Washington state: Voter registration on Facebook


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Washington state to become first to offer voter registration on Facebook

CNN's Justin Lear and Katelyn Petroka

(CNN) – Washington will become the first state to offer voter registration via Facebook with a new application to be launched as soon as next week, according to a state election official.

Once online, the app will be accessible on the secretary of state's Facebook page, said Shane Hamlin, co-director of elections for the state.

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Washington, which has approximately 3.7 million registered voters, conducts elections entirely by mail and enacted online registration in 2008. Since online registration started, Hamlin said close to 500,000 voter registrations or address changes have been processed.

Facebook, Washington state and Microsoft have teamed up to create an app that allows users to register on the social media site through the state's new "MyVote" app. The effort came about last fall when Microsoft approached Washington state after Facebook contacted the software giant with the idea.

When Facebook users download the application, they will have to agree to allow Facebook to access their information, including name and date of birth, which is pre-filled into the voter registration form.


Washington state to become first to offer voter registration on Facebook – CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Well they may have 80 million voters facebook makes up......
honestly I dont know what to think of this yet.....

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