Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

They should warn about visiting shit sites like InfoWars.

You didn't include shithole sites like CNN, MSNBC, CBS, and PBS, late-night comedy shows, the Huffington Post, NPR, Slate, Politico, Salon, The Daily Kos, Mother Jones, Think Progress, the Rolling Stone, Media Matters, and the Democratic Underground.
Yeah dude, I always read Rolling Stone when I want to read about politics.
who do you think is better immigrant ? Guy/Lady from 3rd world place who will work like crazy at some low level job. Someone who will build themselves up, someone who appreciates all the freedoms USA offers .

Or some eurotrash who will take a high end job from an American and lecture us on how things are better in Europe ?

How about we cut off EBT cards and subsidized housing for those that do nothing before we bring in more unskilled labor?

Well you are talking about 2 different things .

Lots of the “do nothings “. Are elderly , disabled , or single parents to young kids .
don't really care , they don't share Western values , traditions and outlook , education and english language . All many of them want is to eat everyday , get a pair of 'adidas' and some loose fitting baggy nylon shorts as they take an American job . Get the RIGHT to vote against me , my kids and other Americans and get taxpayer funded 'ebt' to feed their babies and they want to get taxpayer money to buy diapers Timmy
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who do you think is better immigrant ? Guy/Lady from 3rd world place who will work like crazy at some low level job. Someone who will build themselves up, someone who appreciates all the freedoms USA offers .

Or some eurotrash who will take a high end job from an American and lecture us on how things are better in Europe ?

How about we cut off EBT cards and subsidized housing for those that do nothing before we bring in more unskilled labor?

Well you are talking about 2 different things .

Lots of the “do nothings “. Are elderly , disabled , or single parents to young kids .

There are also a lot that doing nothing and get paid for doing so because they claim that they can't find gainful employment....but yet lefards don't want to secure the border and want unfettered immigration. Sure is working out great for Europe, eh?
I have no idea if Trump called third world nations shitholes or not, nor do I care. It was a closed door private meeting involving negotiation and believe it or not, tempers along with words flare in those situations. I do not care what people say in private, I care what people say and do in public. Truman was famous for calling Jews kikes in private. Yet in public he was one of the friendliest Presidents to Jews we have had.

Trump does not have a filter between his brain and his mouth. If he had used the word "dysfunctional" the left would have been just as hysterical. But they are dysfunctional, that is the real world.

That being said, his statement was not directed towards people. It was towards government. Unlike Hillary who called half of American citizens deplorable.

Now, what have the left called America?
I have not heard "shithole" used too often, but here are a few:
America is racist.
America is Imperialistic bent upon controlling nations.
America invades nations to take it's oil.
Americans (people) are morons.
America is fascist.
America suppresses freedom.
America keeps third world nations from succeeding.
American military targets citizens.
America killed 500,000 Iraqi citizens.
America is evil because of all of the incarcerated inmates.

There are many more. But I don't think calling a Haiti a shithole is as bad as calling America racist, fascist, and invading nations for its resources.
who do you think is better immigrant ? Guy/Lady from 3rd world place who will work like crazy at some low level job. Someone who will build themselves up, someone who appreciates all the freedoms USA offers .

Or some eurotrash who will take a high end job from an American and lecture us on how things are better in Europe ?
Euros, definately. We've got all the 3rd-world low-lives we need and then some.
do you agree with Crooked Hillary?!

Hillary Clinton on Twitter

"The anniversary of the devastating earthquake 8 years ago is a day to remember the tragedy, honor the resilient people of Haiti, & affirm America’s commitment to helping our neighbors. Instead, we‘re subjected to Trump’s ignorant, racist views of anyone who doesn’t look like him." - Crooked Hillary

And women were raped and sexually assaulted while you protected your husband to keep your political career alive.
No, he was whining that we shouldn't let people in from third world shit holes. You guys are the ones who made it racial.

All caught up now?
Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people.
He specified Haiti and Africa, retard.

Yeah, we've established that. Please cite where he said black people. And last I checked, there are a lot of white people in Africa too.
You know, up until yesterday when Trump made his "shithole" comment, I NEVER saw the word "shit" or "shithole" anywhere on the news. If they were reporting someone saying stuff like this, they would use ****hole or **** instead.

Now? All the news agencies that are reporting it are actually spelling it out as well as saying it unbleeped, even during morning and afternoon broadcasts.

Yep.............Trump sure is making America great again. Now your kids can learn new and interesting words on the news.
please explain, w/o lying, how it's trumps fault the media isn't editing what it says on air.

to be every so clear; W/O LYING

Because it's what the president actually said. And, apparently the media thinks that if Trump can say it, so can they, because they are reporting his exact words.

Ever occur to you that the whole point of airing this private conversation and spelling it out is just to try to harm him? He has an entire government-media complex following him around 24 hours a day looking for ANYTHING they can use to try to make trouble for him. IT'S CALLED THE DEEP STATE HE WAS ELECTED TO GO IN AND FIGHT TO CLEAN UP! God, I thought you had a brain! When Obama promised to be more flexible with our #1 enemy after he was reelected, did every news network in the country air that audio? No. All that is being proven here to the nation is that everything Trump said about corruption and the swamp in Washington was absolutely true and it's going to backfire on the Left when the country REDOUBLES ITS EFFORTS in supporting him in 2020.
It was not a private meeting, it was a work meeting with members of his staff and Congress.

I see. So they were meeting out on the sidewalk in front of the public with live mics and cameras or on the floor of congress under the lights of C-SPAN? If Trump meets with the Ambassador of a foreign country in the Oval Office with a few of his staff and then one of the staff anonymously leaks dialog said to the press or taken off the telephone, that is now a "public" meeting too?
He was right. Haiti is a shithole
Trump was whining that we shouldn't allow immigrants from black countries.

All caught up now?

No, he was whining that we shouldn't let people in from third world shit holes. You guys are the ones who made it racial.

All caught up now?

Very true

Trump probably didn't even realize there are black people in Haiti and Africa until Liberals pointed it out to him

What do black people have to do with anything other than the delusions in your head? Racism means nothing in this country anymore because tards like you use it and abuse it left and right. You're the boys who've cried wolf so many times no rational people take accusations of racism seriously anymore. Not every negative remark that is directed to a people who happen to not be white is automatically racist, you fool.
No, he was whining that we shouldn't let people in from third world shit holes. You guys are the ones who made it racial.

All caught up now?
Wrong. Trump specifically whined about Africa and Haiti.

Do try to catch up.

Yes, some of the worst parts of the world.

Do try to keep up.
Lots of shitholes, and Trump chose the black countries to whine about.

He's a racist pig fucker.

No, snowflake whiners like you are claiming it was racial, without merit, like you do about everything. Please cite where he said black people. You can't because he didn't and it's all in your head. Africa is almost an entire continent of third world poverty. With few exceptions, there is nothing endearing about that place nor Haiti. Those countries have been the recipients of international aid for decades to no avail. When people think of the third world, what is the first place that comes to mind?


Yeah, except he wasn’t talking about whether or not to take a fucking vacation there, he was talking about not allowing people from there to come here. He’d rather we take people from countries like Norway...where the people are what? Whiter.

I get it, I really do. You're butt hurt that the president called a shit hole country exactly what it is. Fine. But now you're triggered because he wants more immigrants from Norway instead. You say it's racism. Well, gee, could it be that maybe shit hole countries such as Haiti have high illiteracy rates? Norway has full literacy. Norwegian workers are more likely to take jobs in fisheries, oil and gas, farm management, and manufacturing because its what their economy offers.

Sometimes things aren't as simple as skin color and I say that as a minority myself. Funny how you white people get more triggered by this shit than we do.
It's always nice to hear the former Louisiana House Representative David Duke praise our beloved President Trump.

Scroll and feel the love, kindness, and compassion.
David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) on Twitter

David Duke
What did Trump Really Say? -- The essence what he said in "Trump Speak" was not simply that those nations are "S***Holes" but that he does not want America to become a S***Hole! That's really what it boils down to. #DemographicsAreDestiny
12:34 PM · Jan 12, 2018
That Clinton witch is a sociopath! how can she tweet about this tragedy after she stole billions from Haiti!

There must be a very, very special place in Hell for the likes of her!:mad-61:

What sick witch, with no morals at all!
America is racist.
America is Imperialistic bent upon controlling nations.
America invades nations to take it's oil.
Americans (people) are morons.
America is fascist.
America suppresses freedom.
America keeps third world nations from succeeding.
American military targets citizens.
America killed 500,000 Iraqi citizens.
America is evil because of all of the incarcerated inmates.

Again, same question ---- WHOSE quotes are these? Links?

And what does "to take it is oil" mean?

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