Watch for coverage of the Menendez corruption scandal to suddenly go dark New emails of Menendez trying to contact Biden by his sons business partner

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
This thread isn't about his criminal conduct so please don't merge it into obscurity.
It was just announced on ABC radio that Menendez was seeking contact with then Vice President Biden through Hunter Bidens business partner. A very odd thing to do considering how easy it would be for Menendez to use the normal political channels available to him. Also interesting considering Biden claimed he had no contact with his sons business partners.
Does Menendez have dirt on Biden? Is he a candidate for Arkencide? Will his case suddenly fall off the radar?

Was literally just reported on air in the truck so I have no link yet.

From the article so you can't just dismiss the source without looking.

Fucking gold bars like Scrooge McDuck lmfao WTF was he thinking? What the fuck are the people of NJ thinking after putting him back in there after the same shit in 2017?
if they didnt care about him having sex with underage boys they sure arent going to care about this,,
I suspect the Biden regime didn't see this one coming when they greenlit the bust on Menendez...

Will Menendez rat on Joe to save his own skin?


Biden’s Corrupt Justice Department Gets No Credit For Indicting Bob Menendez, The Easiest Democrat Target It Could Find​

22 Sep 2023 ~~ By Eddie Scarry

In fairness, Menendez recently reprimanded Joe Biden for incentivizing foreign governments to hold Americans hostage, and in 2021, he called the president’s deadly Afghanistan withdrawal “horrifying,” so he probably had another round of indictments coming.
The curious and sudden prosecution of a Democrat senator from a reliably Democrat state, which will fill the seat with another (likely corrupt) Democrat, is a distraction tossed out by Biden’s DOJ. It’s child’s play. Don’t eat what they throw on the floor.
A Democrat senator who should have faced prison time years ago is now in the crosshairs after allegedly accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars, gold bricks, and a sports car in exchange for help with navigating the government. It changes nothing about how deeply rotted the Justice Department has become. Don’t give it credit it doesn’t deserve.

It`s another deceptive move by Biden, his corrupt DoJ and Obama's designated Biden handlers designed to take the pressure off Biden, Hunter and Garland at the same time....

Biden’s Corrupt Justice Department Gets No Credit For Indicting Bob Menendez, The Easiest Democrat Target It Could Find​

22 Sep 2023 ~~ By Eddie Scarry

In fairness, Menendez recently reprimanded Joe Biden for incentivizing foreign governments to hold Americans hostage, and in 2021, he called the president’s deadly Afghanistan withdrawal “horrifying,” so he probably had another round of indictments coming.
The curious and sudden prosecution of a Democrat senator from a reliably Democrat state, which will fill the seat with another (likely corrupt) Democrat, is a distraction tossed out by Biden’s DOJ. It’s child’s play. Don’t eat what they throw on the floor.
A Democrat senator who should have faced prison time years ago is now in the crosshairs after allegedly accepting hundreds of thousands of dollars, gold bricks, and a sports car in exchange for help with navigating the government. It changes nothing about how deeply rotted the Justice Department has become. Don’t give it credit it doesn’t deserve.

It`s another deceptive move by Biden, his corrupt DoJ and Obama's designated Biden handlers designed to take the pressure off Biden, Hunter and Garland at the same time....

Menendez has been in the Obama/Biden mafia's sights for a while, but I don't think they knew about the connection to Hunter and Joe's side business taking bribes for influence. Big oversight, this one's going to be a problem.
They're filthy fucking animals. Pres Trump represents sunlight and exposure. It's no wonder the party that likes to fuck kids is so desperate to stay underground.

This is just a ridiculous charade to distract from the Briben crime family racketeering. That corrupt fatfuck is relatively harmless... the stuttering shit clown is anything but harmless.

biden bribe sign.jpg

Interesting how this guy ranted about how Trump being compromised by Russia troubled him yet he and his wife allegedly took bribes of cash, gold bars and a luxury car for a range of corrupt acts, including having the Democrat use his influence over foreign affairs to benefit the authoritarian government of Egypt.

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