Educate yourself, moron.

In wherever it was you were schooled (if you were) you seemed have been taught that all migrants are illegals (they are not) or the words are interchangeable (they are not).

But the thing is, I believe you know you are full of crap but you aren't going to allow that to stop you.
What the FUCK are you talking about now?
That took me about 2 seconds to find - try it yourself.

This begs the question: are you a liar or an idiot?

Try again. Learn the meanings of simple words.
In wherever it was you were schooled (if you were) you seemed have been taught that all migrants are illegals (they are not) or the words are interchangeable (they are not).

But the thing is, I believe you know you are full of crap but you aren't going to allow that to stop you.
You apparently weren't schooled. Definitions and terms don't change on whims. If someone crosses the border ILLEGALLY, they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS--not migrants. If they are seeking asylum, they are ASYLUM SEEKERS, not migrants. The democrat party and msm don't dictate the English language, all of which are irrelevant. The fact remains that you made a FALSE statement when you said they were not being housed in hotels as my many citations prove. Quit acting like a common democrat and tell the truth for a change.
You apparently weren't schooled. Definitions and terms don't change on whims. If someone crosses the border ILLEGALLY, they are ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS--not migrants.

Can I Still Apply for Asylum Even if I Am in the United States Illegally?
Yes. You may apply for asylum with USCIS regardless of your immigration status if:

You are not currently in removal proceedings

You file an asylum application within 1 year of arriving to the United States or demonstrate that you are within an exception to that rule.

Questions and Answers: Affirmative Asylum Eligibility and Applications | USCIS

I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've posted this.

Applying for asylum gives you a legal status aligned with immigration law. But you know this. You may not like it but that is irrelevant.

If they are seeking asylum, they are ASYLUM SEEKERS, not migrants. The democrat party and msm don't dictate the English language, all of which are irrelevant. The fact remains that you made a FALSE statement when you said they were not being housed in hotels as my many citations prove. Quit acting like a common democrat and tell the truth for a change.

Migrants legally work here every single day.
Can I Still Apply for Asylum Even if I Am in the United States Illegally?
Yes. You may apply for asylum with USCIS regardless of your immigration status if:

You are not currently in removal proceedings

You file an asylum application within 1 year of arriving to the United States or demonstrate that you are within an exception to that rule.

Questions and Answers: Affirmative Asylum Eligibility and Applications | USCIS

I wish I had a dollar for everytime I've posted this.

Applying for asylum gives you a legal status aligned with immigration law. But you know this. You may not like it but that is irrelevant.

Migrants legally work here every single day.
That's like letting the bank robber file for a loan AFTER robbing the bank.
I wish I had a dollar for every time you've been wrong. Only 4% of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS have applied for asylum (and the VAST majority of those will be denied.) Keep posting your irrelevant crap while you hide your head in the sand. It is entertaining if not enlightening.

And the ones who have NOT applied are NOT gave housing.
Call it a uh.."hands on citizenship test". If you make it back after a year or even slightly less, fast-tracked citizenship.
I'm 3rd generation from exactly that

Gramps rode over as a teen in 1916, was fitted for a uniform , and sent back

methinks the first english he learned was 'duck'......~S~
I'm 3rd generation from exactly that

Gramps rode over as a teen in 1916, was fitted for a uniform , and sent back

methinks the first english he learned was 'duck'......~S~
My granddaddy was in that. He was from FL though.
We heard that phrase a dozen times last night in regards to fixing our own problems and funding Ukraine.

Anyone but a bat can see that we OBVIOUSLY CANT and haven't for years. Unless you consider putting illegal aliens up in hotels "fixing" our problems.
Those two issues are completely unrelated. It is one of the more stupid talking points by the MAGA media who are Putin's useful idiots.

But then again, stupid bumper sticker talking points are exactly what the rube herd craves so their little minds aren't overly taxed.

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