Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

No, I don't. That doesn't mean I have to swallow such an outlandish claim.
But you do “swallow” election fraud in 9 states without any evidence.

Ok, that is two states. the voter fraud was all over the country.
Not when they shoot unarmed protesters to death.
LOL. Yet again you wrote:

Young officers are in no-win situations constantly.
Someone breaks through a window during a riot and gets shot but somehow you blame the cop in this case.

How do you know that? Because "they" said so?
Yep. I support the police. Not the insurrectionists.
As long as you're comfortable with the same thing happening to Democrat protesters once Trump is back in office.
I’m comfortable with anyone who resorts to violence being hunted down like dogs.

But you do “swallow” election fraud in 9 states without any evidence.
Show me any post in which I claimed election fraud in 9 states.
LOL. Yet again you wrote:

Someone breaks through a window during a riot and gets shot but somehow you blame the cop in this case.
Yes, because the person who broke through was unarmed, and the shooting was completely unjustified, and done by an officer with a history of carelessness with his firearm who was promoted in spite of that.

A badge is not a license to kills, not even to kill Trump supporters.
Yep. I support the police. Not the insurrectionists.

I’m comfortable with anyone who resorts to violence being hunted down like dogs.
Yeah, we'll see.
Show me any post in which I claimed election fraud in 9 states.
I showed you one where you said it was “all over the country”...would you like to see it again?
Yes, because the person who broke through was unarmed, and the shooting was completely unjustified, and done by an officer with a history of carelessness with his firearm who was promoted in spite of that.
Total nonsense.
A badge is not a license to kills, not even to kill Trump supporters.
There probably should have been more shootings that day. I’m amazed that only one of you guys got blown away. I hope they billed her family for the bullet.
Yeah, we'll see.
Bull-fucking-sonofabitch-shit! You are lying through your diseased far Left teeth! You support political persecution of Conservatives and I bet you cheered the death of that preacher also. Sorry, not sorry but "progressives" are the enemies of America and need to be treated as such.
You don’t know me. Don't pretend to know what I believe and support. Talk about lying!!! Get a mirror and grow up
Sure I know you and people like you. You're nothing more than another worthless far Left tool.
You dont know me and you don’t know shit about shit. Im sure you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you do but that’s just laughable. You go ahead and keep making an ass out of yourself.
I showed you one where you said it was “all over the country”...would you like to see it again?
Total nonsense.
Total Fact
There probably should have been more shootings that day. I’m amazed that only one of you guys got blown away. I hope they billed her family for the bullet.
Democrats are emboldened by being in power, but not yet bold enough to shoot more than one or two Trump supporters for supporting Trump.
No… you’re not right… not even close
Yeah, not even close

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