We all owe a huge huge debt to Fox News.

Fox Noise has nothing to do with "founding libertarian philosophy".

Well dear Stossel is on Fox, it is the only mass media libertarian show ever, and Stossel and libertarians want to go back to the very very limited government our Founders created and presided over. Liberals are 100% opposed to this!

Now do you see why we are 100% positive a liberal will slow, so very very slow?

:lmao: I'm sorry, that was...so....funny! :lmao:
Fox Noise has nothing to do with "founding libertarian philosophy".

Well dear Stossel is on Fox, it is the only mass media libertarian show ever, and Stossel and libertarians want to go back to the very very limited government our Founders created and presided over. Liberals are 100% opposed to this!

Now do you see why we are 100% positive a liberal will slow, so very very slow?

:lmao: I'm sorry, that was...so....funny! :lmao:

and apparently as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to say why it is funny or mistaken????????
Well dear Stossel is on Fox, it is the only mass media libertarian show ever, and Stossel and libertarians want to go back to the very very limited government our Founders created and presided over. Liberals are 100% opposed to this!

Now do you see why we are 100% positive a liberal will slow, so very very slow?

:lmao: I'm sorry, that was...so....funny! :lmao:

and apparently as a typical liberal you lack the IQ to say why it is funny or mistaken????????

EB is the living proof of his parody of libertarianism. He is hysterical. I have linked Stewart's people to him.
foxnews got the birth certificate and 0bama wrong, but they get a lot of things right.
why was it right-wing executive and legislative branches pushed for (and signed into law), bills that nullified the Bill of Rights?

The Patriot and Military Commissions Act's made it possible for the government to pluck anyone off the street and indefinately detain them (without charges) for the rest of their lives.
why was it right-wing executive and legislative branches pushed for (and signed into law), bills that nullified the Bill of Rights?

The Patriot and Military Commissions Act's made it possible for the government to pluck anyone off the street and indefinately detain them (without charges) for the rest of their lives.

so??? Obama does the same and more with drones, etc??? how does that compare to the liberal media treasonously hiding our Founders philosophy from us for the last 100 years?
The Patriot and Military Commissions Act's made it possible for the government to pluck anyone off the street and indefinately detain them (without charges) for the rest of their lives.

so??? Obama does the same and more with drones, etc??? how does that compare to the liberal media treasonously hiding our Founders philosophy from us for the last 100 years?

The drones are out to get you....yes, run with that.
The Patriot and Military Commissions Act's made it possible for the government to pluck anyone off the street and indefinately detain them (without charges) for the rest of their lives.

so??? Obama does the same and more with drones, etc??? how does that compare to the liberal media treasonously hiding our Founders philosophy from us for the last 100 years?

"'liberal' media treasonously hiding"?? :rofl::rofl: Then how come everybody knows about it except you?

- and who's been treasonlously keeping you in the dark about the history of the political parties?

... not to mention the existence of William F. Buckley... :tongue:
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"So". That's your answer? "So?"

(2) pieces of legislation that virtually strip us of our Constitutional protections guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and your response is "so"?

So, you really don't care about the Constitution, you're just using it to push this lie you've been telling lately?

Obama does the same and more with drones, etc???
The same with what?

how does that compare to the liberal media treasonously hiding our Founders philosophy from us for the last 100 years?
There's no such thing as a "liberal media". That is a myth! For some reason, liberals don't support media infrastructure like conservatives do. And it's too bad! Because that's one thing the right does better than the left. Ever since Watergate, the right has built a communication empire crossing all forms of media (TV, radio, print, internet, etc) that broadcast their ideology to the masses 24/7. Even though I think the message is bullshit, the way they get it out there, should be commended.

BTW, your "hiding the Founders philosophy" comment, makes no sense.
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(2) pieces of legislation that virtually strip us of our Constitutional protections guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and your response is "so"?

dear, if both Bush and Obama are not worried about it you need not worry your pretty little head either!! Libturds only worried about it because it was a Bush policy, just like they only worried about the recession because it started under Bush. Now both are fine with libturds, but you apparently didn't get the memo!!
There's no such thing as a "liberal media". That is a myth!

why always be so stupid and liberal?????????
Any ass can consume the MSM and see it does not present the Founders philosophy let alone support it!! Plus polling always show it!!!

Wiki: Gallup Polls show that most Americans do not have confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately, and fairly". In 2011 a 60% majority reported a perception of media bias, with 47% saying mass media was too liberal, 13% too conservative.
For some reason, liberals don't support media infrastructure like conservatives do. And it's too bad! .

OMG!!! too stupid and liberal as usual!!

1) liberals of course would support infrastructure but liberalism is 100% non-intellectual so there is little or nothing to say except, we feel in our wonderful and morally superior bleeding hearts that more welfare is urgently needed. Liberalism is based on ignorance so it cant be supported intellectually. Its easy to prove: Please say something supportive of liberalism. See, its impossible.

2) conservative media infrastructure gets a few million viewers a week while 120 million vote so the conservative media is trivial.

3) the mass culture is ignorant and so liberal, but it reaches all Americans. Hollywood is liberal, music is liberal, schools and colleges are liberal, and the MSM is liberal, but all in a deeply subliminal way!!

Catching on now??
BTW, your "hiding the Founders philosophy" comment, makes no sense.

too stupid!! dear, you forgot to say why it makes no sense??? Do you think they present it regularly???????????????

See why we say slow, so very very slow???????
What philosophy are they hiding and how are they hiding it?

the conservative libertarian philosophy of our founders!! THey hide it by not presenting it!!!!!!


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