WATCH: Americans lash out at local Dems: 'Every one of you is corrupt'

I'm talking about the futility of trying to extend a hand of bipartisanship to people like these.
People who believe everything alt-right media tells them. So polarized, so angry, so enraged that they can't even talk about things that would actually help them.
Best to let evolution and time takes its course.
Still don't see how your rant even pertains to this THREAD.
I don’t know why Republicans have turned against this country
Patriotism used to be strong in the party.

Now, they defend Putin, attack our Democracy, hate our Government, attack our Capitol, want to terminate the Constitution and break up the country
Sorry, to have to bring this to your demented brain but we are on the right love this great country. We vehemently hate what you and yours are doing to it. I love my country but you show your hate for it by constantly changing it for the worse.
I don’t know why Republicans have turned against this country
Patriotism used to be strong in the party.

Now, they defend Putin, attack our Democracy, hate our Government, attack our Capitol, want to terminate the Constitution and break up the country
they say the same thing about you guys......
Jack Texeira is not your enemy, Americans, it's these corrupt politicians and the ruling elite

When you consider that it's not unusual for batshit crazy MAGAs to accuse Democrats of drinking children's blood, and wanting to destroy the US, that was a rather mild rant from that particular crazy. Seemed like he really didn't have his heart into his effort.
Repubs are not against this country, they are against people in our gov't. who are against this country, and selling us out.
Didn't you forget to accuse them of drinking children's blood too? No self respecting MAGA should leave the drinking children's blood part out, should they?
When you consider that it's not unusual for batshit crazy MAGAs to accuse Democrats of drinking children's blood, and wanting to destroy the US, that was a rather mild rant from that particular crazy. Seemed like he really didn't have his heart into his effort.
i don't accuse Dems of drinking children's blood, i accuse them of covering up Biden's actions of pretty much raping children
It was a question, you dolt!

It was hard to tell with such a poorly written sentence.

There was no question mark. Now that I look at it closer, I assume the first part with the childish name calling was the question and the run on part at the end was simply a grade school level taunt.

I probably I gave it too much credit. It won't change many minds.
It was hard to tell with such a poorly written sentence.

There was no question mark. Now that I look at it closer, I assume the first part with the childish name calling was the question and the run on part at the end was simply a grade school level taunt.

I probably I gave it too much credit. It won't change many minds.
Go fuck yourself.
i don't accuse Dems of drinking children's blood, i accuse them of covering up Biden's actions of pretty much raping children
Sure. That's why the DNC convention always has a bigger crowd on the day that the child raping is scheduled. You MAGAs remind me of a buddy's ex-wife. She would accuse him of hitting her, and they would lock him up for a few days. That seemed to work for her so well till she started to accuse him of robbing banks, murdering people, and manufacturing narcotics. Just like her, your MAGA accusations have gone way beyond rational and you've thrown away any credibility you might have once had.
Sorry, to have to bring this to your demented brain but we are on the right love this great country. We vehemently hate what you and yours are doing to it. I love my country but you show your hate for it by constantly changing it for the worse.

Do those who love our country want to break it up?
Do they advocate terminating the Constitution?
Do they attack fair elections, a free press?
Do they attack our Capitol?
Do they make our Government the enemy?

That is todays Republicans
Do those who love our country want to break it up?
Do they advocate terminating the Constitution?
Do they attack fair elections, a free press?
Do they attack our Capitol?
Do they make our Government the enemy?

That is todays Republican

Do those who love our country want to break it up?
Do they advocate terminating the Constitution?
Do they attack fair elections, a free press?
Do they attack our Capitol?
Do they make our Government the enemy?

That is todays Republicans
That is today's Republicans fighting back against our country's destructive and demented Democrat party.
If you think this is the government they created you're grossly mistaken

Our Government today is superior to the Government f our founding.
It is more inclusive, represents more of the people and does more for the well being of the people.

It is not even close
That is today's Republicans fighting back against our country's destructive and demented Democrat party.

I don’t see Democrats doing any of those things,
Democrats LOVE this country and want to preserve it.

Republicans want to destroy our Democracy
I agree, which is why I never said that.

Why not prosecute *biden?

I agree..

Biden should be prosecuted as well as Trump and let the courts decide.

Biden’s defense will be built around…..I was unaware the documents were there and reported them as soon as they were found.

Trumps defense will be built around…I knew they were there, I intentionally took them and refused to cooperate in turning them over.

Let each face his fate

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