Watching Democrats Squirm


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Here is that turd, Chuck Todd, propagandist for the Democratic Party, on the whipping "The Bern" put on real Democrats in Nevada:

“And in doing so, he may have crushed the hopes of a Democratic establishment desperate to stop him,” he continued. “The enthusiasm among Sanders supporters is matched by trepidation among other Democrats who fear that Sanders will not only lose to President Trump but will take down the House majority and any chance of winning back the Senate as well.”

NBC's Todd: Sanders May Have ‘Crushed the Hopes of a Democratic Establishment Desperate to Stop Him’

Hey Bolsheviks (including those educated in the public schools in rotting northern cities who are too poorly educated to realize they are Bolsheviks):

You know us Proud Deplorables are enjoying the above comment.

Its is Democratic Party Policy biting the Democratic Party on the ass.

You have dummied down the schools, and brainwashed all the kids---into buying into Socialism one more time---even though it has always failed all through history going back at least to Ancient Greece.

But, they have bought in a bit too hard, a bit too enthusiastic, a bit too soon; and they have picked the wrong guy---an honest one, who admits he is a Socialist---"The Bern"; not a subversive who pretends he is not---like Obama.

And, while the unhappy half-wits and patched together grievance groups are ready for Socialism...and make up the majority of the Democratic Party...they do not do so in the rest of America---including Independents, who might have been ready to be tricked, like Obama tricked them, but they are not ready to be told they are actually voting for Socialism.

So, in fact the subversive machinations of the Elitists who run the Democratic Party, by overtraining their Sheep, have inadvertently nearly guaranteed the reelection of the Orange Man Bad.

Deplorables can and do appreciate irony, karma etc.

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