Watch father speak out after after daughter is allegedly murdered by illegal alien he stabbed her

The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:

Right, thanks to mother fuckers like you.
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:

Right, thanks to mother fuckers like you.
You all had total control of the government and could have funded it anytime. If only Trump knew how to negotiate or persuade. Is Mexico’s check still on the way?
Now they're doing the jobs Americans will do.
Only because the assholes that run the companies hire them.
Democrats always have been into human trafficking the darkies.
How myopic..As you are well aware they work for repubs also..
Incredibly deflective. Reps have stopped them in TJ and want the wall.

Dems gotta traffic. Check history.
Yeah it's so superfluous to include not just revisionist history but extremely biased as well..
She should never have spoken to him to begin with.

Spoken like a TRUE Left banger

Hmmm.....I guess we all need to see proof of citizenship before we make friends?

HINT: Better solution....If they weren't here in the first place ???????

You think Tipsy is a “true left banger”? She’s so conservative, she makes you look like a New Dealer. :lol:
Now they're doing the jobs Americans will do.
Only because the assholes that run the companies hire them.

You mean like Nancy Pelosi industries? (what, you weren't aware of her wineries?)

Are you still under the delusion that the "Right" is the party of wealth?

Any idea which side is Farcebook?, Google?, Amazon?, Microsoft? and on and on and on

If Speaker Pelosi has workers not legally able to work in the US it would be front page news. You have made ^^^ an allegation not substantiated by any evidence and I doubt very much she would be dumb enough to try get away with it.
She should never have spoken to him to begin with.

Spoken like a TRUE Left banger

Hmmm.....I guess we all need to see proof of citizenship before we make friends?

HINT: Better solution....If they weren't here in the first place ???????

You think Tipsy is a “true left banger”? She’s so conservative, she makes you look like a New Dealer. :lol:
---------------------------------------------- She has always seemed to be Conservative to me MDK .
Somebody needs to start watching shows like the ID channel stuff. Lots of women are murdered after breakups every year and don't get much press attention. How many female bodies are found in ditches? And it doesn't even take a breakup. You can just be in your driveway to become a victim. I understand that one Michael McLellan has been charged with the abduction and murder of Hania Aguilar. It's too bad that North Carolina is so far from Colorado so it is unlikely that he will share a cell with Chris Watts if he is convicted.

I can understand the family is grieving and angry, but they are being used by Infowars and Breitbart to further these organization's own nefarious ideology.

I don't think that there is any study or poll that says that nine out of ten American women and girls prefer to be murdered by a native-born citizen.
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
No sympathy for either of them. Lie with dogs; get fleas; or worse. Her father should have raised her better. If he had; this would never have happened...
She should never have spoken to him to begin with.

Spoken like a TRUE Left banger

Hmmm.....I guess we all need to see proof of citizenship before we make friends?

HINT: Better solution....If they weren't here in the first place ???????

I think Tipsy was being sarcastic and didn't mean like that.
Proof of citizenship isn't even useful if the killer still comes from a culture that kills non compliant women.

I hate to say what needs to be said. A visual should have told her all she needed to know. He's 20 years old pretending to be an unaccompanied minor. You think no one knew that English is his second language?
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Why do males feel they can force women to stay with them....or else kill them? Why?
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
No sympathy for either of them. Lie with dogs; get fleas; or worse. Her father should have raised her better. If he had; this would never have happened...
--------------------------- As i said , er mighta said . She reminds me of those photos of widdle 'german' chicks welcoming 'muslim refugee invaders' to 'germany a year or so ago .

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