Watergate Redux?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
And I don't mean it as a criticism of Trump. Instead, the current machinations against him remind me of the effort, some 50 years ago, to undo the election of Richard Nixon. Some of you may remember that this effort began with a third-rate burglary of a Democratic campaign office at the Watergate Hotel. (The purpose of the unauthorized burglars was to find evidence of illegal campaign contributions from Cuba.)

The liberal press had never forgiven Nixon for his previous anti-communist activities (e.g., supporting the Rosenberg spy prosecution) and seized upon this minor event to promote an obstruction of justice narrative (laughable by current standards) which led to his eventual resignation under threat of impeachment.

I fear the same playbook is being used to delegitimize Donald Trump's presidency. The allegations which are being cooked up against him range from insignificance to absurdity, yet they are being pursued with unbridled partisan zeal. Ironically, Mueller himself may try to evade the 60 day rule against influencing elections by issuing a report before Sept. 7.

Will the American public be swayed against Trump as they were against Nixon? Will they derail America's economic resurgence and set the stage for another Jimmy Carter to lead us down a rabbit hole?

We will find out on Nov. 6.
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