We can't politicize muslim using truck, but let's politicize the shooter in Texas....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is why we don't trust anti gunners....the bodies are still on the ground, the blood still warm, and they are calling for gun control against millions of Americans who didn't shoot anyone with their guns.....and the people in that church were likely disarmed by the very people calling for gun control....so when the killer came in, violating the gun free zone to commit murder....with guns......they didn't have their own guns to stop him and to save lives...

But hey...it would be wrong to politicize the muslim terrorist who used a truck to murder people, and we sure better not use that attack to go after law abiding muslim Americans......but let's politicize one guy who used a gun to attack the Rights of millions of Americans...

But hey...all those people now calling for more gun control...can afford their own private security armies....armed with lots and lots of guns...to keep their families safe...

Celebrities Immediately Call for Gun Control Following Texas Church Shooting
What do you mean you can't? You DID.

The President within 24 hours of the attack was on twitter claiming his muslim ban was vindicated. How much MORE politicized can it be when the same man - within 24 hours of the Vegas shooting said it was too soon to talk about gun control.

I'm surprised the liberals aren't praising the guy for killing Christians. Oh, never mind, he's white, they'll get more mileage out of that.
I'm surprised the liberals aren't praising the guy for killing Christians. Oh, never mind, he's white, they'll get more mileage out of that.

Even after 24 people die you throw in a way to stoke genuine hatred with stupid smears like this.
I'm wondering why the OP isn't talking about the horror of a single firearm homicide in Britain.

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