We attacked them first.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion.

Sound innocent, but we are not.

Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers.

We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies.

We are not the only free and Christian religious country,

so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked?

Hannity is just

and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information

because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first.

Ignorance is not bliss.

The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack.

The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran)

Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy.

We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us.

I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims.

There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Al Qaeda did not attack us on 9-11 because of our freedom and Christian religion. Sound innocent, but we are not. Victims of 9-11 are a part of the U.S. government and not innocent by-standers. We are the government and our government policies was attacked and wherever we are and our allies. We are not the only free and Christian religious country, so why are we and our allies the only ones attacked? Hannity is just and FOXNEWS fool spewing false information because there are those village idiots that want to hear that Al Qaeda attacked us first. Ignorance is not bliss. The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack. The mere U.S. presence on Islamic land it an attack on Muslims. (Koran) Opposition to the Mosque is another attack on Muslims and we will suffer the consequences for that tragedy. We keep encouraging radical Muslims to attack us and keep attacking us. I refuse to use the word “terrorist” when speaking of radical Muslims. There are no more terrorist than we are.

I don’t see how Hannity can get away with a bold face lie like this with a straight face and no one corrects him.

We attacked them first and we caused 9-11.

The Persian Gulf War (August 2, 1990 – February 28, 1991), commonly referred to as simply the Gulf War, was a war waged by a U.N.-authorized coalition force from thirty-four nations led by the United States and United Kingdom, against Iraq.

Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please tell us that this post is a joke and that you're really not this fucking stupid?
While I think the US foriegn policy towards the Middle East over the last 50 years combined with poverty and a lack of education can help explain why people would want to kill americans but it in no way justifies it. They are terrorists its really as simple as that.
Our tendency to throw-our-weight-around began a little-earlier than 1990.

(....And, it's not-as-if no Americans noticed.)​

"Mark Twain was painfully aware of many people's inclinations to go along with prevailing evils. When slavery was lawful, he recalled, abolitionists were "despised and ostracized, and insulted" -- by "patriots." As far as Twain was concerned, "Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul."

With chiseled precision, he wielded language as a hard-edged tool. "The difference between the right word and the almost right word," he once commented, "is the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.""


"I spent 33 years and 4 months in active service as a member of our country's most agile military force--the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitali$m. I suspected I was part of a racket all the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service." - Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, USMC
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This is a very emotional issue and ;as a result; hard to discuss without tempers flaring , having said that, government intervention causes unintended consequences or at least that is how most conservatives feel when discussing domestic issues, if we take the emotion out of the equation and just apply that to foreign policy, perhaps we could have a more civil discussion about it.
And another troll trying to back up the OP troll with a winger link.... priceless
Move-along, Skippy......and, take your starter-pistol with you.


Care to return to the other thread and provide the data and facts requested that validates your insistence that increased taxation equates to an increased private economy?? Or are you just going to do your typical troll move and keep posting opinion pieces and winger links?

Calling you out, asshole... put up or shut up
you meant that for the redneck ged rightwingers right, they are the only ones who don't realize this.

However, isn't the Koran older than the US?
Well you're right that U.S. foreign policy caused them to attack us, but to say that "we are the government" is wrong. Did you decide to keep troops in Saudi Arabia? Was your opinion sought for the sanctions on Iraq?
Well you're right that U.S. foreign policy caused them to attack us, but to say that "we are the government" is wrong. Did you decide to keep troops in Saudi Arabia? Was your opinion sought for the sanctions on Iraq?

Wrong. Entirely wrong.

U.S. foreign policy is not capable of "causing" the fuckers to attack anybody. That is just a convenient and dishonest excuse. What "caused" them to attack was a malevolence associated with their fundamentalist (mentally ill) beliefs. It doesn't help that Islam itself is steeped in hatred.

And in this representative Republic, we absolutely ARE the government. The government may not always act in accordance with our (majority) inclinations. But that still comes down to our own responsibility. If WE (the People) were moved enough, WE hold the power to remove the elected officials and hte fucking bureaucrats, too. Since WE have not done so, WE must shoulder lots of responsibility.

In that (correct) view of things, WE did place our troops in lots of places all over the globe. And of course our opinions regarding the decision to go into Iraq was sought.
The Gulf War came long before 9-11 and was an attack against Muslims and the sole cause of the 9-11 attack.
Not quite.....

We pulled a "Noriega" on Saddam Hussein.

As-long-as people like Manuel Noriega were playing OUR game, everything was "cool". The same situation applied to Saddam Hussein.

As-soon-as they got a little full-o'-themselves....and, assumed we'd always give them a "pass".....it was necessary for the U.S. to go-in and pull-the-plug on them.

No sense in gettin' excited, everyone. It's only bu$ine$$.


(Besides....any collateral-issues involved [mostly] non-Whites.....right?)

Yet another fucked up troll makes another return to post more fucked up bullshit

For the love of God move all of this troll's content to the "stupid shit" subforum


Well you're right that U.S. foreign policy caused them to attack us, but to say that "we are the government" is wrong. Did you decide to keep troops in Saudi Arabia? Was your opinion sought for the sanctions on Iraq?

Wrong. Entirely wrong.

U.S. foreign policy is not capable of "causing" the fuckers to attack anybody. That is just a convenient and dishonest excuse. What "caused" them to attack was a malevolence associated with their fundamentalist (mentally ill) beliefs. It doesn't help that Islam itself is steeped in hatred.

And in this representative Republic, we absolutely ARE the government. The government may not always act in accordance with our (majority) inclinations. But that still comes down to our own responsibility. If WE (the People) were moved enough, WE hold the power to remove the elected officials and hte fucking bureaucrats, too. Since WE have not done so, WE must shoulder lots of responsibility.

In that (correct) view of things, WE did place our troops in lots of places all over the globe. And of course our opinions regarding the decision to go into Iraq was sought.

Yes, they're evil people willing to murder innocent civilians to attempt to further their goals. However, it's irresponsible to ignore the impact our foreign policy had on their decision to attack us.

That's supposed to be the idea behind our representative republic, but it's not the reality.
While I think the US foriegn policy towards the Middle East over the last 50 years combined with poverty and a lack of education can help explain why people would want to kill americans but it in no way justifies it. They are terrorists its really as simple as that.
50 YEARS???? :confused:

How 'bout (closer to) 80 YEARS!!!!!

"World War I made British ruling circles appreciate the importance of oil supplies. "During the war," writes Mamed Abbasov, "the United States furnished almost 80 percent of Allied oil requirements. Now Britain realized the necessity of ensuring its own permanent reserves." The postwar settlements guaranteed British access to oil in Iraq, Kuwait and the Arabian peninsula; British money and military-backed diplomacy ensured British control over Iran. British dominance faced competition from U.S. capital, however.

The confirmation of oil beneath Iraqi soil led to intense wrangling among imperialist interests, resulting in the 1928 "Red Line Agreement." The Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Royal Dutch/Shell, the French oil company CFP, Standard Oil of New Jersey (Exxon), Mobil, Atlantic Petroleum, Gulf Oil, and Standard Oil of Indiana (Amoco) formed a joint venture called the Near East Development Co. The new company was required to cooperate with the Turkish Petroleum Co. — itself 50 percent-owned by Anglo-Persian. The agreement allowed for oil drilling rights in the old Ottoman Empire — with a red line drawn on the map to indicate the boundaries of the bonanza. The line ran from Turkey through Jordan, Syria and Iraq to the southern tip of Saudi Arabia, excluding Kuwait and Iran.

Thanks to backing from the U.S. government, Exxon and Mobil together gained a guarantee of one-fourth of the oil produced. The British-controlled Iraqi government received just four shillings per ton of oil. Exxon’s profits per barrel between 1934 and 1939 were more than twice the royalty paid to Iraq."

"Iran had been ruled since 1925 by a military dictator who crowned himself Shah with the blessing of the British government. A joint British-Soviet invasion ousted the Shah in 1941 when he appeared sympathetic to the Nazis and installed his 22-year-old son instead.

In January 1952, democratic elections produced a majority for a grassroots political party, the National Front. The Shah had little choice but to appoint Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq, a National Front leader, as prime minister.

A reformer with years of public service, Mossadeq was European-educated and pro-American. (He led a post-war fight to deny the Soviet Union oil concessions in northern Iran.) Mossadeq considered foreign control of his country’s oil riches as a barrier democracy and independence. His government nationalized the Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., to the joy of the Iranian people and horror of corporate executives and policy-makers in Britain and the U.S.

Britain took its grievance to the UN, but got no satisfaction. So Britain imposed an embargo on Iranian oil and other economic sanctions. After two years of economic hardship, Mossadeq considered selling oil to the Soviet Union. This, and his government’s cooperation with the left-wing Tudeh ("Masses") Party, gave the new Eisenhower Administration an excuse for action. The Central Intelligence Agency received authorization to jointly organize a coup with British secret service to destroy the democracy movement and restore the power of the Shah.

CIA operatives disguised as Mossadeq supporters harassed and threatened religious leaders. General Norman Schwarzkopf (father of the Gulf War general) smuggled more than $1 million into Iran. The CIA staged riots and bribed top military and police officials. In August 1953 the Shah returned to power, backed by the military, the U.S. and Britain. The following month the U.S. granted the Iranian government $45 million.

The brief period of democracy and independence ended. Formerly a kind of British colony, Iran was now firmly in the U.S. sphere of influence."
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And another troll trying to back up the OP troll with a winger link.... priceless
Move-along, Skippy......and, take your starter-pistol with you.


Care to return to the other thread and provide the data and facts requested that validates your insistence that increased taxation equates to an increased private economy??
You're one o' those folks who needs to be told (the same) things two-or-three-times, huh? Your Mother must be on the verge of a breakdown, by now, Skippy.​

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993http://www.kellysite.net/taxes.html, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."

Now......go run-along, Skippy.

Go tell your Mother she's calling you.


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