Watching the sea ice melt in the arctic 2012!

...something like:
"Cryosat was specifically designed to measure ice thickness."...before my ignore list settings zapped him out after I logged in.
Holy shit this guy is even dumber than you and doesn`t know the difference between contour Radar and surface penetrating RADAR which only Milsats have because of the much larger power requirement...supplied by nuclear batteries...and no civilian satellite has any on board
The only innovation on that satellite is the dual antenna interferometer because before that they could not measure the satellite to ground distance on the steep slopes and other rough contours.
LOLOLOLOL......oh poopbrain, soooo sure that you know everything and sooooo sure that, based on what you think you know, all of those scientists must be dead are definitely a poster child for the Dunning-Kruger poor deluded retard.....

ESA and NASA join forces to measure Arctic sea ice
European Space Agency

4 April 2012

Marking another remarkable collaborative effort, ESA and NASA met up over the Arctic Ocean this week to perform some carefully coordinated flights directly under CryoSat orbiting above. The data gathered help ensure the accuracy of ESA’s ice mission. The aim of this large-scale campaign was to record sea-ice thickness and conditions of the ice exactly along the line traced by ESA’s CryoSat satellite orbiting high above. A range of sensors installed on the different aircraft was used to gather complementary information. These airborne instruments included simple cameras to get a visual record of the sea ice, laser scanners to clearly map the height of the ice, an ice-thickness sensor called EM-Bird along with ESA’s sophisticated radar altimeter called ASIRAS and NASA’s snow and Ku-band radars, which mimic CryoSat’s measurements but at a higher resolution.

In orbit for two years, CryoSat carries the first radar altimeter of its kind to monitor changes in the thickness of ice. As with any Earth observation mission, it is important to validate the readings acquired from space. This involves comparing the satellite data with measurements taken in situ, usually on the ground and from the air. The teams of scientists from Europe, US and Canada expect that by pooling flight time and the results they will get a much-improved accuracy of global ice-thickness trends measured by CryoSat and NASA’s IceSat.

Copyright 2000 - 2012 © European Space Agency. All rights reserved.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

If you sit in a boat which is in a pool and throw a rock from the boat into the pool will the water level in the pool go up or down?
Good physics question but kind of tricky to answer with precision with just the info you've given, I'd say.

If you have a boat in pool, the displacement that the boat creates in the water, or how far the boat sinks into the water, is what determines how much the water level in the pool will change. It is the total weight of the boat itself plus whatever is in it that determines how far it sinks into the water. If you take an unspecified random "rock" out of the boat and throw it into the pool, the boat will rise a bit proportional to the weight of the rock (not its volume) sending the water level down an amount proportional to the weight of the rock, but the pool of water will, at the same time rise an amount that is usually* proportional to the volume of the rock (not its weight). An exception*: some very light, low density volcanic rocks actually float on water and don't displace their full volume. But, even ignoring those and just looking at the range between a larger, higher volume rock made of some lighter variety of rock, and a smaller, higher density rock that is mostly metal alloys, you could have rocks that weighed the same but had very different volumes and thus displaced different volumes of water in the pool. Thus, without knowing more about the "rock", it is hard to say just what the water level in the pool would do precisely. In general it shouldn't change much since the removal of the weight from the boat, thus raising it and lowering the water level, is roughly offset by the water level rise produced by throwing the rock into the lake. That balance is not perfect though for the reasons I discussed above.

Your "tricky" question has very little to do with Archimedes and the principle named after him and pretty near nothing to do with the topic of this thread. It would have been interesting to see what answer you would have given to the question before seeing mine. Something absolute, I'm sure, with no awareness of the issue of the volume of a rock vs. the weight of a rock in relation to its displacement in a boat vs. its displacement when submerged in the pool.

Now you and the other moron who, like you, can`t take it when somebody calls him what you & he call everybody else, figure you can change the debate to ""Cryosat was specifically designed to measure ice thickness.".
The topic of the thread is "Watching the sea ice melt in the arctic 2012!", you poor retard, and you say we're changing the topic of the debate by talking about a satellite that is orbiting specifically to study and measure the ice??? LOLOLOLOL......what a dimwit you are, poopbrain.....

BTW, it is not very surprising to hear that you have to put me on ignore. Charlatans and denier cultists like you don't like the light of truth and scientific fact thrown on your ignorant BS, misinformation and lies so you run and hide and pretend to yourself that no one has debunked your nonsense (repeatedly). Like ostriches with their heads in the sand, trying, futilely, to deny reality. And you wonder why we call you deniers and consider you to be on a par with the Flat Earth Society. You poor brainwashed halfwitted dupe.

.............not sure if you have picked up on it after over a year, but nobody takes your shit seriously s0n!!! Every 4 or 5 days or so, you post up the same exact information.........and then of course, the rants ( see below). But we do enjoy the entertainment aspect s0n!!:2up:

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Yes, and an Arctic storm that should have actually decreased the melt, increased it. Major changes are happening in the climate. That is on observational evidence, not models. The meteorologists are presenting the evidence now, the geologists are presenting the evidence concerning the rapid glacial retreat worldwide, and the increase in ice movement on both Greenland and Antarctica.

What meteorologists present is called "weather".

Decades of weather is climate.

You remember what's happened after every winter storm? AGW unbelievers say it's proof that global warming is crap. AGW cultists say it's "weather" and doesn't count.

So the weather now doesn't count, either. You really can't have it both ways, no matter how desperately you try.
Note the referance to freeboard, you retarded ass? Ever hear the name Archimedes?
So why don`t you show us how you can calculate from the "Freeboard" the ice thickness on a terrain that looks like that:


And with a ice density that varies wildly from top to bottom. Even "climatologists" know that the ice on top is not nearly as compacted and as dense as the lower layers.
So please do show us your "calculation"...
I guess not..because it takes a bit more than "Ever hear the name Archimedes?"
I bet you can`t even answer a simple question without asking somebody else...:
If you sit in a boat which is in a pool and throw a rock (an "Oldrocks) will do, from the boat into the pool will the water level in the pool go up or down?
The message board time was 1:27 pm when I asked and You are online...
I bet it `ll take a bit longer for you to answer than your usual crap remarks

That isn't particularly difficult. I got it (almost) instantly.

Are you telling me that Old Crock still can't answer it?
Yes, and an Arctic storm that should have actually decreased the melt, increased it. Major changes are happening in the climate. That is on observational evidence, not models. The meteorologists are presenting the evidence now, the geologists are presenting the evidence concerning the rapid glacial retreat worldwide, and the increase in ice movement on both Greenland and Antarctica.

What meteorologists present is called "weather".

Decades of weather is climate.

You remember what's happened after every winter storm? AGW unbelievers say it's proof that global warming is crap. AGW cultists say it's "weather" and doesn't count.

So the weather now doesn't count, either. You really can't have it both ways, no matter how desperately you try.

Dumb fuck. Here is a real scientist discussing exactly the kinds of events that we are presently seeing, and the relationship to decreasing ice and climate change.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
If you're going to post an 1+hour video post one worth watching Dumbass

[ame=]Glenn Gould 1932 - 1982 Bach The Well-Tempered Clavier. Book I Preludes And Fugues 1-24.wmv - YouTube[/ame]
Note the referance to freeboard, you retarded ass? Ever hear the name Archimedes?
So why don`t you show us how you can calculate from the "Freeboard" the ice thickness on a terrain that looks like that:


And with a ice density that varies wildly from top to bottom. Even "climatologists" know that the ice on top is not nearly as compacted and as dense as the lower layers.
So please do show us your "calculation"...
I guess not..because it takes a bit more than "Ever hear the name Archimedes?"
I bet you can`t even answer a simple question without asking somebody else...:
If you sit in a boat which is in a pool and throw a rock (an "Oldrocks) will do, from the boat into the pool will the water level in the pool go up or down?
The message board time was 1:27 pm when I asked and You are online...
I bet it `ll take a bit longer for you to answer than your usual crap remarks

That isn't particularly difficult. I got it (almost) instantly.

Are you telling me that Old Crock still can't answer it?

He won`t, but claims he can figure out with the simple Archimedes prinziple how thick the ice is from the freeboard data that the new cryosat gathers.

Seeing that the ice doesn`t even have the same density from top to bottom I should have asked him to tell me how much copper is in a penny if it weighs X grams in air and Y grams when submerged in water. But he might be able to find an example of that somewhere on the internet because Archimedes did it with gold and it`s not exactly a feat of intelligence to do it with a copper penny.
LOL Posting the same stupid video


That's "Science"?


If the video is stupid shit, then repeating it makes it brilliant.

Can I have a consensus?


Here is another "brilliant" piece of stupid shit "OldRocks" posted just a little while ago:

The arctic cyclone spread the ice out for a couple of days, now it is melting even more rapidly.

Northern Hemisphere Sea Ice Area

And shortly after he posted that:
Yes, and an Arctic storm that should have actually decreased the melt, increased it.

Okay then "Oldrocks", we already know that you are too "scientifically challenged" use your own words to solve a simple Archimedes puzzle...tell me how you come to the "brilliant" deduction that a storm that broke up the ice should have slowed down the "melting".

What has a larger surface area? A solid 100 pound block of ice or the chunks after you break up the block?

The amount of ice that warm air melts is minimal compared to the ice that the water below "melts". Why do you think ice bergs roll over?

That happens even in the winter when the air temperatures are brutally cold...but it`s kinda hard to make a video when it`s dark 24/7

I`ll give You a hint...roll out your bike,...we know you hate regular truckers... load it up and see what "top-heavy" means.

13 die as overloaded bike falls off bridge -
Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 09:02
13 die as overloaded bike falls off bridge

Thirteen people were killed and seven others injured when an overloaded three-wheel motorcycle crashed off a bridge in south-east China, state media said today.
"Enviro" tourists trying to "document" the "shrinking ice" are equally stupid:
Iceberg tsunami video: Wave nearly takes out a tourist boat in Greenland - Hartford Pop Culture |
Iceberg tsunami video: Wave nearly takes out a tourist boat in Greenland
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2012 is going to shatter the record low for Arctic sea ice extent. Pretty much everyone agrees on that. It's nearly there now, with a full month to go. Depending how you measure it, it may have already busted the record. This is good news for denialists, as this winter they'll be able to point to record amounts of refreeze, thus disproving AGW theory. And I only wish I was joking about that, but denialist logic really is that dumb.

The interesting thing about that storm was how freakin' powerful it was. Hurricane strength. That's something we haven't seen before. That increased open water area is having an effect. A newly melted-open Arctic ocean may not be as friendly to shipping and drilling as we hope, if it regularly creates that kind of weather.

The other interesting is that for the old 2007 record, all conditions for melt were perfect all summer long. The sun was out, and the wind was constantly blowing the ice southeast past Greenland into warm water. This year, conditions for melt have only been so-so ... and the ice is _still_ melting like a mofo. Exactly as AGW theory predicted way ahead of time, and exacty the opposite of what the denialists have been predicting.

That's why AGW theory has cred, because it has a long record of making correct predictions. Unlike the denialist junk science, which has a long history of getting everything wrong. But then, they're trying to twist reality and force it match the dogma of their political/religious cult, and that's an impossible task.
Yes, and an Arctic storm that should have actually decreased the melt, increased it. Major changes are happening in the climate. That is on observational evidence, not models. The meteorologists are presenting the evidence now, the geologists are presenting the evidence concerning the rapid glacial retreat worldwide, and the increase in ice movement on both Greenland and Antarctica.

What meteorologists present is called "weather".

Decades of weather is climate.

You remember what's happened after every winter storm? AGW unbelievers say it's proof that global warming is crap. AGW cultists say it's "weather" and doesn't count.

So the weather now doesn't count, either. You really can't have it both ways, no matter how desperately you try.

Dumb fuck. Here is a real scientist discussing exactly the kinds of events that we are presently seeing, and the relationship to decreasing ice and climate change.

[ame=]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]
Your definition of "real scientist" being, of course, "someone who dutifully parrots the AGW cult beliefs".

Less than compelling, really.
Yes, and an Arctic storm that should have actually decreased the melt, increased it. Major changes are happening in the climate. That is on observational evidence, not models. The meteorologists are presenting the evidence now, the geologists are presenting the evidence concerning the rapid glacial retreat worldwide, and the increase in ice movement on both Greenland and Antarctica.

What meteorologists present is called "weather".

Decades of weather is climate.

You remember what's happened after every winter storm? AGW unbelievers say it's proof that global warming is crap. AGW cultists say it's "weather" and doesn't count.

So the weather now doesn't count, either. You really can't have it both ways, no matter how desperately you try.

The trend within sea ice and arctic temperatures has been changing over the span of decades. That's climate.
Yes, and an Arctic storm that should have actually decreased the melt, increased it. Major changes are happening in the climate. That is on observational evidence, not models. The meteorologists are presenting the evidence now, the geologists are presenting the evidence concerning the rapid glacial retreat worldwide, and the increase in ice movement on both Greenland and Antarctica.

What meteorologists present is called "weather".

Decades of weather is climate.

You remember what's happened after every winter storm? AGW unbelievers say it's proof that global warming is crap. AGW cultists say it's "weather" and doesn't count.

So the weather now doesn't count, either. You really can't have it both ways, no matter how desperately you try.

The trend within sea ice and arctic temperatures has been changing over the span of decades. That's climate.
Uh huh. Is this data by the same dishonest set of alleged scientists?
What meteorologists present is called "weather".

Decades of weather is climate.

You remember what's happened after every winter storm? AGW unbelievers say it's proof that global warming is crap. AGW cultists say it's "weather" and doesn't count.

So the weather now doesn't count, either. You really can't have it both ways, no matter how desperately you try.

The trend within sea ice and arctic temperatures has been changing over the span of decades. That's climate.
Uh huh. Is this data by the same dishonest set of alleged scientists?
Nope. Those guys, "the same dishonest set of alleged scientists", who you denier cult cretins like to quote, work for Exxon or Western Petroleum. This data regarding Arctic sea ice and temperature trends is from the real climate scientists. They're giving us the facts and, as we all know, facts are anathema to you deranged anti-science denier cult retards, so it is no wonder that you want to dismiss their findings. You're lost in a delusional fantasy world and you can't tell the shyt from the shinola.
The trend within sea ice and arctic temperatures has been changing over the span of decades. That's climate.
Uh huh. Is this data by the same dishonest set of alleged scientists?
Nope. Those guys, "the same dishonest set of alleged scientists", who you denier cult cretins like to quote, work for Exxon or Western Petroleum. This data regarding Arctic sea ice and temperature trends is from the real climate scientists. They're giving us the facts and, as we all know, facts are anathema to you deranged anti-science denier cult retards, so it is no wonder that you want to dismiss their findings. You're lost in a delusional fantasy world and you can't tell the shyt from the shinola.

Uh huh. The woman in your hour-plus video isn't a climate scientist.
Uh huh. Is this data by the same dishonest set of alleged scientists?
Nope. Those guys, "the same dishonest set of alleged scientists", who you denier cult cretins like to quote, work for Exxon or Western Petroleum. This data regarding Arctic sea ice and temperature trends is from the real climate scientists. They're giving us the facts and, as we all know, facts are anathema to you deranged anti-science denier cult retards, so it is no wonder that you want to dismiss their findings. You're lost in a delusional fantasy world and you can't tell the shyt from the shinola.

Uh huh. The woman in your hour-plus video isn't a climate scientist.

Dr. Jennifer Francis is a meteologists that teaches and conducts research at Rutgers University.

SJSU Department of Meterorology

Dr. James Hansen is one of the foremost researcher in climate the world, a physicist whose specialty is atmospheric physics.

NASA GISS: James E. Hansen

And you? Well, you are an anomyous poster on an internet message board determined to display your willfull ignorance to the world.

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