We are all going to die.

When I think back thirty years, it seems like yesterday. When I think of thirty years into the future, I am confident I will be dead. Because I will be a hundred years old if I live and I have no expectations of lasting that long.
So I accept death and hope it will be quick, like a heart attack, or something. I am psychologically prepared for death, but experience of spiritualism tells me death is not the end. I am no longer sure what life after death is like, because many of the books I read and the mediums I listened to no longer seem to be the truth to me.
From what I distilled from listening to many trance lectures, we go to a plane of existence that our spiritual evolution suits us to and we remain there until we realize we need to reincarnate to continue to evolve and to pay karma. Eventually we complete our cycle of incarnations, and then we go on evolving as immortal beings in higher planes of existence.

Have you ever met people who have no interest in the afterlife and are only focused on the material gains won in this life through deliberate deception? If they have no interest in evolving and never learned to love truth and reject evil even after 40, 50, or 80 years, what are the chances that they would ever aspire to higher planes of existence even if they lived forever or had an infinite number of incarnations?
Next time,,I'm going to a different planet...

According to the spirit world, we can, and do incarnate on different planets at different stages of evolution. There is evidently a long queue of souls wanting to reincarnate here due to the rapid pace of development, and the opportunity to settle karmic debts/

looking back at human history I really don't think that the earth will be around for long enough to settle karmic debts.
When I think back thirty years, it seems like yesterday. When I think of thirty years into the future, I am confident I will be dead. Because I will be a hundred years old if I live and I have no expectations of lasting that long.
So I accept death and hope it will be quick, like a heart attack, or something. I am psychologically prepared for death, but experience of spiritualism tells me death is not the end. I am no longer sure what life after death is like, because many of the books I read and the mediums I listened to no longer seem to be the truth to me.
From what I distilled from listening to many trance lectures, we go to a plane of existence that our spiritual evolution suits us to and we remain there until we realize we need to reincarnate to continue to evolve and to pay karma. Eventually we complete our cycle of incarnations, and then we go on evolving as immortal beings in higher planes of existence.

Have you ever met people who have no interest in the afterlife and are only focused on the material gains won in this life through deliberate deception? If they have no interest in evolving and never learned to love truth and reject evil even after 40, 50, or 80 years, what are the chances that they would ever aspire to higher planes of existence even if they lived forever or had an infinite number of incarnations?

The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long. One life is very short measure of the eternal journey. If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next so that they learn empathy for others.
Looking back in time I really don't think that the earth will be around for long enough to settle karmic debts.

Yes, the world is primitive and the human race is currently creating much bad karma through wars and such.
But the spirit world teaches there are a string of inhabited worlds stretching through the universe and the inhabitants are much the same as us, having human form. It is a successful model that is repeated on many worlds. So if we destroy this world, by war or destroying the ecology our souls will simply move on to another world.
The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long. One life is very short measure of the eternal journey. If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next so that they learn empathy for others.

The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long ... If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next

what value could there be in reincarnation if the Spirit is unaware of their past, unless here on Earth is the very beginning and if so it is only logical a set goal be required for the Spirit to be sustained beyond the time frame of its physiology.

without being the judge of the outcome, you imply the Hitler's of life have nothing to fear or are not held accountable for the results rendered to their victims.

their accountability is the same as their physiology they knowingly chose for the course of their life.

The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long. One life is very short measure of the eternal journey. If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next so that they learn empathy for others.

The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long ... If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next

what value could there be in reincarnation if the Spirit is unaware of their past, unless here on Earth is the very beginning and if so it is only logical a set goal be required for the Spirit to be sustained beyond the time frame of its physiology.

without being the judge of the outcome, you imply the Hitler's of life have nothing to fear or are not held accountable for the results rendered to their victims.

their accountability is the same as their physiology they knowingly chose for the course of their life.


The soul body contains all memories of past lives, we remember everything about all past lives when our cycle of incarnations is complete, and there are angels of karma guiding the evolution of all our souls. The angels are a separate race of beings that never incarnate, and they carry out their part in the divine plan for humanity and for individuals. Working behind the scenes they guide our souls into a life experience that will deal with our karma, that we caused by past actions. (they do not have wings, but travel by thought power)
We are accountable for every action, and every reaction it causes, and everything must be accounted for before we are freed from the karmic consequences. That being the case the soul of Hitler carries a terrible burden of karma that will last countless lifetimes.
Personally I think his karma is nothing compared to that of Muhammad, who is still causing evil in the world because he lied about getting a message from God. But that's my personal view and I never heard anything about Muhammad from the spirit world. In fact I have never heard his name mentioned by any spirit guide.
When I think back thirty years, it seems like yesterday. When I think of thirty years into the future, I am confident I will be dead. Because I will be a hundred years old if I live and I have no expectations of lasting that long.
So I accept death and hope it will be quick, like a heart attack, or something. I am psychologically prepared for death, but experience of spiritualism tells me death is not the end. I am no longer sure what life after death is like, because many of the books I read and the mediums I listened to no longer seem to be the truth to me.
From what I distilled from listening to many trance lectures, we go to a plane of existence that our spiritual evolution suits us to and we remain there until we realize we need to reincarnate to continue to evolve and to pay karma. Eventually we complete our cycle of incarnations, and then we go on evolving as immortal beings in higher planes of existence.

Have you ever met people who have no interest in the afterlife and are only focused on the material gains won in this life through deliberate deception? If they have no interest in evolving and never learned to love truth and reject evil even after 40, 50, or 80 years, what are the chances that they would ever aspire to higher planes of existence even if they lived forever or had an infinite number of incarnations?
Next time,,I'm going to a different planet...

According to the spirit world, we can, and do incarnate on different planets at different stages of evolution. There is evidently a long queue of souls wanting to reincarnate here due to the rapid pace of development, and the opportunity to settle karmic debts/
How do you know this "spirit world"?
Is it not immaterial?
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. All of us here in this life are either going towards the light, or going further away from it.
The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long. One life is very short measure of the eternal journey. If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next so that they learn empathy for others.

The soul progresses through stages and nobody remains the same for long ... If a person is selfish in one life they might suffer in the next

what value could there be in reincarnation if the Spirit is unaware of their past, unless here on Earth is the very beginning and if so it is only logical a set goal be required for the Spirit to be sustained beyond the time frame of its physiology.

without being the judge of the outcome, you imply the Hitler's of life have nothing to fear or are not held accountable for the results rendered to their victims.

their accountability is the same as their physiology they knowingly chose for the course of their life.


The soul body contains all memories of past lives, ...
That's what people thought hundreds & thousands of years ago, like a god throwing lightning bolts.

With modern science, there's plenty of evidence that memories are stored in neuron structures.
When they die, memory is lost, and with it the animal's personality.
Everyone on this forum is going to die.
Are you prepared to die?
If so, what did you do to prepare?
I'm preparing my bucket list. Mostly travel destinations to supplement the 40+ countries i've already been to.
Personally I plan to live forever, or die trying. Unfortunately it's not looking good for the former.

I'm terrified of dying, messy business that, but I don't fear being dead since I don't believe in an afterlife. I don't understand those that do have such beliefs. They, every one of them, believe they are going to heaven. In spite of their knowledge that most people will not make to heaven since they hold the wrong beliefs.

If I was a religious person I'd fear death since it holds the possibility of eternal torment. I have no such fears.
I am going to die.

You are going to die.

Everyone on this forum is going to die.

Between now and 120 years from now, everyone who is now alive, will die.


Are you prepared to die?

If so, what did you do to prepare?
You sound depressed. Get help.
I left my children and about 20 that are not my children the survival skills to navigate this world and its obstacles. Basically I have already built a legacy that is based on each one teaching one and creating new leaders.
So you taught them how to make crack? Nice.
How do you know this "spirit world"?
Is it not immaterial?

I have been to spiritualist churches since the 1960's and also attended many trance lectures at the spiritualist association in London. According to occult theory we have higher bodies that are dormant while we inhabit this world. But some people are able to use the senses in their higher bodies to communicate with the spirit world.
I am inclined to believe this is true as I have had many evidential messages from the spirits.
We are going to die, so many things doen't matter, e. g. science, medicine, travelling etc. Who cares if he lived 150 or 25 years if at least he is dead? What is the matter about science if nevertheless we are all going to die. Doesn't matter how many planets or countries you visited if you are dead now.

Does that make sense? The only thing that matters is the one that is going to continue after death. Does this thing exist?
We are going to die, so many things doen't matter, e. g. science, medicine, travelling etc. Who cares if he lived 150 or 25 years if at least he is dead? What is the matter about science if nevertheless we are all going to die. Doesn't matter how many planets or countries you visited if you are dead now.

Does that make sense? The only thing that matters is the one that is going to continue after death. Does this thing exist?

This is Jesus' answer to the question:

Matthew 13:44-46

44 "The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, 46 who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.
I am going to die.

You are going to die.

Everyone on this forum is going to die.

Between now and 120 years from now, everyone who is now alive, will die.


Are you prepared to die?

If so, what did you do to prepare?

When I see a dead squirrel laying in the woods it reminds me that everything and everybody dies. 'Course my knowledge and belief doesn't include some 2000 year old god worship so I am actually prepared for death....real death...permanent death.
I left my children and about 20 that are not my children the survival skills to navigate this world and its obstacles. Basically I have already built a legacy that is based on each one teaching one and creating new leaders.
No human is born knowing math, how to make electricity, fire, etc. We are all born baby cave men and we learn from the generation before us. They learned from the generation before them etc.

I thought about this the other day. There is nothing that makes me better or smarter than a cave man other than the knowledge given to me or passed on to me from previous generations.

If Einstein wasn't first taught math and science he would have just been a really smart cave man.

One reason we've advanced so far is because of writing. We can pass on our knowledge to the masses that way and not just verbally

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