Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Lakhota, have you found that confirmation by Senator Graham yet? Didn't think so. He didn't confirm Trump saying anything about "shithole". Only person claiming Trump said "shithole" is Lying little dick Durbin.
Stay loyal to Trump, people. He's our only hope.
If trump were the only hope then there would be no hope.

Lucky for all of us, the Orange Asshole will be out of office soon and America will be able to move in a positive direction.
His use of the word "shithole" is exquisitely accurate.
The Tweet by Mexico's ex-president Vincente Fox was far more accurate and fitting.
Here's what he said:

Vicente Fox Quesada


.@realDonaldTrump, your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim who’s welcome in America and who’s not. America’s greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?
Trump just showed his true character. A low class disgusting POTUS.
He has a lot of explanations to his own party that are blasting him right now.
Trump is a total disgrace.
The entire GOP is a disgrace. They're too fucking gutless to stand up to this sickening Orange Asshole.

Or worse, maybe they're just as disgusting and sick as trump is...
Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior .

Well there is nothing more boring than being PC either. Most of US are grown up enough not to let words cause us to be hysterical.
Trump just showed his true character. A low class disgusting POTUS.
He has a lot of explanations to his own party that are blasting him right now.
Trump is a total disgrace.
The entire GOP is a disgrace. They're too fucking gutless to stand up to this sickening Orange Asshole.

Or worse, maybe they're just as disgusting and sick as trump is...

I felt the same way about Obama and the Democrats when they were destroying the US. I feel the same way about Schumer and Pelosi every time they open their pie holes.
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If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

WOW! It is great to see the collage of Trump voters in one spot! Benedict Donald had a slogan that he pushed during his campaign:


I said it then and I say it now. What he really meant was


The man is a racist slug. If he reads from a teleprompter or from a script prepared by one of his staff, he is fine. But when he has to use his orange brain, then he gets into trouble.

The man is a racist, authoritarian who cannot get through an entire paragraph without lying.

PLEASE, PLEASE Robert Mueller, get this joker before a grand jury and under oath. That will be the end of racist, authoritarian, serial lying Benedict Donald.
you redskins always had a hankering for Mexican sausage...
If you look at where Democrats are in charge, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the entire state of California....total shitholes.

Then how come 9 of the ten richest states are run by Democrats and 9 of the poorest states are run by Republicans?
Lakhota, have you found that confirmation by Senator Graham yet? Didn't think so. He didn't confirm Trump saying anything about "shithole". Only person claiming Trump said "shithole" is Lying little dick Durbin.

Ya......Durbin probably identifies himself with that term.
Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior .

Well there is nothing more boring than being PC either. Most of US are grown up enough not to let words cause us to be hysterical.
Most of US are grown up enough to know that words matter and slurs are unacceptable, especially that hateful coming from the president of the United States.
If you look at where Democrats are in charge, Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, New York City, the entire state of California....total shitholes.

Then how come 9 of the ten richest states are run by Democrats and 9 of the poorest states are run by Republicans?

Link? I smell Daily Kos :spinner:
Do you know how to google? Try it...

Back up your statement otherwise it is crap.
Most of US are grown up enough to know that words matter and slurs are unacceptable, especially that hateful coming from the president of the United States.

No...most of US are grown up and sick and tired of PC language aimed at watering down discussion or thwarting opposition with fake moral relativity.
President Trump, don't deny that you said the word "shithole." There's nothing wrong with you saying it. Own it. Explain it to the American people, because millions & millions of the American people understand perfectly well why you said it. You said it. We get it.
trump is a fucking pussy. A lunatic and a fucking COWARD.

Grow up. Face the truth about this Orange Piece of Dog Shit.

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