WATCH: Texas Police Spox on Live TV Confirmed Cops Went In for Their Own Kids During Uvalde Shooting

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
They saved their own kids at the sacrificing of 19 helpless other kids and then did nothing.

They saved their own kids at the sacrificing of 19 helpless other kids and then did nothing.

Hard to discern the truth from bullshit with so many different versions of the same events out there. I stand by my suspicion that the police received orders to let the shooting happen or continue. A single cop could have ended the shooter's rampage in less than a minute. Instead, dozens of militarized paramilitary policemen stood around with their dick's in hand for up to 90 minutes while parents of the dying students begged them to take action. State sponsored terrorism . . . that's what this was.
Hard to discern the truth from bullshit with so many different versions of the same events out there. I stand by my suspicion that the police received orders to let the shooting happen or continue. A single cop could have ended the shooter's rampage in less than a minute. Instead, dozens of militarized paramilitary policemen stood around with their dick's in hand for up to 90 minutes while parents of the dying students begged them to take action. State sponsored terrorism . . . that's what this was.
I tend to agree.
Hard to discern the truth from bullshit with so many different versions of the same events out there. I stand by my suspicion that the police received orders to let the shooting happen or continue. A single cop could have ended the shooter's rampage in less than a minute. Instead, dozens of militarized paramilitary policemen stood around with their dick's in hand for up to 90 minutes while parents of the dying students begged them to take action. State sponsored terrorism . . . that's what this was.
Even the federal Marshals arrived on the scene. What were federal Marshals doing in a small isolated town like that?
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Even the federal Marshalls arrived on the scene. What were federal Marshalls doing in a small isolated town like that?

I wondered that myself. Small town about seventy miles from San Antonio—which should have been the closest US Marshals office in the region. The whole thing stinks. Supposedly the cops (SWAT or CERT or whatever) were waiting for a key to the classroom door before making entry. I guess they forgot their picket pounders, breaching charges and shotguns.
The report that I saw was one mother climbed a fence, broke into the school and found her kids and got them out. She was immediately put in hand cuffs and arrested.
Actually she wanted to go rescue her kids. They wouldn't let her and put her in cuffs. Then sometime later they removed the cuffs. As the cops were distracted, she eased off out of sight, jumped the fence and went into the school freely (no doors were locked), found her kids and got them out. How about that? Tucker told her story tonight how she got in but cops said they were pinned down.
There is something wrong with the way the police handled this. I believe they were ordered to stand down. I hope it wasn't them being cowards, and I don't think it was. Unless you would call obeying such orders moral cowardice. If so, I don't dispute that.

You wanna hold back parents from rescuing their kids, you damn well should have a better plan in motion than standing and listening to the shots.

What did the police commanders think would happen if police went in to stop the guy murdering a room full of elementary kids? That someone might get hurt?

We need answers, but I don't think we'll ever get them. So we must assume the worst.
There is something wrong with the way the police handled this. I believe they were ordered to stand down. I hope it wasn't them being cowards, and I don't think it was. Unless you would call obeying such orders moral cowardice. If so, I don't dispute that.

You wanna hold back parents from rescuing their kids, you damn well should have a better plan in motion than standing and listening to the shots.

What did the police commanders think would happen if police went in to stop the guy murdering a room full of elementary kids? That someone might get hurt?

We need answers, but I don't think we'll ever get them. So we must assume the worst.

There's been too many similar incidents in the past few years with cops waiting an hour and more to interdict active shooter situations, which have ALL resulted in the deaths of lots and lots more people than had they immediately gone in. My guess is it's political. Kids needed to be shot and shot dead in order for certain legislation to be pushed or the like. As I said in another post on the same matter . . . let us pray our loved ones do not become the next group of government sanctioned sacrifices. We live in very strange and very deadly times.
Hard to discern the truth from bullshit with so many different versions of the same events out there. I stand by my suspicion that the police received orders to let the shooting happen or continue. A single cop could have ended the shooter's rampage in less than a minute. Instead, dozens of militarized paramilitary policemen stood around with their dick's in hand for up to 90 minutes while parents of the dying students begged them to take action. State sponsored terrorism . . . that's what this was.
I tend to think the police had a wildly distorted PC superior who didn’t want what might be a minority killed by the police. So he/she/it (being well hidden so far) ordered the stand down and called for negotiators . Even worse the police were ordered to prevent parents from “interfering” I would not have survived because I would kill anyone trying to prevent me from trying to save my child . They police in turn would have killed me
So, dead children and dead police and dead me all as a result of BLM and Defund the Police and call in the negotiators crap to make a virtue stunt appearance that you did everything possible to avoid the killing of a cherished minority criminal
I puked writing this
I tend to think the police had a wildly distorted PC superior who didn’t want what might be a minority killed by the police. So he/she/it (being well hidden so far) ordered the stand down and called for negotiators . Even worse the police were ordered to prevent parents from “interfering” I would not have survived because I would kill anyone trying to prevent me from trying to save my child . They police in turn would have killed me
So, dead children and dead police and dead me all as a result of BLM and Defund the Police and call in the negotiators crap to make a virtue stunt appearance that you did everything possible to avoid the killing of a cherished minority criminal
I puked writing this

Interesting take. But I'm not sure the cops call for negotiators while suspects are actively gunning down civilians. Who knows . . . it's a freaking crazy world out there.
They saved their own kids at the sacrificing of 19 helpless other kids and then did nothing.

That spokesman sounded like Kamala with that non-answer.

Cripes. Can this story get any worse?

If some actually did go in and get their kids while holding back other parents and threatening to taze them- I don't even know what to say.
There's been too many similar incidents in the past few years with cops waiting an hour and more to interdict active shooter situations, which have ALL resulted in the deaths of lots and lots more people than had they immediately gone in. My guess is it's political. Kids needed to be shot and shot dead in order for certain legislation to be pushed or the like. As I said in another post on the same matter . . . let us pray our loved ones do not become the next group of government sanctioned sacrifices. We live in very strange and very deadly times.
I cannot say that I agree with you. but I will not say that I disagree either. This whole thing is too bizarre to even contemplate. I do say that I agree with your last sentence.
Interesting take. But I'm not sure the cops call for negotiators while suspects are actively gunning down civilians. Who knows . . . it's a freaking crazy world out there.
It is what the police spokesman said, shown on Greg Kelly (Newsmax), just a few minutes ago. He said they were also waiting for body armor.

What kind of cops are this ? When something like this is going down, there is no such thing as wait. Not one single second.

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