WATCH: General Wacky Wesley Clark tosses ringing cell phone across studio during live CNN interview

The general keeps asking for a 'strategy'

So what does Trump have for one?

I gave it 20 seconds and realized it was a 6 minute video. Need a time stamp. I'm not gonna watch 6 minutes of Wes Clark yammering on CNN for what probably ends up being nothing anyways.

That's like the strategy they use on CLE videos to make people watch -- they tell you there's going to be a number or word posted somewhere in the video and you have to write it down, but they don't tell you when it's going to be. Sometimes it's at the very end, other times it isn't. I can totally see CNN/MSNBC trying this strategy out to boost their piss-poor viewer numbers by posting clips on YouTube with titles about wacky things happening, thus getting clicks and keeping people glued to the video just waiting for it. LOL
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