Quick question..................do any of you REALLY believe that Trump is going to be able to somehow wave a magical pen that will bring back jobs?
Sorry...............not gonna happen. All he can do as president is lobby Congress to make a better trade agreement for us, but if Congress doesn't pass it, he can't sign it into law.
Besides.............if you REALLY want to bring back jobs to the US, you're gonna have to convince Congress that they have to quit listening to corporate lobbyists who only have the interests of big business at heart, and start listening to the people and actually looking at what is going on in their district and state.
Of course, he will be able to persuade Congress, and this is why:
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. Voters think the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico needs to be renegotiated. Just 27% disagree, but nearly as many (23%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording,
click here.)
Voters Aren’t Happy with NAFTA, Other Free Trade Deals - Rasmussen Reports™
Among those who will support him are the trade unions which have always been opposed to NAFTA. Even Hillary now says NAFTA was a mistake.