“We are fighting for the gay community, & we are fighting and fighting hard,” Donald Trump told a Log Cabin Republicans gala

If Trump does not deploy 'Gay Ron' against Desantis within the next 6 months his campaign will be in serious danger

Screw the damn gay community. They interfere in everything where they are not wanted, forcing people to abandon cherished religious beliefs.
Screw the damn gay community. They interfere in everything where they are not wanted, forcing people to abandon cherished religious beliefs.
I believe that one's sex life is a private matter and not to be paraded in public. I don't discuss mine with anyone.
No one is forcing you to abandon your faith.
Trump was never anti-gay. And people's faith is definitely interfered with y the state in many areas. A lot of taxes going to government putting massive pressure on them and their families with agendas totally opposite of their views.
Trump was never anti-gay. And people's faith is definitely interfered with y the state in many areas. A lot of taxes going to government putting massive pressure on them and their families with agendas totally opposite of their views.

Nothing is stopping you from practicing your faith... Or are you talking about taxes????
Nothing is stopping you from practicing your faith... Or are you talking about taxes????
People of faith that pay extreme taxes for a government that is out of control have a legitimate beef. The United States was not supposed to have the tax structure we have. We went from people who may be nasty as individuals messing with Churches in areas to the government promoting the same. Practicing faith and then having people torch churches or damage them is of the Prog socialist godless government push. There are many things that keep civilization going. The church is part of it however it is becoming more and more hated y government.
"We" are fighting for the gay community?

Umm no, no we're not. Who the fuck is "we"

"we" aren't fighting for anything. We can't even effectively protect our own children or control our own borders.

What a truly stupid fucking statement
People of faith that pay extreme taxes for a government that is out of control have a legitimate beef. The United States was not supposed to have the tax structure we have. We went from people who may be nasty as individuals messing with Churches in areas to the government promoting the same. Practicing faith and then having people torch churches or damage them is of the Prog socialist godless government push. There are many things that keep civilization going. The church is part of it however it is becoming more and more hated y government.

Everyone, except Trump, pays taxes. Trump is talking about preventing anyone from labeling anything on social media as misinformation. And, taking away non profit status. In that regard he would also censor churches.
Bake the fuckin cake ring any bells?

There wasn't a problem until the baker went on Facebook and ridiculed the gay couple. He thought that would build his business.

There wasn't a problem until the baker went on Facebook and ridiculed the gay couple. He thought that would build his business.

You're sadly I'll informed about it

How about photographers, web designers, etc?

Get informed or sit down

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