Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Most of US are grown up enough to know that words matter and slurs are unacceptable, especially that hateful coming from the president of the United States.

No...most of US are grown up and sick and tired of PC language aimed at watering down discussion or thwarting opposition with fake moral relativity.
No! Railing against PC language is condoning offensive language . If you were really an adult, you could have a civil discussion without being obnoxious and vile.
Most of US are grown up enough to know that words matter and slurs are unacceptable, especially that hateful coming from the president of the United States.

No...most of US are grown up and sick and tired of PC language aimed at watering down discussion or thwarting opposition with fake moral relativity.
No! Railing against PC language is condoning offensive language . If you were really an adult, you could have a civil discussion without being obnoxious and vile.

I think PC language is offensive. Guess we can agree to disagree here.
President Trump, don't deny that you said the word "shithole." There's nothing wrong with you saying it. Own it. Explain it to the American people, because millions & millions of the American people understand perfectly well why you said it. You said it. We get it.
trump is a fucking pussy. A lunatic and a fucking COWARD.

Grow up. Face the truth about this Orange Piece of Dog Shit.

Obama was an alien, Hillary is a criminal and Bill Clinton is a rapist. Grow up.
Trump just showed his true character. A low class disgusting POTUS.
He has a lot of explanations to his own party that are blasting him right now.
Trump is a total disgrace.
The entire GOP is a disgrace. They're too fucking gutless to stand up to this sickening Orange Asshole.

Or worse, maybe they're just as disgusting and sick as trump is...
The Republicans passed the tax cut and Trump signed it. Not one democrat voted for it. Thank you Republicans and PRESIDENT TRUMP.
He's right though.

Why not import educated westerners that will benefit and grow our economy, instead of uneducated poor masses that will drag down our standard of living?

Educated Westerners won't vote vote the Maoist democrats. The ENTIRE purpose of illegal immigration for the Maoists is to import more voters who will keep them in power.
If only ceos like trump didn’t feel the way they do about brown people

What the fuck are you yapping about, Silly Bonobo?

You're mindlessly flinging shit again.
Of course you don’t get it. You just a glimpse into the mind of an American ceo. Now you know what they think about black people and grab them by the pussy is how they feel about women
Trump was basically expressing what most Americans think, in other words why should we let in MORE people from the same shithole countries, and not provide the same opportunity to countries that are more advanced and in line with American culture, and not be a burden on the US financially while draining social services, healthcare, educatinal and law enforcement resources? Do we have a right to choose who and why we let in people, as do countries such as the UK, Australia, Japan, China, most of the EU, etc.? According to the left we don't.
If we've gotten to the point where we all have to pretend that every country is exactly as nice as every other country, then we're being dishonest.
Don't want to offend those countries. They need their safe space and encouragement. Such meanie mean criticism from evil Trump hurts the self-esteem of those countries.


Maybe they'll get their shit straightened up if they know the rest of the world considers them shitholes...





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.
I'd also be willing to bet my paycheck everyone in these pictures that's old enough to vote is a Democrat.
Bad bet..that's the Trump base...Trailer park trash and redneck inbreeds.
Majority, of states, cities, and counties voted for Trump, and that's how he gained an electoral victory, which is how you win the presidency in this country.
Trump was basically expressing what most Americans think, in other words why should we let in MORE people from the same shithole countries, and not provide the same opportunity to countries that are more advanced and in line with American culture, and not be a burden on the US financially while draining social services, healthcare, educatinal and law enforcement resources? Do we have a right to choose who and why we let in people, as do countries such as the UK, Australia, Japan, China, most of the EU, etc.? According to the left we don't.

Yes of course...He was expressing EXACTLY the sentiment that got him elected. The dunder-head, brain-washed, lefties are faux outraged. If Obama had said that about Whites, they would have kissed his ass.
Has anyone checked the requirements to move to another country from the USA to there? No? Canada and NZ both say you have to have a steady income that amounts to a certain amount...and you have to have a skill set/trade. So my question is..why is the USA supposed to take in the dregs of a shithole country and not have the same requirements???
His use of the word "shithole" is exquisitely accurate.
The Tweet by Mexico's ex-president Vincente Fox was far more accurate and fitting.
Here's what he said:

Vicente Fox Quesada


.@realDonaldTrump, your mouth is the foulest shithole in the world. With what authority do you proclaim who’s welcome in America and who’s not. America’s greatness is built on diversity, or have you forgotten your immigrant background, Donald?

Pffft. Fox. What a joke.
If only ceos like trump didn’t feel the way they do about brown people

What the fuck are you yapping about, Silly Bonobo?

You're mindlessly flinging shit again.
Of course you don’t get it. You just a glimpse into the mind of an American ceo. Now you know what they think about black people and grab them by the pussy is how they feel about women

Tell you what chimp boi, Haiti is waiting for you, go ahead and move. :thup:


Why not?

Oh yeah, the place is a shit hole.
*Shithole countries* (to use the vernacular).

Haiti is one:


Didn't the Clintons take a bunch of money from people to fix Haiti?
WTH happened?

"Port-au-Prince, Haiti, is one of the largest cities in the world without a central sewage system. There are no sewers connecting sinks, showers and toilets to hulking wastewater treatment plants. Most of the more than 3 million people in the metro area use outhouses, and much of that waste ends up in canals, ditches and other unsanitary dumping grounds where it can contaminate drinking water and spread disease."


You Probably Don't Want To Know About Haiti's Sewage Problems
Let’s send Black Lives Matter Down there...I’m sure they can fix it.

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