Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

I've been to both nations. Beautiful scenery in the unpopulated areas. Beautiful people, have a lot of new friends now. There is good reason the people from these nations wish to immigrate to America.

This is a person making mud cakes to sell for a penny. It is just what it says. It is mud. Form it and let the sun dry it into a hard cake. Parents feed it to their children to fill their stomachs so they stop crying from hunger because their is no food. I keep one on my desk as a reminder.
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In 2016 El Salvador was named the worlds most violent nation not at war. Armed guards followed us wherever we went. A lot of places we were not allowed to go. At least a dozen armed guards surrounded our hotel each night.
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So sad. So you would you call Haiti a "shithole?" Or a country with hungry people?

A Shit-Hole.

And the fault is their own.

Haiti got its Independence at about the same time as the United States....but in Haiti, the first thing they did was KILL all the White People.

Thus, the Mud Cakes.

That's really funny.
There is no filter between Trump's brain and his mouth. I would have said dysfunctional rather than shitty. Do you not believe all of the poorest nations are dysfunctional? I'm sure if Trump said dysfunctional you snowflakes would be just as hysterical.

The poorest nations are poor because they have corrupt socialist governments. If you can't acknowledge that - which most of the left cannot - then you are delusional and no understanding of the world.
do you agree with Crooked Hillary?!

Hillary Clinton on Twitter

"The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm America’s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, we‘re subjected to Trump’s ignorant, racist views of anyone who doesn’t look like him." - Crooked Hillary
Why is Cuba as it is? Why is Venezuela as it is? What happens when there is no industry to feed yourselves, other than under govt rule? The Main exports there are manufactured clothing, and cement, but it is very little in the overall scheme of things. They were deforested years upon years ago, and are vulnerable to hurricanes.
What happens when you dare rise up and you have no arms in a despot country? Gun ownership must be approved by the Chief of police.
Not that easy.
after Hurricane Matthew 2016

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The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
Whether you like it or not, the everyday citizens of Haiti have dealt with govt and outsider corruption for years, massive corruption. They then were scammed by the Clinton Foundation after a devastating earthquake. They have had to fight for their very physical survival.

ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
yeah I know, but they had one revolution, you would think they would do another and get a real govt in place
if not, it's just gonna be a shithole forever
I got it....but other countries have nice towns and resort areas......how are you so backwards......I mean a per capita GDP of $450 is shameful......
who do you think is better immigrant ? Guy/Lady from 3rd world place who will work like crazy at some low level job. Someone who will build themselves up, someone who appreciates all the freedoms USA offers .

Or some eurotrash who will take a high end job from an American and lecture us on how things are better in Europe ?
Ask those immigrants who've come here what they think of those third world countries they've escaped. They'll probably call em shitholes too.
All Democrats see here is a vast number of future Democratic Voters. "Bring them on in".

Put em on Welfare; register them to vote.

Fuck America...its the Democratic Party and Bolshevism that counts.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump referred to Haiti and African nations as "shithole countries" during a meeting with a bipartisan group of senators at the White House, a Democratic aide briefed on Thursday's meeting told NBC News.

Trump's comments were first reported by The Washington Post, which said the nations referred to by Trump also included El Salvador.

The U.N. human rights office said the comments, if confirmed, were "shocking and shameful" and "racist," while Haiti's foreign minister summoned the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires Robin Diallo for clarification.

Two sources briefed on the conversation say that during the portion of the conversation about Haiti — which came at the top of the exchange that led to the “shithole” comment — the president questioned why Haitians should be given specific consideration.

“Why do we need more Haitians, take them out,” he said, according to sources. Someone else in the room responded: “Because if you do, it will be obvious why.”

The White House issued a statement that did not deny the remarks, however Trump tweeted an apparent denial early Friday: "The language used by me at the ... meeting was tough, but this was not the language used."

It came as senators huddled in the Oval Office with the president to discuss a path forward on an immigration deal. Trump questioned why the United States would want people from nations such as Haiti while he was being briefed on changes to the visa lottery system.

According to the aide, when the group came to discussing immigration from Africa, Trump asked why America would want immigrants from "all these shithole countries" and that the U.S. should have more people coming in from places like Norway.

A source familiar with the meeting told NBC News the president was particularly frustrated during discussions about the visa lottery system — a program Trump has railed against repeatedly in recent months. Another White House source explained the language Trump used as his way of trying to emphasize his support for a merit-based immigration system.

Later Thursday, railed against Democrats over ongoing talks on an immigration deal. "The Democrats seem intent on having people and drugs pour into our country from the Southern Border, risking thousands of lives in the process. It is my duty to protect the lives and safety of all Americans. We must build a Great Wall, think Merit and end Lottery & Chain. USA!" he wrote.

Botswana's government on Friday said Trump had been "reprehensible and racist," and said it has summoned the U.S. ambassador to clarify whether the nation is regarded as, to use Trump's word, a "shithole" country.

U.N. human rights office spokesman Robert Colville told reporters that the remarks could "potentially damage and disrupt the lives of many people."

The "shocking and shameful" remark "legitimizes the targeting of people based on who they are," he said, adding: "I'm sorry, but there's no other word one can use but racist."

Haiti Ambassador to the U.S. Paul G. Altidor called Trump's comments “regrettable” and based on “clichés and stereotypes rather than actual fact.”

The ambassador underscored the indelicate timing of the comment, pointing out that Friday is the eighth anniversary of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, which is estimated to have killed well over 200,000 people.

Altidor said that since the reports of Trump's remarks, he had been “bombarded by emails from the American public apologizing” and said he knew Trump's comments were “not the views of the American public.”

The African Union said it was "alarmed" by Trump's statement. "Given the historical reality of how many Africans arrived in the United States as slaves, this statement flies in the face of all accepted behavior and practice," spokeswoman Ebba Kalondo said, adding that it was “particularly surprising as the United States of America remains a global example of how migration gave birth to a nation built on strong values of diversity and opportunity."

In Lagos, Nigeria, IT worker Mayowa Okuwade said: “I think every African country should just learn from this and probably just stay in their country and work with their resources … I am very much sure things will get better."

Others quickly decided to own Trump's language or throw it back in his face. "Good morning from the greatest most beautiful 'shithole country' in the world!!!" South African Broadcasting Corporation anchor Leanne Manas tweeted.

Republican Rep. Mia Love of Utah — the daughter of Haitian immigrants — released a statement saying Trump's comments were "unkind, divisive, elitist, and fly in the face of our nation's values" and demanding an apology from the president.

And Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, R-Fla., said in a tweet that the reported remark "ignores the contributions thousands of Haitians have made to our #SoFla community and nation. Language like that shouldn't be heard in locker rooms and it shouldn't be heard in the White House".

It’s not the first time reports have surfaced of Trump speaking unfavorably about immigrants, and Haitians in particular. The New York Times reported in December that Trump said Haitian immigrants "all have AIDS," during a summer 2017 meeting about immigration.

According to the Times, Trump also targeted Nigerian immigrants during that meeting, complaining that once they came the United States they would never "go back to their huts." The White House vigorously denied the claims in the story at the time.

... Now News ...

Do you have a comment of your own?
The State Dept. recommends US citizens avoid traveling to third-world countries the mainstream media claims President Trump referred to as “shitholes.”
State Dept Warns: Avoid Travel to Shithole Countries

OH look warnings not to go to SHIT HOLE countries imagine that. Oh why don't you dumb ass leftist take a trip down there and see if you think it's NOT a shit hole if you make it back alive that is.
IDIOTS you want this shit in our Country proves how pathetically fkn stupid you asses are.

Yep, the world is full of shithole people coming from shithole countries trying to get in here free so that they can then become shithole democrats and bring in all of their shithole relatives with them.





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.
I'd also be willing to bet my paycheck everyone in these pictures that's old enough to vote is a Democrat.
You would lose. Appalachia covers 13 Red States.



That was created by idiots who think alike that would include you , they know weak minds fall for bs information and then believe i's real. That's why more than half you dumbasses still go tot SNOPES to prove what you think is true LOL.
The Clinton Foundation didn't care about Haiti, or any other other country they were supposedly "helping." They cared about rewarding their donors ("friends of Bill") with State Department access/contracts and buying Chelsea a nice wedding dress.
who do you think is better immigrant ? Guy/Lady from 3rd world place who will work like crazy at some low level job. Someone who will build themselves up, someone who appreciates all the freedoms USA offers .

Or some eurotrash who will take a high end job from an American and lecture us on how things are better in Europe ?

How about we cut off EBT cards and subsidized housing for those that do nothing before we bring in more unskilled labor?
She dared bring up the Haiti earthquake? She is ballsy...
do you agree with Crooked Hillary?!

Hillary Clinton on Twitter

"The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm America’s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, we‘re subjected to Trump’s ignorant, racist views of anyone who doesn’t look like him." - Crooked Hillary
They should warn about visiting shit sites like InfoWars.

You didn't include shithole sites like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and PBS, late-night comedy shows, the Huffington Post, NPR, Slate, Politico, Salon, The Daily Kos, Mother Jones, Think Progress, the Rolling Stone, Media Matters, and the Democratic Underground.

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