Watching Obama fall apart without a teleprompter is comical!


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
He is in soooooo much trouble. His numbers are going to plummett when he's in debates against bright leaders like Romney + Ryan and he doesn't have a teleprompter to read from..... :lol:

Admits he doesn't even know what the current national debt is (un-fucking-believable):
[ame=]Obama Doesn't Remember How Big the Debt Is - YouTube[/ame]

After running on CHANGE in 2008, now says you CAN'T change Washington from the inside:*
[ame=]Obama: You can't change Washington from the inside - YouTube[/ame]

Oh how this man falls apart when he's not reading someone else's speech. He can't think for himself. What a buffoon. Having him and Biden trying to debate Romney & Ryan is going to be such a blood bath. It's going to be so hard to watch grown men mumble, bumble, stumble, and fumble on national television... :lol:
Obama will be very snippy and attack Romney personally, Romney will tell people to imagine 4 more years under Obama's disastrous management
I cant stand watching that liar. First off, he probably never voted against the Bush tax cuts, and in any case signed their extension. He augmented the war in Afghanistn, which is now a terrible failure btw. And the debt isn't several trillion dollars. It's like 16T. And he of course had no responsibility for any of that.
Piss on him.
Obama will be very snippy and attack Romney personally, Romney will tell people to imagine 4 more years under Obama's disastrous management

Obama will spend most of his time blaming Republicans for everything, like the last 3 years never happened. And he'll repeat a dozen times that he personally killed bin Laden, with his own hands, and personally saved GM.
And Mitt's oratory skills are unsurpassed. ;)

By Obama standards? A fucking 2-year-old's oratory skills are unsurpassed! :lol:

It's not even so much about being able to communicate. It's the fact that he's so unqualified for his job. Every American I know can tell you exactly what the national debt is (not to the cent mind you since it's changing by the second, but ALL of them know that it's at $16 trillion). The fact that he's President of the US and has NO clue at all where it is is just fucking sad.

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