Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)

Does that also include our gas stations, Saudi Arabia and Iraq???


Want to try again, in English?
Give us some examples of how you go after the Trump cult to prove you're " nonpartisan. " lol

Give us some example of you being sane.

(oops, that wont' happen)

I'm impartial in my duties as a mod.

I could care less if, or how, Trump is removed from office.

as long as he takes Pence with him.

Dont' mistake my not wanting to hang him from the nearest lamppost, for liking him.

I'm not nearly as partisan as you....

I doubt many are.
I see you still won’t provide even one example of you going after one of your own cult members but keep insisting you’re “ impartial.”
Me thinks thou does protest too much.
Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything I said.
I so remember a PM you sent me bragging about being non partisan while you show just the opposite every time you post.
I so love watching you kick your own ass.
Well done!
YOu might want to follow the thread back, and note that "Exhibit B"

Fine with me.....

(and then the next Hitler comes along, and the 'good hearted' democrats will scream we have to help save the poor people being invaded)

Has everything to do with it.

But, keep up your partisan rants and attacks...

and keep proving you don't have a clue
You hate being exposed as a fraud.. but I'm always willing to do it.
" I'm nonpartisan " is as funny as Trump saying he's not a liar.


I'm SURE you enjoy exposing....

No I enjoy proving what you said to me in aPM was BS.

It wasn't.

Shame you're too much a fool to see it otherwise.
So now you’re disavowing your own words.
I do love it when you kick your own ass..
Love said his comments were "unkind" and "fly in the face of our nation's values. This behavior is unacceptable from the leader of our nation." Love said her parents "proudly took an oath of allegiance to the United States and took on the responsibilities of everything that being a citizen comes with. They never took a thing from our federal government. They worked hard, paid taxes, and rose from nothing to take care of and provide opportunities for their children. They taught their children to do the same. That's the American Dream."
Like when Obama ........
FLASHBACK: That Time Obama Called Libya A ‘S**t Show’
America is racist.
America is Imperialistic bent upon controlling nations.
America invades nations to take it's oil.
Americans (people) are morons.
America is fascist.
America suppresses freedom.
America keeps third world nations from succeeding.
American military targets citizens.
America killed 500,000 Iraqi citizens.
America is evil because of all of the incarcerated inmates.

Again, same question ---- WHOSE quotes are these? Links?

Too funny. You people have been screaming that nonsense with media assistance for over half a century.

"You people"?

Quote me then.
Hillary who called half of American citizens deplorable.

Not sure if it was you or somebody else but I've heard this assertion before. When it was posted I asked for a link. Never did get one.
Have a 5 year old show you how to use a search engine.
Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks on Trump Supporters


Prepare to be disassembled.


“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?”

"Half of Rump's supporters".

In 2016, 55% of eligible voters showed up to vote.(figures rounded)
46% of the 55% voted for Rump.
That's 25% of the total eligible voters.
Half of that is 12.5% of eligible voters.
40% of Americans are not registered to vote, so that group is 12.5% of the 60% registered, which is ........

---- 7.5% of all Americans.

Show me a map of this planet where "seven and a half percent" is defined as "half".

And don't WIMP OUT to this "go look it up yourself" wimpicity. This is ****YOUR**** point, not mine.
He was right. Haiti is a shithole
Behavior and language unbecoming a president of the United States.
And that’s putting it mildly.

OK so where was your angst over these comments made by the Messiah???
  • Barack Obama: “Obama really drew the ire of the pious, calling opponent Mitt Romney a ‘bullshitter.’ Sometimes the dirty word is the most precise.”
    • Barack Obama: "I don't think I should take any sh*t from anybody on that, do you?"
      • Joe Biden: "This is a big f**king deal."
      • Flashback: Rolling Stone Defends Obama Calling Romney ‘Bullsh*tter’ in Its Magazine
      • Obama said he had been talking to experts about the BP oil spill so he could learn enough information to find out "whose ass to kick.
      • There’s a famous incident of him calling Kayne West a jackass because of the incident where Kanye stepped out on stage when Taylor Swift was to receive an award.
      • “I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals. Another where he took us to task for not understanding the limits he has with foreign policy and the way he’s dealing with the Middle East and Iraq, and Afghanistan,” she said. “And I don’t find him apologetic. But I find him willing to stand up to the press and look them in the eye, even though it was off the record and just give us hel
America is racist.
America is Imperialistic bent upon controlling nations.
America invades nations to take it's oil.
Americans (people) are morons.
America is fascist.
America suppresses freedom.
America keeps third world nations from succeeding.
American military targets citizens.
America killed 500,000 Iraqi citizens.
America is evil because of all of the incarcerated inmates.

Again, same question ---- WHOSE quotes are these? Links?

Too funny. You people have been screaming that nonsense with media assistance for over half a century.

"You people"?

Quote me then.

The game room is in the back.
Hillary who called half of American citizens deplorable.

Not sure if it was you or somebody else but I've heard this assertion before. When it was posted I asked for a link. Never did get one.
Have a 5 year old show you how to use a search engine.
Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks on Trump Supporters


Prepare to be disassembled.


“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?”

"Half of Rump's supporters".

In 2016, 55% of eligible voters showed up to vote.(figures rounded)
46% of the 55% voted for Rump.
That's 25% of the total eligible voters.
Half of that is 12.5% of eligible voters.
40% of Americans are not registered to vote, so that group is 12.5% of the 60% registered, which is ........

---- 7.5% of all Americans.

Show me a map of this planet where "seven and a half percent" is defined as "half".

And don't WIMP OUT to this "go look it up yourself" wimpicity. This is ****YOUR**** point, not mine.
Oh wow, you really got me!
Hillary ONLY called 26,500,000 Americans deplorable as she told America she wanted to lead this nation.

You are one dumbass extraordinaire.





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

Not even close, rDerp. I guarantee them crackers have septic and running water. Comparison fail for you.
Why is Cuba as it is? Why is Venezuela as it is? What happens when there is no industry to feed yourselves, other than under govt rule? The Main exports there are manufactured clothing, and cement, but it is very little in the overall scheme of things. They were deforested years upon years ago, and are vulnerable to hurricanes.
What happens when you dare rise up and you have no arms in a despot country? Gun ownership must be approved by the Chief of police.
Not that easy.
after Hurricane Matthew 2016

View attachment 171312

The people care, but are ruled by despots. Think of worse than Venezuela.
ok, so the Clintons and their foundation.....I'm on board...but there is still the 200 years before that......youre right its the govt, and until they care, why should we?
yeah I know, but they had one revolution, you would think they would do another and get a real govt in place
if not, it's just gonna be a shithole forever
I got it....but other countries have nice towns and resort areas......how are you so backwards......I mean a per capita GDP of $450 is shameful......

people revolt all the time...fuck we did. iran did, when they were our puppet. at some point get some ambition and haiti has 200 yeara ago and more recently baby doc.
He was right. Haiti is a shithole
Behavior and language unbecoming a president of the United States.
And that’s putting it mildly.

OK so where was your angst over these comments made by the Messiah???
  • Barack Obama: “Obama really drew the ire of the pious, calling opponent Mitt Romney a ‘bullshitter.’ Sometimes the dirty word is the most precise.”
    • Barack Obama: "I don't think I should take any sh*t from anybody on that, do you?"
      • Joe Biden: "This is a big f**king deal."
      • Flashback: Rolling Stone Defends Obama Calling Romney ‘Bullsh*tter’ in Its Magazine
      • Obama said he had been talking to experts about the BP oil spill so he could learn enough information to find out "whose ass to kick.
      • There’s a famous incident of him calling Kayne West a jackass because of the incident where Kanye stepped out on stage when Taylor Swift was to receive an award.
      • “I have seen in the last year Barack Obama really angry twice. Both were off-the-record times. One, profanity-laced where he thought the press was making too much of scandals that he did not think were scandals. Another where he took us to task for not understanding the limits he has with foreign policy and the way he’s dealing with the Middle East and Iraq, and Afghanistan,” she said. “And I don’t find him apologetic. But I find him willing to stand up to the press and look them in the eye, even though it was off the record and just give us hel

You're the same poster who started a thread, here on this website, about which hand O'bama wipes his ass with on the toilet.

I'm not even partially making that up.
You have to be brain dead to think this is acceptable behavior for a president.
This is just the beginning of the backlash of this monumental faux pas.

LOL. What is Haiti and Africa going to do? Boycott us??

Truthfully, I think our country has devolved into a South Park episode and you are as much responsible for it as the president is.

Please! Say it isn't so! :eek:
Hillary who called half of American citizens deplorable.

Not sure if it was you or somebody else but I've heard this assertion before. When it was posted I asked for a link. Never did get one.
Have a 5 year old show you how to use a search engine.
Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks on Trump Supporters


Prepare to be disassembled.


“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?”

"Half of Rump's supporters".

In 2016, 55% of eligible voters showed up to vote.(figures rounded)
46% of the 55% voted for Rump.
That's 25% of the total eligible voters.
Half of that is 12.5% of eligible voters.
40% of Americans are not registered to vote, so that group is 12.5% of the 60% registered, which is ........

---- 7.5% of all Americans.

Show me a map of this planet where "seven and a half percent" is defined as "half".

And don't WIMP OUT to this "go look it up yourself" wimpicity. This is ****YOUR**** point, not mine.
Oh wow, you really got me!
Hillary ONLY called 26,500,000 Americans deplorable as she told America she wanted to lead this nation.

You are one dumbass extraordinaire.

And that's "half of American citizens" is it?

You're actually sitting here telling us the population of this country is 53 million?
And then you want to call SOMEBODY ELSE "dumbass"?

See why I asked for a link?

don't really care , they don't share Western values , traditions and outlook , education and english language . All many of them want is to eat everyday , get a pair of 'adidas' and some loose fitting baggy nylon shorts as they take an American job , get the RIGHT to vote and taxpayer funded 'ebt' to feed their babies and they want to get taxpayer money to buy diapers Timmy


You’ve never lowered yourself to talk to an actual immigrant have you?
Hillary who called half of American citizens deplorable.

Not sure if it was you or somebody else but I've heard this assertion before. When it was posted I asked for a link. Never did get one.
Have a 5 year old show you how to use a search engine.
Read Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' Remarks on Trump Supporters


Prepare to be disassembled.


“You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right?”

"Half of Rump's supporters".

In 2016, 55% of eligible voters showed up to vote.(figures rounded)
46% of the 55% voted for Rump.
That's 25% of the total eligible voters.
Half of that is 12.5% of eligible voters.
40% of Americans are not registered to vote, so that group is 12.5% of the 60% registered, which is ........

---- 7.5% of all Americans.

Show me a map of this planet where "seven and a half percent" is defined as "half".

And don't WIMP OUT to this "go look it up yourself" wimpicity. This is ****YOUR**** point, not mine.
Oh wow, you really got me!
Hillary ONLY called 26,500,000 Americans deplorable as she told America she wanted to lead this nation.

You are one dumbass extraordinaire.

And that's "half of American citizens" is it?

You're actually sitting here telling us the population of this country is 53 million?
And then you want to call SOMEBODY ELSE "dumbass"?

See why I asked for a link?


Ogo, for all your intellectualcality, you're derp, k?
Ewww. Aren't you glad you don't live there?


















Incredible India
----------------------------------- and much of 'india' sh1ts out in the open and down by the RailRoad tracks . and 'indians' also swim with the half burnt corpses of their people in the 'holy ganges' river Baron .

"half burnt corpses"?

What the fuck kind of aerosols are y'all snorting today?

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