Watters World on NOW, he is pwning all the democrat policitians he encounters at The Capital


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Wow. Watters is in the face of the POS scumbag politicians like Nadler, Sheila somebody, and others. Will post when it is on You Tube.

Anyone know who to edit post headlines for typos? Please post instructions. Thanks.
How long will the right wing conservatives be played as fools? Any guesses?

Divide and Rule: Class, Hate, and the 2016 Election

"During his bizarre, albeit successful, campaign for the White House, Mr. Trump identified a variety of ‘problems’ (see: alternative facts, above), that he is now setting about to solve. This writer would like to assist the president to the best of his ability, and he believes that Mr. Trump is looking beyond the mark, and is not recognizing the real causes of some serious problems he is attempting to address today. So, this writer will attempt to identify those, and offer solutions that he feels certain Mr. Trump would embrace.:"

Solving Problems, Trump Style
Well, midcan5, the evidence is that "left wing" douchebags have been played for years by democrats who divide the nation as illustrated by Watters as he pwns them starting at 21:50 into the video.

Jesse Watters pwns the following scumbag politicians in this vid:

Rep. Shelia Jackson D-TX
Rep. John Conyers D-MI
Rep. Jerrold Nadler D-NY
Rep. Luis Guitierrez D-IL
Rep. John Lewis D-GA

The democrat turds went silent, referred Jesse to their "statement on record" and the disgusting pig Nadler actually stated he wouldn't have elected The Donald, but Jesse reminded him that American citizens elect the President, not scumbags in Congress.


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