Watch NK make trump look like a Chump...

Not surprised to see bed wetting democrook parasites rooting for a commie despotic mass murderer over the POTUS.
The OP missed the better links to prove the point
Dan Coats says he doubts North Korea will give up nuclear weapons

Dan Coats and the US intel agencies all said that NK will not give up its nuclear weapons.
That trumps the CBS gal's opinion in the OP link.

We'll see if Trump can sway NK to his way using the carrot and stick approach. The key is China, so lets line up and watch the show. Especially what happens if NK does not give up its nukes.
The OP missed the better links to prove the point
Dan Coats says he doubts North Korea will give up nuclear weapons

Dan Coats and the US intel agencies all said that NK will not give up its nuclear weapons.
That trumps the CBS gal's opinion in the OP link.

We'll see if Trump can sway NK to his way using the carrot and stick approach. The key is China, so lets line up and watch the show. Especially what happens if NK does not give up its nukes.

First Nancy makes him look stupid...and now Kim will get his chance....
The OP missed the better links to prove the point
Dan Coats says he doubts North Korea will give up nuclear weapons

Dan Coats and the US intel agencies all said that NK will not give up its nuclear weapons.
That trumps the CBS gal's opinion in the OP link.

We'll see if Trump can sway NK to his way using the carrot and stick approach. The key is China, so lets line up and watch the show. Especially what happens if NK does not give up its nukes.

Look what happened to Gaddafi when he gave up his nukes....killed in a ditch....
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one or two love letters from Kim, Trump swoons, salutes, says yes sir, and its a done deal.
The OP missed the better links to prove the point
Dan Coats says he doubts North Korea will give up nuclear weapons

Dan Coats and the US intel agencies all said that NK will not give up its nuclear weapons.
That trumps the CBS gal's opinion in the OP link.

We'll see if Trump can sway NK to his way using the carrot and stick approach. The key is China, so lets line up and watch the show. Especially what happens if NK does not give up its nukes.

Look what happened to Omar when he gave up his nukes....killed in a ditch....

Do you mean this guy?


Muammar Gaddafi
There is no way North Korea will give up its nukes.

Maybe if Trump offers Kim a night with Ivanka...
There are the three options as I see it in dealing with North Korea try to negotiate a deal accept them becoming a nuclear power or go to war my first choice would be trying to get a deal easy no might very well be impossible but it seems better than the other two options if anyone has a better fourth option share.
There are the three options as I see it in dealing with North Korea try to negotiate a deal accept them becoming a nuclear power or go to war my first choice would be trying to get a deal easy no might very well be impossible but it seems better than the other two options if anyone has a better fourth option share.
North Korea is a sovereign nation, and is therefore entitled to have nukes. There is no justification for going to war with North Korea just because we don't want them to have nukes.

North Korea is entitled to have nukes, but that doesn't mean we can't impose economic sanctions on them in order to pressure them.

However, I just don't see North Korea ever buckling under pressure. In fact, pressure just makes them feel like they need to have nukes even more.
There are the three options as I see it in dealing with North Korea try to negotiate a deal accept them becoming a nuclear power or go to war my first choice would be trying to get a deal easy no might very well be impossible but it seems better than the other two options if anyone has a better fourth option share.

I thought we came close to a "bloody nose" option when we had three carrier groups off their coast. But they decided to talk and wait Trump out. A wise choice. Can NK wait Trump out? Would a dem president be easier to deal with?
North Korea: 3 US aircraft carriers creating 'worst ever' situation - CNNPolitics
Fuckwit Trump elevates Kim's status every time the dumb shit allows the tinpot dictator to appear on the world stage as an equal to the greatest power on Earth.

This plays right into Kim's hands. Trump is gifting Kim with priceless propaganda.

"See how they fear me!"
There are the three options as I see it in dealing with North Korea try to negotiate a deal accept them becoming a nuclear power or go to war my first choice would be trying to get a deal easy no might very well be impossible but it seems better than the other two options if anyone has a better fourth option share.
North Korea is a sovereign nation, and is therefore entitled to have nukes. There is no justification for going to war with North Korea just because we don't want them to have nukes.

North Korea is entitled to have nukes, but that doesn't mean we can't impose economic sanctions on them in order to pressure them.

However, I just don't see North Korea ever buckling under pressure. In fact, pressure just makes them feel like they need to have nukes even more.
Yeah those economic sanctions have really worked wonders with them over the years. I agree it’s extremely unlikely they will give up the pursuit of nukes but trying to reach a deal seems to be the best of the poor options despite the long odds.
There are the three options as I see it in dealing with North Korea try to negotiate a deal accept them becoming a nuclear power or go to war my first choice would be trying to get a deal easy no might very well be impossible but it seems better than the other two options if anyone has a better fourth option share.
North Korea is a sovereign nation, and is therefore entitled to have nukes. There is no justification for going to war with North Korea just because we don't want them to have nukes.

North Korea is entitled to have nukes, but that doesn't mean we can't impose economic sanctions on them in order to pressure them.

However, I just don't see North Korea ever buckling under pressure. In fact, pressure just makes them feel like they need to have nukes even more.
Yeah those economic sanctions have really worked wonders with them over the years. I agree it’s extremely unlikely they will give up the pursuit of nukes but trying to reach a deal seems to be the best of the poor options despite the long odds.
As I said, pressure only makes North Korea want nukes even more, as protection against outside aggressors.

The only way the Norks will accept a "deal" is if we sweeten the pot with a lot of cash and prizes. It would be hilarious if the same guy who threw a shit fit over Obama returning Iran's own money back to them turned around and gave away the store to North Korea.

"They're putting a Trump Tower in Pyongyang!"
Fuckwit Trump elevates Kim's status every time the dumb shit allows the tinpot dictator to appear on the world stage as an equal to the greatest power on Earth.
This plays right into Kim's hands. Trump is gifting Kim with priceless propaganda.
"See how they fear me!"

Obama's strategy with NK was "strategic patience", as NK developed its nukes and ICBMs. We'll see whose admin had more success with NK won't we?
1. Who is Kim's "priceless" propaganda audience? (The NK people, his generals? Who cares what they think?)
2. Look at NK from Japan's perspective,
3. Look at NK from SK's perspective,

Trump is giving NK a final chance to avoid a very bad thumping. Kim was educated in the EU, so he knows what a prosperous society should look like, and he knows what the US military is like.
The education of Kim Jong-un
HOLD on, let's see what putin wants and he can tell tRump and he can tell you.
Never mind our intelligence people.
You know, like tRump says, he knows more...and putin will tell him.

There are the three options as I see it in dealing with North Korea try to negotiate a deal accept them becoming a nuclear power or go to war my first choice would be trying to get a deal easy no might very well be impossible but it seems better than the other two options if anyone has a better fourth option share.
North Korea is a sovereign nation, and is therefore entitled to have nukes. There is no justification for going to war with North Korea just because we don't want them to have nukes.

North Korea is entitled to have nukes, but that doesn't mean we can't impose economic sanctions on them in order to pressure them.

However, I just don't see North Korea ever buckling under pressure. In fact, pressure just makes them feel like they need to have nukes even more.
Yeah those economic sanctions have really worked wonders with them over the years. I agree it’s extremely unlikely they will give up the pursuit of nukes but trying to reach a deal seems to be the best of the poor options despite the long odds.

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