Watch for coverage of the Menendez corruption scandal to suddenly go dark New emails of Menendez trying to contact Biden by his sons business partner

You gullible fools will believe any bull shit lie they tell you !!

You gullible fools get all worked up, and get all your hopes up, just because you read some fake news BS.

You get oklayed for a sucka on a daily basis and you have no street smarts at all. You are an easy mark.
You're a bonafide pos.
It's in the Email dumbass. Outlet reporting it is irrelevant when we can read the email ourselves.

Pull your head out of your ass.
Big big whoop it means nothing at all.

You people let your imaginations run wild.

Menendez contacted a guy Hunter Biden knew. OMG !!!!!!
Holy fuck !!!
What a crime !!!

You people will believe any bullshit they feed you, then you cry when the investigation produce nothing, like all your investigations do for the past 30 years, starting with Whitewater/Monica Lewsinky.
You're a bonafide pos.
Ahhh did I spoil your little fantasy land party???

This is the big problem, you get all worked up over these lies, then cry when they are totally debunked. And cry when they can't find any reason to indict.
Well, he'll probably beat this rap, too, because he beat the last one.
Do you even care about being right, ever? Not only will he not "probably beat this rap", there is no shot whatsoever that he beats it. He will spend the remainder of his life in federal prison.
Trump was in charge of the DOJ at that time, its not happening this time.
Marxian Democrats, Joe Biden and especially Garland need a diversion to continue burying their in house corruption, perfidy and treason. What better way than a sacrificial lamb named Bob Menendez.
You gullible fools will believe any bull shit lie they tell you !!

You gullible fools get all worked up, and get all your hopes up, just because you read some fake news BS.

You get oklayed for a sucka on a daily basis and you have no street smarts at all. You are an easy mark.
Why do you always take such dumb positions? Is trolling more important than being right to you? Hunter and Menendez are absolutely connected. To what degree remains to be seen, but Hunter was mentioned as being a go between for Joe Biden. Denying the obvious is never winning strategy.

Why do you always take such dumb positions? Is trolling more important than being right to you? Hunter and Menendez are absolutely connected. To what degree remains to be seen, but Hunter was mentioned as being a go between for Joe Biden. Denying the obvious is never winning strategy.

Yea right

This is the problem.
You live in a fantasy land.
You can;t even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud. That means you are incredibly gullible and easily manipulated by lies you want to hear.

You don't get it, they are playing you for a fool. They feed you bullshit to get you to run with it, and you take the bait everytime.

At the end of the day, its more lies that have zero evidence to support them, like everything in the Republican party
You gullible fools will believe any bull shit lie they tell you !!

You gullible fools get all worked up, and get all your hopes up, just because you read some fake news BS.

You get oklayed for a sucka on a daily basis and you have no street smarts at all. You are an easy mark.

He's stepping down from is chair position.

There are other things going on too.

You are saying that they are not really happening ?
I checked MSNBC's site.

They had something on it, but it was off to the side in small print.

The main story was about Clarence Thomas. At least they are consistent.

CNN had it at the top. He's been indicted.

Fox's big story was the Dallas Mayor.

Menendez still had quite a presence on the page.

You'd think the guy would have learned after 2015.

Why do you always take such dumb positions? Is trolling more important than being right to you? Hunter and Menendez are absolutely connected. To what degree remains to be seen, but Hunter was mentioned as being a go between for Joe Biden. Denying the obvious is never winning strategy.


You fuckers are desperate
Man, ole Gold Bar Bob has an ugly wife. Just sayin'... She reminds me of Lauren Boebert...


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Ahhh did I spoil your little fantasy land party???

This is the big problem, you get all worked up over these lies, then cry when they are totally debunked. And cry when they can't find any reason to indict.

He's been indicted you stupid moron.

That's your DOJ.

Do work at being an idiot or does it come naturally to you ?
hey retard we aren;t talking about menendez.

Of course not......

You consistently forget your ADHD meds and make threads about what you want them to be about.

This thread is about Menendez and you are still a stupid moron.

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