Waterboarding terrorists =No/ Killing Americans with drones =yes

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
What the hell is up with this complete disconnect from logic?

One results in continued LIFE while the other ends in small pieces.

The only logical explanation I can come up with opposing life and supporting death depends on who is in office.
Liberals have always been for killing of innocents.

That is why they support Abortion and oppose the Death Penalty.
It's unbelievable the amount of power people want to cede to the President.
Let's hope that the President never gets a hold of Huggy's list. ;)

Seriously though, what due process determines who is on the Hit List? Where is Congress on it? Where is the Court? Who determines who is on the list? Why? How? Is there any check and balance here at all?
Waterboarding terrorists = Apples

Killing terrorists deep in enemy controlled territory who cannot be apprehended = Oranges
Lots of questions probably dealt with in committees behind closed doors

You are subscribed to this thread Yet Another Drone Killing Thread That Will Drone On While America Says "So what?"
Its simply not acceptable to allow the president subjective authority to usurp the constitution.
Waterboarding terrorists = Apples

Killing terrorists deep in enemy controlled territory who cannot be apprehended = Oranges

Since when is the United States enemy controlled territory
Watch out for the black choppers...

The paranoia level of the conservatives is quite comical.
Watch out for the black choppers...

The paranoia level of the conservatives is quite comical.

All Obama has to do is admit he was just playing political games befor and his credibility would go up. Or he could simply say drone attacks on Americans are unconstitutional.

He hasn't the courage to do either.
Waterboarding terrorists = Apples

Killing terrorists deep in enemy controlled territory who cannot be apprehended = Oranges

Since when is the United States enemy controlled territory

Since when has the government killed a US citizen on US soil who is not posing an imminent threat?


And since Holder stated to Senator Cruz that doing so is unconstitutional, why are you falling for Rand Paul's fearmongering demagoguery?

Obama's had more than four years to do so, but he has not. I know how disappointed you must be to hear that. And it must have made you cry that one was taken to court just yesterday. A US citizen. On US soil. Accused of being a terrorist.

Not blown up by a drone.

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Waterboarding terrorists = Apples

Killing terrorists deep in enemy controlled territory who cannot be apprehended = Oranges

Since when is the United States enemy controlled territory

Since when has the government killed a US citizen on US soil who is not posing an imminent threat?


And since Holder stated to Senator Cruz that doing so is unconstitutional, why are you falling for Rand Paul's fearmongering demagoguery?

Because that answer was forced out of him and his position changed 3 times in 10 minutes.

From its highly unlikely (obviously possible)
A hypothetical unworthy of discussion
To no, no I REALLY ment its unconstitutional.

Go spew your lib bullshit somewhere else
Watch out for the black choppers...

The paranoia level of the conservatives is quite comical.

All Obama has to do is admit he was just playing political games befor and his credibility would go up. Or he could simply say drone attacks on Americans are unconstitutional.

He hasn't the courage to do either.

332-206...is credible enough.

Love that the other clown Ted Cruz is standing next to this guy. Please nominate Rand in 2016...
Watch out for the black choppers...

The paranoia level of the conservatives is quite comical.

All Obama has to do is admit he was just playing political games befor and his credibility would go up. Or he could simply say drone attacks on Americans are unconstitutional.

He hasn't the courage to do either.

332-206...is credible enough.

Love that the other clown Ted Cruz is standing next to this guy. Please nominate Rand in 2016...

If I beat a bunch of idiots at chess it might be a credible win but it has 0 to do with my credibility as to honesty.
The US should not be waterboarding suspects - if it comes down to the smoking gun/terrorist bomb/nuke scenario that people throw around, we can simply drug the suspect. We used to try & execute warcriminals for waterboarding our troops in WWII. It does us a lot of damage in the eyes of the World to simply become more efficient thugs or scientific thugs, if you like, than anyone else.

We should not be executing people - targeted assassinations? - whatever the words of art - anywhere except as a last resort & if deadly harm to the US will otherwise result. It is dangerous to put this much power in the executive branch, without the legislative & the judicial branches playing their normal roles of checks & balances. The Constitution did not set up a toy soldier dictatorship, & it's long past time we revoke the so-called PATRIOT Act & all the Big Brother legislation that our congressional sheep baa-ed their assent to back when.

We need people with spines in Congress. If we don't encourage our legislatures to show some steel in standing up for a traditional understanding of the relationship between citizen & state, we will deserve whatever we get.
Watch out for the black choppers...

The paranoia level of the conservatives is quite comical.

All Obama has to do is admit he was just playing political games befor and his credibility would go up. Or he could simply say drone attacks on Americans are unconstitutional.

He hasn't the courage to do either.

332-206...is credible enough.

Love that the other clown Ted Cruz is standing next to this guy. Please nominate Rand in 2016...

Winning an election doesn't mean he has the arbitrary authority to kill Americans on american soil, comrade. Shouldn't you be mourning Hugo?

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