Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti






If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

Not even close, rDerp. I guarantee them crackers have septic and running water. Comparison fail for you.

Meanwhile Dem's in their filthy polluted cities spill hundreds of millions of gallons of raw untreated sewage into public waterways. Total crickets from environmental groups on this, shocker.
If Haiti is no longer a 'shit-hole' then the temporary immigrants should be overjoyed to return home.
Trump said it many many times during the campaign.....PC America must end...If you expected a soft speaking do nothing bullshit artist like Obama you were not paying attention...this is called speaking truth to power...speaking clearly and being honest...

What happen to the days when we appreciated people for their blunt honesty?
Why do we prefer that people dress shit up to look and or sound like something it’s not?
It’s actully quite weird that people hate the whole truth.
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If Haiti is no longer a 'shit-hole' then the temporary immigrants should be overjoyed to return home.

Bingo, mang. If El Salvador isn't such a "shit hole" then every one of those DACA "teens" from El Salvador should be clamoring for bus tickets back there.
Belize was a shithole at one time but they realized what great resources they have for tourism. They don't allow drugs there and if you get caught, well lets just say the police are not nice
JUST IN: Sneaky John Lewis boycotting Trump's State of the Union over "shithole countries" remark
Wonder if Orange Rumpy would describe the Ritz Carlton Moscow as a "shithole"?

Or perhaps he has a different word.

He has "the best words" you know. :thup: He's "very smart", has "a very good brain", and is a very "stable genius". You can just tell by the bigly vocabulary of covfefular yugeness. That's why he loves the poorly educated.
Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior .
I don't mind PC ending but it shouldn't be replaced by stupidity.
Wonder if Orange Rumpy would describe the Ritz Carlton Moscow as a "shithole"?

Or perhaps he has a different word.

He has "the best words" you know. :thup: He's "very smart", has "a very good brain", and is a very "stable genius". You can just tell by the bigly vocabulary of covfefular yugeness. That's why he loves the poorly educated.

You yokels are always good for a laugh.

Thanks, I needed that. :laugh:
Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior
C'mon, Timmy. This response proves you're a pussy. Knock that shit off.

Who cares about "boorish" behavior. Bitches need to hear the truth.
Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior
C'mon, Timmy. This response proves you're a pussy. Knock that shit off.

Who cares about "boorish" behavior. Bitches need to hear the truth.

Because he’s the president! Not some dive bar bartender . He needs to clean up his act .

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