Watch as Capitol Police Fight for Their Lives Against J6 Insurrectionists

So the argument this month is that the police shot some pepper balls so the MAGAs were forced to break in, steal Pelosi's computer, try to beat a bunch of cops to death, and smear (CENSORED) all over the walls?

Is that really the winning play you want to go with?
140 cops were injured on 1/6 by Trump’s insurrectionists. I’m happy that they have been (and will continue to be) hunted down like dogs.
4 protestors were killed by police.
So the argument this month is that the police shot some pepper balls so the MAGAs were forced to break in, steal Pelosi's computer, try to beat a bunch of cops to death, and smear (CENSORED) all over the walls?

Is that really the winning play you want to go with?
The argument is there was no provocation for the police to do that.

Another huge lie. How much of this garbage are you jerks going to swallow from an illegitimate government?
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Horrific what they had to go through.
I bet they have PTSD now.
I can see why AOC was terrified for her life.

How convenient you tards ignore the break-ins and the violence committed against the police that we all watched live.

I cannot believe you are this stupid.

Watch the last video on page 5 of this link:


Yes, the essential flaw in their argument that this whole thing was televised real time. We saw them break in. We saw Congress people laying down until they were brought up by security. We saw the rioters running down the halls and jumping into where Congress had just been.

  • More than 284 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, including approximately 99 individuals who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.
    • Approximately 140 police officers were assaulted January 6 at the Capitol, including about 80 from the U.S. Capitol Police and about 60 from the Metropolitan Police Department.
It means, you Leftist bedbug, that you, along with the propaganda arm of the DemocRAT party must follow a narrative.
Hahaha, you have some wild and imaginative interpretations. Read into it whatever you want. I was just reading the back of a lucky charms box and it told me that I’m right and you’re wrong… what do you think about that?!
Walking within the velvet ropes.
Taking selfies
Fist bumping cops
No firearms

WOW! the usa almost fell.


The IRS was nearly commandeered by the protestors.

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