Watch father speak out after after daughter is allegedly murdered by illegal alien he stabbed her

The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Why do males feel they can force women to stay with them....or else kill them? Why?
Why do women feel they can force a man to fund their lifestyle choices; even when they decide they don’t want to be with him? Oh, that’s right... Because they can....
So...that's why you think it's ok for men to be violent to women who don't want to be with them, eh?
Nope. Just telling you why some people do, what they do...
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Confirmation bias - Wikipedia

I guess we should ban all guns since so many blonde girls have been murdered by them, too.
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:

Right, thanks to mother fuckers like you.
You all had total control of the government and could have funded it anytime. If only Trump knew how to negotiate or persuade. Is Mexico’s check still on the way?

There's enough of you fucks to stop funding.
If Dimocrats were on the same page as Republicans and conservatives, we would have all the border protection and other anti-illegal immigration measures that we would ever need. You mf'ers always have a reason to oppose ANY attempts to stop illegal immigration.
Enough? No, you controlled everything. You had 2 years. You can’t even figure out how to get Mexico to pay for a wall. Totally incompetent.

Mexico is never going to pay for a fucking wall, no one that I know ever believed that would actually happen.

We don't even need a wall, we need absolute enforcement of our immigration laws, as well as going after employers who knowingly hire illegals, and getting rid of any sanctuary status.
Again though, there are enough of you fucks that challenge any attempts to stop illegal immigration. You guys use the courts, throw down the race and xenophobic cards, so nothing ever gets done.
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:
It's already being built, your liberal media won't tell you that.
Oh which of the prototypes was picked? :lmao:
Bollard wall, and seven miles was completed as of june. So even more of it is completed by now.
LOL what a big, beautiful wall!


7 miles you say? :lmao:
It's ridiculous that people contend that this is going to stop women and girls from being murdered in the U.S. Walls don't do it. I once broke up with a guy (Irish descent; born in Maryland) who threatened to kill me. Fortunately, I had a large dog.
Confirmation bias, also called confirmatory bias or myside bias, is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms one's preexisting beliefs or hypotheses. It is a type of cognitive bias and a systematic error of inductive reasoning. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively,

Confirmation bias - Wikipedia
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:
It's already being built, your liberal media won't tell you that.
Oh which of the prototypes was picked? :lmao:
Bollard wall, and seven miles was completed as of june. So even more of it is completed by now.
LOL what a big, beautiful wall!


7 miles you say? :lmao:
It's ridiculous that people contend that this is going to stop women and girls from being murdered in the U.S. Walls don't do it. I once broke up with a guy (Irish descent; born in Maryland) who threatened to kill me. Fortunately, I had a large dog.

Oh brother. Who the fuck is saying it will "stop" women from being murdered ?!
Now they're doing the jobs Americans will do.
Only because the assholes that run the companies hire them.
Democrats always have been into human trafficking the darkies.
How myopic..As you are well aware they work for repubs also..
Incredibly deflective. Reps have stopped them in TJ and want the wall.

Dems gotta traffic. Check history.
Yeah it's so superfluous to include not just revisionist history but extremely biased as well..
Slavery, the KKK, Jim Crow laws, and human/sex trafficking in illegals called.
Too bad Trump is so incompetent as to have completely failed on his greatest promise, the wall, which will never happen :dunno:

Right, thanks to mother fuckers like you.
You all had total control of the government and could have funded it anytime. If only Trump knew how to negotiate or persuade. Is Mexico’s check still on the way?

There's enough of you fucks to stop funding.
If Dimocrats were on the same page as Republicans and conservatives, we would have all the border protection and other anti-illegal immigration measures that we would ever need. You mf'ers always have a reason to oppose ANY attempts to stop illegal immigration.
Enough? No, you controlled everything. You had 2 years. You can’t even figure out how to get Mexico to pay for a wall. Totally incompetent.

Mexico is never going to pay for a fucking wall, no one that I know ever believed that would actually happen.

We don't even need a wall, we need absolute enforcement of our immigration laws, as well as going after employers who knowingly hire illegals, and getting rid of any sanctuary status.
Again though, there are enough of you fucks that challenge any attempts to stop illegal immigration. You guys use the courts, throw down the race and xenophobic cards, so nothing ever gets done.

Your pathological anger blinds you to reality. The "fucks" seek justice, and the Courts are the single source for justice to prevail.

The solution is not to demean the people seeking a safe harbor, but to establish diplomatic relations with the nations to the south. To work in ending a war on drugs, and on people, and to work with governments to eradicate poverty and ignorance, here and there and especially in The District.
It's already being built, your liberal media won't tell you that.
Oh which of the prototypes was picked? :lmao:
Bollard wall, and seven miles was completed as of june. So even more of it is completed by now.
LOL what a big, beautiful wall!


7 miles you say? :lmao:
It's ridiculous that people contend that this is going to stop women and girls from being murdered in the U.S. Walls don't do it. I once broke up with a guy (Irish descent; born in Maryland) who threatened to kill me. Fortunately, I had a large dog.

Oh brother. Who the fuck is saying it will "stop" women from being murdered ?!

This appears to be the underlying premise of this thread. It implies that murder is much less important than the background of the killer. there does not seem to be any connection between this man's immigration status and his crime.
Oh which of the prototypes was picked? :lmao:
Bollard wall, and seven miles was completed as of june. So even more of it is completed by now.
LOL what a big, beautiful wall!


7 miles you say? :lmao:
It's ridiculous that people contend that this is going to stop women and girls from being murdered in the U.S. Walls don't do it. I once broke up with a guy (Irish descent; born in Maryland) who threatened to kill me. Fortunately, I had a large dog.

Oh brother. Who the fuck is saying it will "stop" women from being murdered ?!

This appears to be the underlying premise of this thread. It implies that murder is much less important than the background of the killer. there does not seem to be any connection between this man's immigration status and his crime.
No, the fact is he was here illegally. If you liberals would quit letting these lawbreakers cross the border and live in your sancuary cities. We could cut murder down on our own citizens.
The father of a teenage girl is speaking out after his daughter was allegedly murdered at the hands of an illegal alien who entered the United States as an “unaccompanied alien child.”
Watch–Father Speaks Out After Daughter is Allegedly Murdered by Illegal Alien: ‘He Stabbed Her to Death’


Awwww well wait until the smart asses make fun, poke fun, chant let them in, let them in ehheeehh
you idiots don't believe chit until it happens to you and yours because you are beyond the MORON level.

The girl was murdered by her BOYFRIEND, who was in the United States as a legal refugee. And against, you're posting links to InfoWars, which is a scurrilous lying website.

So the title of your thread is a lie. Why aren't you ranting against toxic masculinity? This is a huge issue in the US, and in other patriarchal societies. Every year, more than 1000 women are murdered by their intimate partners. Where is YOUR outrage over that.

You get unreasonably enraged when a immigrant or a non-white kills a white woman, but when it's her white husband/boyfriend/intimate partner, nary a whisper. Over 1000 women a year, and not so much as a whisper from you. Why not? Why do you only care about white girls dying is when you can use those deaths for your political ends.

What scum you Russians are!!!
Bollard wall, and seven miles was completed as of june. So even more of it is completed by now.
LOL what a big, beautiful wall!


7 miles you say? :lmao:
It's ridiculous that people contend that this is going to stop women and girls from being murdered in the U.S. Walls don't do it. I once broke up with a guy (Irish descent; born in Maryland) who threatened to kill me. Fortunately, I had a large dog.

Oh brother. Who the fuck is saying it will "stop" women from being murdered ?!

This appears to be the underlying premise of this thread. It implies that murder is much less important than the background of the killer. there does not seem to be any connection between this man's immigration status and his crime.
No, the fact is he was here illegally. If you liberals would quit letting these lawbreakers cross the border and live in your sancuary cities. We could cut murder down on our own citizens.

He wasn't here illegally. He was here as a legal refugee. If he didn't have asylum, he would have been sent home.
He wasn't here illegally. He was here as a legal refugee. If he didn't have asylum, he would have been sent home.

And who do you think fought to make sure he got asylum? Yep.....YOU did.

The irony is that the more you liberals buck common sense in favor of your feelgood BS that floods your streets with criminals and gangs ....the more death and mayhem you are bringing primarily to YOUR own neighborhoods.

Read the news and tally the death toll.
Most of the carnage is taking place right where you are and not in Conservative areas.
Stay safe. (oh you can't, you don't believe in the 2nd amendment).....oh well.
Do you sleep well at night? Did you hear that? it's 3am....was that glass breaking?

Woman dragged from bed during terrifying NJ home invasion
Bollard wall, and seven miles was completed as of june. So even more of it is completed by now.
LOL what a big, beautiful wall!


7 miles you say? :lmao:
It's ridiculous that people contend that this is going to stop women and girls from being murdered in the U.S. Walls don't do it. I once broke up with a guy (Irish descent; born in Maryland) who threatened to kill me. Fortunately, I had a large dog.

Oh brother. Who the fuck is saying it will "stop" women from being murdered ?!

This appears to be the underlying premise of this thread. It implies that murder is much less important than the background of the killer. there does not seem to be any connection between this man's immigration status and his crime.
No, the fact is he was here illegally. If you liberals would quit letting these lawbreakers cross the border and live in your sancuary cities. We could cut murder down on our own citizens.

You are trying to draw a connection between immigration status and crime that simply isn't there. Incidentally, I had to look up where the murder took place: Long Branch, N.J. I have not seen anything about this being a sanctuary city.

Oh! I'm a "liberal"! Considering the polar opposite alternative, which seems to be the only alternative available since the morons have taken moderates out of the equation altogether, I will thank you for the compliment.
Folks, please post vids that work instead of websites! But basically speaking young European girls are very tolerant and open to brainwashing usually until they get assaulted for refusing to go on a date with a Black or Brown, or when the Black or Brown stalks them and rapes or murders them, then obviously it is too late. A Black female in contrast would not have any guilty feeling in telling the ugly illegal alien to get lost and actually assault the illegal alien or legal alien if the person is Asian. But European girls are more sensitive and because of the Jewish, Black and Brown controlled public schools and the MSM brainwashing, some the most evolved girls in the universe feel it is their duty to treat 3rd world Black and Brown savages as special.

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