Washington Post: Trump attacks protections for immigrants from ‘shithole’ countries like Haiti

Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior
C'mon, Timmy. This response proves you're a pussy. Knock that shit off.

Who cares about "boorish" behavior. Bitches need to hear the truth.

Because he’s the president! Not some dive bar bartender . He needs to clean up his act .
What if Trump said they were dysfunctional?
Yeah, you lefties would still be pissing your pants today over the truth.
Trump said it many many times during the campaign.....PC America must end...If you expected a soft speaking do nothing bullshit artist like Obama you were not paying attention...this is called speaking truth to power...speaking clearly and being honest...

What happen to the days when we appreciated people for their blunt honesty?
Why do we prefer that people dress shit up to look and or sound like something it’s not?
It’s actully quite weird that people hate the whole truth.

Trump could have called them a Libhole that would have been fighting words.
Imagine if there were this much media outrage when a president bombs a third world country instead of calling it a “shithole”?





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

The real shitholes in the US are the Democrat big city ghettos.

Like in Detroit

Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior
C'mon, Timmy. This response proves you're a pussy. Knock that shit off.

Who cares about "boorish" behavior. Bitches need to hear the truth.

Because he’s the president! Not some dive bar bartender . He needs to clean up his act .

We need to not be afraid to speak the truth because lib will whine that it hurts his pussy to hear it.
I had a good buddy in College, who moved here, legally, when he was 12, from Jamaica.

He referred to it as The Turd World.

And was fucking glad to be out of it.
Trump is an uncouth jackass and all around embarrassment to the office and country .

Not surprised that you meat head rubes are happy with his boorish behavior
C'mon, Timmy. This response proves you're a pussy. Knock that shit off.

Who cares about "boorish" behavior. Bitches need to hear the truth.

Because he’s the president! Not some dive bar bartender . He needs to clean up his act .

Teddy Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson just called you a Queer Nancy Boy Shit Hole Sniffer





If Trump was in White Appalachia, he would think he was in a sh!thole country. He would insist they never come here.

WOW! It is great to see the collage of Trump voters in one spot! Benedict Donald had a slogan that he pushed during his campaign:


I said it then and I say it now. What he really meant was


The man is a racist slug. If he reads from a teleprompter or from a script prepared by one of his staff, he is fine. But when he has to use his orange brain, then he gets into trouble.

The man is a racist, authoritarian who cannot get through an entire paragraph without lying.

PLEASE, PLEASE Robert Mueller, get this joker before a grand jury and under oath. That will be the end of racist, authoritarian, serial lying Benedict Donald.
These shi@hole countries. Do liberals want to live in those places is they're so great?

Hell, the citizens of those shitholes dont' want to live there. That is why they all want to move to nations where they will be the minority outnumbered by supposedly horribly racist whites.
The democrat party encourages the ignorant and unskilled from third world countries to come here so they're dependent on government, a needy class of new democrat voters.
Lindsey Graham is a human shithole.
The Democrat party and the crooked Media as a whole are human shitholes. Here is Trump, extending his hand to both sides in trying to resolve the DACA and border security issues, and the piece of shit Durban uses it as an opportunity to take things that occured behind closed doors and in secret talks and leak it to the media to sabotage the deal and further demonize Trump. All of this will end when Dems fail epically to make any substantial gains or turn the House blue in the 2018 elections.

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