WATCH: O'Donnell Wipes The Floor With NRA Chief


Active Member
Dec 3, 2012
Lawrence O'Donnell condemned NRA president Wayne LaPierre for Friday his press conference about the Newtown massacre in a special edition of his MSNBC show.

O'Donnell does not usually work on Fridays, but he made an exception for LaPierre. The gun lobbyist called for armed police officers in every school. His comments were widely criticized.

O'Donnell did not mince his words, calling LaPierre a "lobbyist for mass murderers," and denouncing him for attempting to take issue with the media's coverage of the slaughter in Connecticut. He noted one of LaPierre's points: that the media had gotten a fact about the power of the gun shooter Adam Lanza used. O'Donnell pointed out that each bullet Lanza fired traveled at the speed of 3,200 feet per second:

“Is there really something to quibble about in how powerful a bullet is when it is heading toward a six-year-old at the speed of 3200 feet per second? What kind of desperate, cornered rat would dare to mention that the Sandy Hook shooter could have used a more powerful bullet? Could have what? Done more damage? Made the bodies of six-year-olds even more difficult to identify?"

Lawrence O'Donnell: NRA Chief Wayne LaPierre A 'Desperate, Cornered Rat,' 'Lobbyist For Mass Murderers' (VIDEO)
Did we miss the part where comrade Larry put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Didn't think so.

Another idiot that thinks it will help to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Now that's insane.
Did we miss the part where comrade Larry put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Didn't think so.

Another idiot that thinks it will help to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Now that's insane.

LaPierre argued that guards need to be in place quickly because "the next Adam Lanza," the suspected shooter in Newtown, Conn., is already planning an attack on another school.

"How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity that they crave, while provoking others to try to make their mark?" LaPierre asked. "A dozen more killers, a hundred more? How can we possibly even guess how many, given our nation's refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill?"

While there is a federally maintained database of the mentally ill _ people so declared by their states _ a 1997 Supreme Court ruling that states can't be required to contribute information has left significant gaps. In any case, creation of a mandatory national database probably would have had little impact on the ability of suspected shooters in four mass shootings since 2011 to get and use powerful weapons. The other people accused either stole the weapons used in the attacks or had not been ruled by courts to be "mentally defective" before the shootings.

NRA calls for armed police officer in every school -
they are the gun industry lobby.

its why the asshole lapuke would not use the name of a New movie or game and chose OLD names to use.

Money money money
Did we miss the part where comrade Larry put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Didn't think so.

Another idiot that thinks it will help to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Now that's insane.

LaPierre argued that guards need to be in place quickly because "the next Adam Lanza," the suspected shooter in Newtown, Conn., is already planning an attack on another school.

"How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity that they crave, while provoking others to try to make their mark?" LaPierre asked. "A dozen more killers, a hundred more? How can we possibly even guess how many, given our nation's refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill?"

While there is a federally maintained database of the mentally ill _ people so declared by their states _ a 1997 Supreme Court ruling that states can't be required to contribute information has left significant gaps. In any case, creation of a mandatory national database probably would have had little impact on the ability of suspected shooters in four mass shootings since 2011 to get and use powerful weapons. The other people accused either stole the weapons used in the attacks or had not been ruled by courts to be "mentally defective" before the shootings.

NRA calls for armed police officer in every school -

Again, did we miss the part where you put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Having trouble getting criminals to obey the law? Whatever your plan, please stop thinking any gun control laws will do anything other than to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Again, that's insane.
Did we miss the part where comrade Larry put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Didn't think so.

Another idiot that thinks it will help to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Now that's insane.

LaPierre argued that guards need to be in place quickly because "the next Adam Lanza," the suspected shooter in Newtown, Conn., is already planning an attack on another school.

"How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity that they crave, while provoking others to try to make their mark?" LaPierre asked. "A dozen more killers, a hundred more? How can we possibly even guess how many, given our nation's refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill?"

While there is a federally maintained database of the mentally ill _ people so declared by their states _ a 1997 Supreme Court ruling that states can't be required to contribute information has left significant gaps. In any case, creation of a mandatory national database probably would have had little impact on the ability of suspected shooters in four mass shootings since 2011 to get and use powerful weapons. The other people accused either stole the weapons used in the attacks or had not been ruled by courts to be "mentally defective" before the shootings.

NRA calls for armed police officer in every school -

Again, did we miss the part where you put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Having trouble getting criminals to obey the law? Whatever your plan, please stop thinking any gun control laws will do anything other than to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Again, that's insane.

Couple of flaws with his rant:

When is a criminal a criminal, before or after the crime?

Last few mass shootings none had criminal records if I'm not mistaken.

And in the last few mass shootings, the guns were purchased legally.

So now do you understand why his so called plan is flawed?
LaPierre argued that guards need to be in place quickly because "the next Adam Lanza," the suspected shooter in Newtown, Conn., is already planning an attack on another school.

"How many more copycats are waiting in the wings for their moment of fame from a national media machine that rewards them with wall-to-wall attention and a sense of identity that they crave, while provoking others to try to make their mark?" LaPierre asked. "A dozen more killers, a hundred more? How can we possibly even guess how many, given our nation's refusal to create an active national database of the mentally ill?"

While there is a federally maintained database of the mentally ill _ people so declared by their states _ a 1997 Supreme Court ruling that states can't be required to contribute information has left significant gaps. In any case, creation of a mandatory national database probably would have had little impact on the ability of suspected shooters in four mass shootings since 2011 to get and use powerful weapons. The other people accused either stole the weapons used in the attacks or had not been ruled by courts to be "mentally defective" before the shootings.

NRA calls for armed police officer in every school -

Again, did we miss the part where you put fourth a plan that will actually stop crazy motherfuckers and criminal thugs from using a firearm in the commission of their crimes?

Having trouble getting criminals to obey the law? Whatever your plan, please stop thinking any gun control laws will do anything other than to ensure the bad guys have superior firepower to law abiding citizens. Again, that's insane.

Couple of flaws with his rant:

When is a criminal a criminal, before or after the crime?

After. Color me reactionary but I think you ought to have to actually hurt another or take what doesn't belong to you before you're considered a criminal.

Last few mass shootings none had criminal records if I'm not mistaken.

And in the last few mass shootings, the guns were purchased legally.?

The firearms may have been purchased legally, but they were illegally stolen and certainly they were illegally used. That's the point. You cannot stop crazy people from doing crazy things by enacting laws that only restrict the ability of law abiding citizens to defend themselves. To do so lacks any logic, reason or common sense.

So now do you understand why his so called plan is flawed

I do not stand by LaPierre's ideas. Attacking the 1st amendment to defend the 2nd is unproductive and the idea of armed guards in schools is a decision for states and local communities, not the federal government.
If TSA in every Airport makes us safer, then TSA in every school will make us safer too.
To the President and the politicians,to the Lawrence O'Donnell s and the Gov. of NY and the lefties

Where were all of you 6 months ago,3 months ago,6 weeks ago,2 weeks ago.

Now you guys are on your soap boxes screaming at the world how angry you now are about guns in this country.

Give me a break.
Lawrence O'Donnell, are we suppose to care what that idiot does?

good grief, petty friggen petty

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