glimpse into the mind of a liberal....”people who make money must be stealing it from someone else or they just don’t deserve it!” Another insane Marxist.
Mueller is in the process of gathering volumes of evidence so he can persecute the racist POS'S crimes.

(Psst, who was in office when Hitler was doing his march across Europe?
Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said.
I so remember a PM you sent me bragging about being non partisan while you show just the opposite every time you post.
I so love watching you kick your own ass.
Well done!
YOu might want to follow the thread back, and note that "Exhibit B"

Fine with me.....

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)

Has everything to do with it.

But, keep up your partisan rants and attacks...

and keep proving you don't have a clue
You hate being exposed as a fraud.. but I'm always willing to do it.
" I'm nonpartisan " is as funny as Trump saying he's not a liar.


I'm SURE you enjoy exposing....

No I enjoy proving what you said to me in aPM was BS.

It wasn't.

Shame you're too much a fool to see it otherwise.
The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
yeah I know, but they had one revolution, you would think they would do another and get a real govt in place
if not, it's just gonna be a shithole forever

Yeah, their revolution was just "Kill Whitey" without thinking about fending for themselves.

True story. Were the Colonialists wrong? Yes. That was quite some time ago, though..
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.
straight talk offends leftists.

It's not like he told the leaders of those shitholes anything they didn't already know and profit from

Straight talk does not need to be offensive to other countries.
since when do we care?

are these shitholes going to stop talking our money?

I care. IMHO such language ought to be considered beneath the office. I wouldn't impeach the guy for it, but dayum.
you shouldn't care at all what other countries think.

we are not in high school trying to be one of the cool kids.

"you shouldn't care at all what other countries think."

Personally I don't give a shit what they think. But the President should. Do you know a damn thing about international politics and affairs?
I just posted many maps on Africa in the Haiti thread:
Africa highest in:
less drinking water !!!!
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.

Turns out it was Fake News, he didn’t say it. Most of us didn’t have a problem with it because number one, it’s factual, and it was in a private meeting.

Some say he said it, others say he didn't. The man does have a history of making somewhat unfortunate remarks that could be taken as racist or sexist or otherwise dumbshit stupid for a US President to be saying. I like the job he's doing, most of his policies are good ones but Jesus, the guy has very little discretion at times.

It’s a private meeting. He can curse all he wants. You don’t think the Hussein ever cussed? We all know Hillary goes off the rails behind the scenes.

Not when democrats are in the room. I don't excuse Obama or Clinton (either one) or anyone else either, but the fact that someone else does it does not mitigate the POTUS saying stuff like that in an official meeting. If he did say it.
to what?? say the truth--no we can't have that
straight talk offends leftists.

It's not like he told the leaders of those shitholes anything they didn't already know and profit from

Straight talk does not need to be offensive to other countries.
since when do we care?

are these shitholes going to stop talking our money?

I care. IMHO such language ought to be considered beneath the office. I wouldn't impeach the guy for it, but dayum.
you shouldn't care at all what other countries think.

we are not in high school trying to be one of the cool kids.

"you shouldn't care at all what other countries think."

Personally I don't give a shit what they think. But the President should. Do you know a damn thing about international politics and affairs?
I know we have wasted trillions and countless lives saving those ungrateful shithole nations.

do I need to know more? No.
The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
yeah I know, but they had one revolution, you would think they would do another and get a real govt in place
if not, it's just gonna be a shithole forever

Yeah, their revolution was just "Kill Whitey" without thinking about fending for themselves.

True story. Were the Colonialists wrong? Yes. That was quite some time ago, though..

I agree....I always talk about my professor for history, Alan Gumbel (a cousin of the Gumbel brothers and looked just like them) said that decolonization did cause serious problems.......and we see it........these people have no clue on how to organize a country at all.........
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.

Turns out it was Fake News, he didn’t say it. Most of us didn’t have a problem with it because number one, it’s factual, and it was in a private meeting.

Some say he said it, others say he didn't. The man does have a history of making somewhat unfortunate remarks that could be taken as racist or sexist or otherwise dumbshit stupid for a US President to be saying. I like the job he's doing, most of his policies are good ones but Jesus, the guy has very little discretion at times.

It’s a private meeting. He can curse all he wants. You don’t think the Hussein ever cussed? We all know Hillary goes off the rails behind the scenes.

Not when democrats are in the room. I don't excuse Obama or Clinton (either one) or anyone else either, but the fact that someone else does it does not mitigate the POTUS saying stuff like that in an official meeting. If he did say it.
to what?? say the truth--no we can't have that

There are more diplomatic ways to say the truth. And there are times when the truth need not be said in the first place, especially when democrats are in the room.
Some of those pics were of Obamas relatives.
He forgot about his relatives when he was spouting off about taking care of those less fortunate.
Turns out it was Fake News, he didn’t say it. Most of us didn’t have a problem with it because number one, it’s factual, and it was in a private meeting.

Some say he said it, others say he didn't. The man does have a history of making somewhat unfortunate remarks that could be taken as racist or sexist or otherwise dumbshit stupid for a US President to be saying. I like the job he's doing, most of his policies are good ones but Jesus, the guy has very little discretion at times.

It’s a private meeting. He can curse all he wants. You don’t think the Hussein ever cussed? We all know Hillary goes off the rails behind the scenes.

Not when democrats are in the room. I don't excuse Obama or Clinton (either one) or anyone else either, but the fact that someone else does it does not mitigate the POTUS saying stuff like that in an official meeting. If he did say it.
to what?? say the truth--no we can't have that

There are more diplomatic ways to say the truth. And there are times when the truth need not be said in the first place, especially when democrats are in the room.
diplomacy!! hahahhahahah
forget that--it doesn't work when you really need it to
these countries will do whatever whenever no matter what language we use
you think you'll get diplomacy if you talk nicey nicey?? no no no
Trump is right. Africa has a billion people and they are all illiterate, unskilled, disease-ridden trash who want to come here and go on welfare. Of course obama and hillary and pelosi say "Great - we're the welfare party so let them come".

Unless you have a PHD in physics or engineering or IT, we don't want you.

Always fascinating to hear from the Trump supporters.

'they are all'.......

The lefties here accuse all Republicans of just about everything.

So do all of you 'Republicans' agree with Sharpshooter?

That every single person from Africa is:
  • Illiterate
  • unskilled
  • diseased
Tell us more.
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.
straight talk offends leftists.

It's not like he told the leaders of those shitholes anything they didn't already know and profit from

Straight talk does not need to be offensive to other countries.
since when do we care?

are these shitholes going to stop talking our money?

I wonder if Trump said exactly what he said to appeal to his base- like you?
You know, up until yesterday when Trump made his "shithole" comment, I NEVER saw the word "shit" or "shithole" anywhere on the news. If they were reporting someone saying stuff like this, they would use ****hole or **** instead.

Now? All the news agencies that are reporting it are actually spelling it out as well as saying it unbleeped, even during morning and afternoon broadcasts.

Yep.............Trump sure is making America great again. Now your kids can learn new and interesting words on the news.

I love it...those high horse hypocrites...fuck em
Not that easy.
after Hurricane Matthew 2016


The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.
I mean he says Haitians have fought more injustice....from whom????

there are no white folks on the island.....its a complete shithole and hasn't improved in centuries....
I mean they only have themselves to blame

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
yeah I know, but they had one revolution, you would think they would do another and get a real govt in place
if not, it's just gonna be a shithole forever
The point isn't whether or not many if not most of those countries are "shitholes", the issue is that the POTUS shouldn't be referring to other countries with that language.
straight talk offends leftists.

It's not like he told the leaders of those shitholes anything they didn't already know and profit from

Straight talk does not need to be offensive to other countries.
since when do we care?

are these shitholes going to stop talking our money?

I wonder if Trump said exactly what he said to appeal to his base- like you?
like me?

fuck nut, I haven't voted 'for' a Pres in a very long time.

still doesn't mean he isn't right

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