WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ: GOP wants to kick women out of the US


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
(As reported on Drudge:)

No, Debbie, not ALL women....just stupid, partisan morons like YOU!

(...meanwhile Hillary isn't paying women working on her campaign as much as the men and she's collecting money from countries that oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation)

...in her little press confrence she also dodged all questions about how Sanders, a Socialist Party member, is not only representing the DNC but is BEATING HILLARY....
:p. Nice.
Stupid...Division is bad for winning election and this makes a bad atmosphere.

If I was designing the democrats election strategy,,, I'd focus on college debt forgiveness, infrastructure, science, r&d, minimum wage, education and improving America. The aim should be positive with the appearance that you're the adults and the gop is the idiots.

Let the gop hang its self on their cut, slash and burn...Identity politics makes you look like a idiot and turns people off.

There's no reason what so ever to turn off more men from voting democrat.
Stupid...Division is bad for winning election and this makes a bad atmosphere.

If I was designing the democrats election strategy,,, I'd focus on college debt forgiveness, infrastructure, science, r&d, minimum wage, education and improving America. The aim should be positive with the appearance that you're the adults and the gop is the idiots.

Let the gop hang its self on their cut, slash and burn...Identity politics makes you look like a idiot and turns people off.

There's no reason what so ever to turn off more men from voting democrat.
But Democrats aren't too bright. That's why they need welfare and food stamps to survive...
Stupid...Division is bad for winning election and this makes a bad atmosphere.

If I was designing the democrats election strategy,,, I'd focus on college debt forgiveness, infrastructure, science, r&d, minimum wage, education and improving America. The aim should be positive with the appearance that you're the adults and the gop is the idiots.

Let the gop hang its self on their cut, slash and burn...Identity politics makes you look like a idiot and turns people off.

There's no reason what so ever to turn off more men from voting democrat.
But Democrats aren't too bright. That's why they need welfare and food stamps to survive...

Most people on food stamps do work but the corporate wages are so low that they need the extra help. The rich take it all,, off source their money and fuck over the workers.

How is this fair? Time to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand that this shit ends...A fair wage would mean less welfare.
...and are running a Socialist party member and a soon-to-be jailbird...
If we hade more, full-time jobs and less competition for those jobs from millions of illegals more Americans would be working and would not be dependent on the govt to survive...
...and are running a Socialist party member and a soon-to-be jailbird...

Free trade and super low taxes for the rich have destroyed our middle class. Weird, how when both of these things were put into place = more people out of work and the collapse of our middle class.

We had the biggest industry on earth when the rich paid a lot in taxes. This is just a historical fact.

Bernie wants to educate and improve the wages for the other 90% of this country. How is this a bad thing?
This Debbie bitch is a dumb as they come. A perfect Chairman of the DNC.

Stupid...Division is bad for winning election and this makes a bad atmosphere.

If I was designing the democrats election strategy,,, I'd focus on college debt forgiveness, infrastructure, science, r&d, minimum wage, education and improving America. The aim should be positive with the appearance that you're the adults and the gop is the idiots.

Let the gop hang its self on their cut, slash and burn...Identity politics makes you look like a idiot and turns people off.

There's no reason what so ever to turn off more men from voting democrat.

And yet here are the dems, being as divisive as ever. I'm not sure who is worse, Shultz lying or the people that believe that lie.
"In 2013, according to the Census Bureau, there were 105,862,000 full-time year-round workers in the United States -- including 16,685,000 full-time government workers. These full-time workers were outnumbered by the 109,631,000 whom the Census Bureau says were getting benefits from means-tested federal programs -- e.g. welfare -- as of the fourth quarter of 2012.

"Every American family that pays its own way -- and takes care of its own children whether with one or two incomes -- must subsidize the 109,631,000 on welfare."

Are there more welfare recipients in the U.S. than full-time workers?
Stupid...Division is bad for winning election and this makes a bad atmosphere.

If I was designing the democrats election strategy,,, I'd focus on college debt forgiveness, infrastructure, science, r&d, minimum wage, education and improving America. The aim should be positive with the appearance that you're the adults and the gop is the idiots.

Let the gop hang its self on their cut, slash and burn...Identity politics makes you look like a idiot and turns people off.

There's no reason what so ever to turn off more men from voting democrat.
But Democrats aren't too bright. That's why they need welfare and food stamps to survive...

Most people on food stamps do work but the corporate wages are so low that they need the extra help. The rich take it all,, off source their money and fuck over the workers.

How is this fair? Time to enforce our anti-trust laws and demand that this shit ends...A fair wage would mean less welfare.
The rich take their fair share after all they are the ones taking all the responsibility for the companies they own.

And most companies do pay a fair wage to qualified skilled people.
(As reported on Drudge:)

No, Debbie, not ALL women....just stupid, partisan morons like YOU!

(...meanwhile Hillary isn't paying women working on her campaign as much as the men and she's collecting money from countries that oppress women and engage in female genital mutilation)

...in her little press confrence she also dodged all questions about how Sanders, a Socialist Party member, is not only representing the DNC but is BEATING HILLARY....
:p. Nice.
Wasserman Schultz is a stupid woman and a horrible example to women in general.
Ne Debbie. We want to get rid of you FEMINISTS snd we don't want to deport you. We want to publicly execute you as a reminder to the rest of women of what their proper place in society is.
The fact that the party's leaders consist of Debbie, Nancy Pelosi, and a bunch of geriatrics should indicate how badly off they are.

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