Watch Live: Republican National Convention 2020

She’s Getting ready to spew alternative facts.
You hate successful women don't you John?

Just know that dinosaurs like you who hate successful women are antiquated and dying off.

This is a new America.

An America without the Hatred, Intolerance, and Prejudice the Left has used to cripple this Country for decades.
A daughter endorsing her father! Will wonders never cease.
Next up on the Trump faimly Of grifters is Eric
A daughter endorsing her father! Will wonders never cease.

The better point is why does the DNC hide Hunter Biden? It’s great that President Trump’s family is outspoken and doesn’t have to hide.

Hunter was in the video that introduced his father.
A daughter endorsing her father! Will wonders never cease.

Did you get pissed off when that cokehead Hunter Biden spoke at the Moon Bat convention?
No..What makes you think I am pissed off. Far from it. I was making an observation.

Your observation is demented and cause by your mental health affliction of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Go take your TDS meds and lie down and take a nap. That way you won't embarrass yourself with stupid hateful observations.
A daughter endorsing her father! Will wonders never cease.

Did you get pissed off when that cokehead Hunter Biden spoke at the Moon Bat convention?
No..What makes you think I am pissed off. Far from it. I was making an observation.

Your observation is demented and cause by your mental health affliction of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Go take your TDS meds and lie down and take a nap. That way you won't embarrass yourself with stupid hateful observations.
My observation was as innocuous as it gets. I can’t believe you were triggered by it.
Most people don't even know what happened in IOWA

Why .... because the Fake News MSM did not cover it.

Speakers on Night 1 include Nikki Haley, Senator Tim Scott and Donald Trump Jr., as well as President Trump, who is expected to appear four nights in a row.

Gee thanks Ford. Been watching it live for the last two hours while prepping for colonoscopy in the AM.

The RNCC is assisting mightily in that effort! Tiffany just said he‘d “do it again”. I could NOT agree more ...

Well, gotta run! :bye1:
My observation was as innocuous as it gets. I can’t believe you were triggered by it.
This is your observation:

The Iowa governor’s speech was decent. She praised Trump for doing what all presidents do, but her presentation wasn't bad. She came across well.
Gee thanks Ford. Been watching it live for the last two hours while prepping for colonoscopy in the AM.

The RNCC is assisting mightily in that effort! Tiffany just said he‘d “do it again”. I could NOT agree more ...

Well, gotta run! :bye1:
I fear a colonoscopy will not be able to remove the amount of shit you Leftist are stopped up with.

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