We all owe a huge huge debt to Fox News.

-- First Special Ed post I've ever seen that was completely honest. :eusa_clap:

violent liberal without IQ for substance

Now you're just picking words at random from the buzz-words on the Post-It notes stuck next to your computer.

as long as you acknowledge our debt to Fox for being the only patriotic ones to present our Founder's philosophy through Stossel. Why not send them a written thank you?
violent liberal without IQ for substance

Now you're just picking words at random from the buzz-words on the Post-It notes stuck next to your computer.

as long as you acknowledge our debt to Fox for being the only patriotic ones to present our Founder's philosophy through Stossel. Why not send them a written thank you?

Why not send a written thank you to the loony asylum that lets you stay home wanking off to posters of John Stossel instead of reading a freaking history book?
Now you're just picking words at random from the buzz-words on the Post-It notes stuck next to your computer.

as long as you acknowledge our debt to Fox for being the only patriotic ones to present our Founder's philosophy through Stossel. Why not send them a written thank you?

Why not send a written thank you to the loony asylum that lets you stay home wanking off to posters of John Stossel instead of reading a history book?

dear would a history book explain why we shouldn't thank Fox for being the only ones to present our Founders philosophy????????

See why we are sure a liberal will be slow??
as long as you acknowledge our debt to Fox for being the only patriotic ones to present our Founder's philosophy through Stossel. Why not send them a written thank you?

Why not send a written thank you to the loony asylum that lets you stay home wanking off to posters of John Stossel instead of reading a history book?

dear would a history book explain why we shouldn't thank Fox for being the only ones to present our Founders philosophy????????

Yes, it would explain a hell of a lot more than that-- such as where political parties come from. And then a grammar book might explain the proper use of question marks.

dear would a history book explain why we shouldn't thank Fox for being the only ones to present our Founders philosophy????????
Yes, ........

so then why be so afraid to explain what the explanation would be??? What does your fear tell us about the liberal IQ and character??
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EdwardBaiamonte continues the parody of libertarianism: he is masterful.
dear would a history book explain why we shouldn't thank Fox for being the only ones to present our Founders philosophy????????
Yes, it would explain a hell of a lot more than that-- such as where political parties come from. And then a grammar book might explain the proper use of question marks.


so then why be so afraid to explain what the explanation would be??? What does your fear tell us about the liberal IQ and character??

You've been corrected on all that multiple times by multiple posters, yet you choose to wallow blissfully in your own pig-ignorance fairy tale of impossible timeframes of political parties that did not exist, your posts consisting of nothing more than the endlessly mindless echolalia of three elements, "slow", "John Stossel" and "dear".

What that says about your character and your fear of that fairy tale being challenged by anything resembling reality, that is a question for a psychiatrist.

An ambitious one, I ween. :cuckoo:
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The "Stossel is channeling the Founders' philosophy at Fox" is EB's parody at its best.
We all owe a huge huge debt to Fox News.

No doubt!!!

They are THE APEX of....




Your penchant for posting in absurdly large fonts makes you look like an idiot. I mean your posts look like something out of a pop up book or something. Geez.
The "Stossel is channeling the Founders' philosophy at Fox" is EB's parody at its best.

Can you prove him wrong? Or will you sit there and throw mud?

Interesting isn't it that liberals cant face the fact that their brainwashing has rendered them incapable of thanking Fox for reclaiming our history!

Here's one that will shatter the brainwashing program: if our Founders were not very very small government libertarians what were they????
The parody is unbelievably good. EB is as masterful as Stewart or Colbert in making fun of the libertarians. His great idol, Jefferson, bought the Louisiana Purchase without constitutional authority. Washington and Hamilton led 13000 troops against a few whiskey farmers. Adams supported the Alien and Sedition Acts. Right or wrong, these were Big Government actions. EB is simply great!
The "Stossel is channeling the Founders' philosophy at Fox" is EB's parody at its best.

Can you prove him wrong? Or will you sit there and throw mud?

Interesting isn't it that liberals cant face the fact that their brainwashing has rendered them incapable of thanking Fox for reclaiming our history!

Here's one that will shatter the brainwashing program: if our Founders were not very very small government libertarians what were they????

Double post.

The parody is unbelievably good. EB is as masterful as Stewart or Colbert in making fun of the libertarians. His great idol, Jefferson, bought the Louisiana Purchase without constitutional authority. Washington and Hamilton led 13000 troops against a few whiskey farmers. Adams supported the Alien and Sedition Acts. Right or wrong, these were Big Government actions. EB is simply great!
The "Stossel is channeling the Founders' philosophy at Fox" is EB's parody at its best.

Can you prove him wrong? Or will you sit there and throw mud?

Interesting isn't it that liberals cant face the fact that their brainwashing has rendered them incapable of thanking Fox for reclaiming our history!

Here's one that will shatter the brainwashing program: if our Founders were not very very small government libertarians what were they????


Can you prove him wrong? Or will you sit there and throw mud?

Interesting isn't it that liberals cant face the fact that their brainwashing has rendered them incapable of thanking Fox for reclaiming our history!

Here's one that will shatter the brainwashing program: if our Founders were not very very small government libertarians what were they????



the idiot means classical liberals who were for very very tiny government

Classical liberalism is a political ideology, that emerged as a response to the Industrial Revolution and urbanization in the 19th century in Europe and the United States.[1] It shares a number of beliefs with other belief systems belonging to liberalism, advocating civil liberties and political freedom, limited government, rule of law, and belief in free market.[2][3][4] Classical liberalism is built on ideas that had already arisen by the end of the 18th century, such as selected ideas of Adam Smith, John Locke, Jean-Baptiste Say, Thomas Malthus, and David Ricardo, stressing the belief in free market and natural law,[5] utilitarianism,[6] and progress.[7] Classical liberals were more suspicious than conservatives of all but the most minimal government[8] and adopting Thomas Hobbes's theory of government they believed government had been created by individuals to protect themselves from one another

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